They're Back! 360 Tour 2010 Photos 3

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I love Larry's face in this one! :love:
Does anyone have caps/screen grabs from Moscow's CT? Watching Adam walk from the catwalk to the main stage very nearly killed me and I want some images to cling to... You don't really see him until 5:05 on the video Andreianloth posted, but dear GOD is it worth the wait!
Does anyone have caps/screen grabs from Moscow's CT? Watching Adam walk from the catwalk to the main stage very nearly killed me and I want some images to cling to... You don't really see him until 5:05 on the video Andreianloth posted, but dear GOD is it worth the wait!

Comet's GIFs are in the GIF thread.

And a few pages back in this one, are wet!Adam pictures that are SO VERY GOOD. Not from the CT vid, but still, they are FLAWLESS.
Ok, wait, wait, wait. Is this shirt... shiny? I just kept assuming it was a non-plaid version of every other shirt, but it looks.... pardon my Bono-ness... but... shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny! :hyper: What the heck kind of material is that?

Looks like leather to me............:hmm:

I was going to say leather too.

Leather wearing Edge. :drool: :flirt:
Am I having deja vu or did you just repost all the same photos you already posted Andreianloth?

Edit: ah ok nevermind I see now they were already posted by nanazoca.
Comet's GIFs are in the GIF thread.

And a few pages back in this one, are wet!Adam pictures that are SO VERY GOOD. Not from the CT vid, but still, they are FLAWLESS.

Oooh, thank you! He shoots such a smoldering look over his shoulder while he's crossing the bridge, hope I can find a shot of that....
Well done!

Anyone know where Comet is? I want an Adam GIF from Moscow. :whistle:
And I totally fail at making stuff like that...:reject:

Ad's strut over the bridge towards the end of the song...:combust:

Yep, def. gonna have an Adamling from all of this. :lol:

Me too. I just hope I can find ear protectors small enough for my Adamling (think I'll call him A. J.) by the time the show in Toronto rolls around...
I want to do that when I'm allowed to go on my own. Or maybe a liiiittle bit later, but if it's necessary for good places, then yeah. It wasn't necessary in Germany.:hmm:

It's not necessary anywhere, really. I think people are just plain silly. I would never do this. It's a huge safety risk, and it's rather cold and windy here right now, plus it could rain tomorrow morning. I would hate to go to a U2 show without having proper breakfast, a good night's sleep and basic hygiene. I would also hate to stand beside or behind a person in the concert who hadn't had a shower or brushed their teeth or changed their underwear for 2 or 3 days :huh:
Ok, wait, wait, wait. Is this shirt... shiny? I just kept assuming it was a non-plaid version of every other shirt, but it looks.... pardon my Bono-ness... but... shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny! :hyper: What the heck kind of material is that?

:hmm: I don't know. It kinda looks like his plaid shirts but soaked with rain. :lol:

But if it's some other kind of material, then... :drool:
This is for Magpie, who was hoping to find shots of Ad' from CT. It's just a quickie screencap, but that smoldering look is still UNFFFFFF.

Yep...this look is DEF. responsible for my little Adamling. :sexywink:


*squeaks* Thank you! Wow, we must be having some sort of fraternal twins. :wink:
It is leather. :combust:

Those are two of the best words EVER.

Not *quite* what I meant when I said I wanted Leather-Edge, but I'll take it as a start!! (And for the record, Edge, I am thinking Evil Elevation Edge, NOT Boom-Cha Edge! You can even wear leather pants with your name bedazzled on the butt if it makes you happy
Oh yeah. All-white + rain = my Adamling's conception. :shifty:

Maybe there will be a song on the new album called "Moment of Conception" in honor of all the new bandlings!

I can't imagine all-white Edge. But I do know my moment- about seven seconds into this:


(I felt it needed respoting, it's been a while! Everlasting love to BonoComet for making it!)
Have I mentioned in the last 4 hours how much I love this thread & everyone in it?? :love:

And now, let's gather for a rousing rendition of Kum Ba Yah... :grouphug: :lol:

Waaay past my bedtime now - see you wild things tomorrow! :wave:
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