"There are some things worse than death..."

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I don't know, I think one thing worse than death is abuse-physical, emotional, sexual. If there's no other way out I think death would be better

Having to renounce something that's at the core of your being, to "sell your soul" so to speak - I think that could be worse than death

I think maybe to have to deny who you are, whatever form that could take, might be worse than death

Pain, emotional or physical, can certainly feel/be worse than death sometimes
I think there are a lot of things worse than death.

I don't fear death, I don't think death is that bad. Not that I'm wishing it on myself or anyone else, but I'm comfortable with the idea that someday I will die and I have no choice about that.
Everybody dies at some point. Hate to break it to you. Emotional pain is much worse than physical pain, to cash in my three cents.
I don't fear death at all, maybe just dying in some horrible fashion -the process of dying scares me, not what comes after. I'm hoping what comes after will be fantastic. My belief is that it will be. Quick and painless is the best way, if there is a painless way to die.

I'd much rather die an early death than experience what I've seen some elderly people go through-that's worse than death.

I'd also say sitting around "waiting to die" w/ not much happiness in your life is worse than death.

Loneliness can feel worse than death
well.. apparently public speaking is more feared than death, so it has to be worse. a seinfeld jewel: in a funeral, some people would rather be in the casket than do the eulogy.:wink:
MrsSpringsteen said:
I don't fear death at all, maybe just dying in some horrible fashion -the process of dying scares me, not what comes after. I'm hoping what comes after will be fantastic. My belief is that it will be. Quick and painless is the best way, if there is a painless way to die.

my thoughts exactly
all_i_want said:
well.. apparently public speaking is more feared than death, so it has to be worse. a seinfeld jewel: in a funeral, some people would rather be in the casket than do the eulogy.:wink:
That FACT makes the textbooks for many Public Speaking classes. "Death" is pretty vague though. I'm more concerned about HOW I die than dying itself. I think most people would agree on that much.
the only thing that pissed me off about death is that i might not be able to do whatever the hell i like afterwards :(

itd be nice to be resurrected every once in a while to see your friends and do things you liked doing
Never been there, never done that. Who knows, maybe it's better than green eggs and ham.:wink:
maybe its something like this...

'wow.. after i jumped, it occurred to me. life is perfect. life is the best. full of magic, beauty, opportunity, and television.. and surprises, lots of surprises, yeah.. and then there is best of, of course, better than anything anyone ever made up, cause its real...'
I think the thing that is worse than death is knowing you didn't live a full life, and didn't make the most of it and your potential. Dying knowing your life was wasted is probably the worst thing in the world.
all_i_want said:
maybe its something like this...

'wow.. after i jumped, it occurred to me. life is perfect. life is the best. full of magic, beauty, opportunity, and television.. and surprises, lots of surprises, yeah.. and then there is best of, of course, better than anything anyone ever made up, cause its real...'
Thanks, Million Dollar Hotel.

i think that being kept alive via life support while in a persistive vegetative state would be worse than death.
Macfistowannabe said:

You heard wrong.

Great movie.

I thought it was crap. Pretentious crap except lacking the true intellect to make it pretentious in the first place. Two of the most excruciating hours of my life.

As for the original question - in my experience when you see the worst of humanity, you also tend to see the very best. It is a strange paradox. But it mostly makes life brilliant.
I liked the movie, and my ex-wife who's not even a big U2 fan loved the movie. I thought it was OK but she loved it. I thought it was better than End of Violence and Until the End of the World, two other Wim films.

But now back to the topic.
there is no such thing as a painless death, think of all those who love you, there is pain there, I had a friend commit suicide as a way out 4 years ago, he was in pain and I hope he is in a better place, but there is pain to all of us who loved him.

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