The ZooTV DVD trailers...

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Jan 20, 2003
a city with banks and cathedrals
Are they not working for anyone else?

And not just the broken links... a page loads and nothing shows up. Been like that since last night.

Are they up on YouTube yet?

Are they worth wanting to desperately see?
Well, if you've seen the VHS tape, you've seen it all, just in a little worse quality.
I love when you see the people run for their lives to get where the barracades are!
The trailer practically only consists of various footage that was shown on MTV during the ZOO-TV era.
I would've just clipped every song's climax or something. This one wasn't too good, I agree.
Maybe someone can answer my question: it may be silly:
I saw 2 ZooTV shows and thought they were unbelievably awsome. I have seen some footage of Sydney I actually have my original VHS tape that I taped from TV which only had a 1/2 hour of it, so my question is:

What makes Sydney any better than the other shows? I'd like to know what I'm missing.
Sorry guys, but I can't remember where in the ZooTV Live from Sydney video, Bono appears in the Mirrorball Suit, yet there's footage of him on the trailers
vaz02 said:
grrr no clips are working for me , not even the ones on atu2 grrr

I'm having the same problem too!!!!! ARGH!!!!:mad:

Can someone help here...??? Or maybe upload them to youtube?

I have tried several players: windows media player, real player, winamp, quicktime, ATI and nothing!
Maybe someone can answer my question: it may be silly:
I saw 2 ZooTV shows and thought they were unbelievably awsome. I have seen some footage of Sydney I actually have my original VHS tape that I taped from TV which only had a 1/2 hour of it, so my question is:

What makes Sydney any better than the other shows? I'd like to know what I'm missing.

I guess they wanted to do it on the 5th leg so they could perfect everything they did on tour..They decided to tape Sydney before they played at sydney..They even taped a concert to be prepared for sydney..
GAGV said:
Sorry guys, but I can't remember where in the ZooTV Live from Sydney video, Bono appears in the Mirrorball Suit, yet there's footage of him on the trailers

It's because it's a compilation of ZooTV footage, not all of which is from Sydney. Weird to use a compilation to advertise for a dvd of one show, but that's what it is.

Haha...maybe this trailer is the "greatest hits compilation" RS talked about! :wink:
Utoo said:

Did you try this:


It automatically opened up WMP for me & worked fine.

WMP meaning WinAmp?

I have tried that link had can't get it to open. Initially when I click on the link it says page cannot be displayed and then I refresh and get the option to open or save it. I open it instead of saving it and have to select a program to view it in and had tried different ones as mentioned and get nada..
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U2Fanatic4ever said:

WMP meaning WinAmp?

I have tried that link had can't get it to open. I open it instead of saving it and have to select a program to view it in and had tried different ones as mentioned and get nada..

windows media player opened up immediately when i clicked it.
Utoo said:

windows media player opened up immediately when i clicked it.

its not doing that for me.. I get the page cannot be displayed and then I have to refresh the page and have to select a program to open it in..

do you think I have to download another codec?
Maybe someone can answer my question: it may be silly:
I saw 2 ZooTV shows and thought they were unbelievably awsome. I have seen some footage of Sydney I actually have my original VHS tape that I taped from TV which only had a 1/2 hour of it, so my question is:

What makes Sydney any better than the other shows? I'd like to know what I'm missing.

Streets and New Years Day, the awesome passion. Bono has said they were not sure if they would play live again and they put so much into that show.
Did you guys noticed that Bono's photo in the cover is slightly different from the original ???

BTW Well I got nothing against the show in Sydney and all , but I DO have somethin against that set list ........ I mean C'mon they put Daddy's gonna pay your crashed for Ultraviolet ......

Besides With or without being played with a Les Paul ? :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :huh:

As much I enjoy this dvd , I will always remember this sydney show as the one after Adam's problem , and as being one "Zooropa " show , I mean , I will always wonder how it would have sounded Ultraviolet , WOWY ( played like classic 92-August 93) and all others ZOO regular songs that it didn't make it the recording
Lila64 said:

Worked for me too :drool:

Anyone else get chills? :hyper:

GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY WON'T IT OPEN FOR ME..

:sad: :mad:

can someone upload this file to or youtube or something..I wanna see this trailer..

EDIT~~~ figured it out... I think.. looks like it has to do with windows XP... I have this on the main puter.. I tried it on my older computer that has windows 2000 and it came up fine! finally! wooohooo!
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LyricalDrug said:
Still so crushed that they left "Ultraviolet" off this DVD, but here's hoping it's an easter egg.

:yes: I'd like to get a few more easter eggs than we've been getting--especially with such a wealth of awesome material to get!
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