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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
corianderstem said:
Probably not, because my mom is really hurt that he doesn't want her and my dad in his life.

I asked him about it, and he said it's just easier for him not to deal with the drama of family.

He always did have a lot more drama with my parents than I did. I wish he'd keep in touch at least with our grandma, since she's not going to be around all that much longer. But it's his life.

I feel good about it. We were never close - he's 6 years younger than I was, and while we were never sworn enemies, we never got along all that great. Nothing major - just stupid kid stuff as we grew up and just were never close.

hmm, that's unfortunate he felt he couldn't have any relationship with them. Hopefully if he ever changes his mind he has the courage to follow through. Sometimes the reconnect can nearly be harder. I'm happy for you that you are were in touch with him.
Mulder could be kind of an obsessive asshole from time to time. I mean, Mulder+Scully 4EVAH!!!!!111!!eleven!! and all that, but face it - he could be a jerk.
corianderstem said:
Mulder could be kind of an obsessive asshole from time to time. I mean, Mulder+Scully 4EVAH!!!!!111!!eleven!! and all that, but face it - he could be a jerk.

he can be, but he even when he was a jerk he was a brooding jerk. that made it tolerable.
corianderstem said:

Sure - what's up?

the pretty much last scene - I think it is actually the last scene, has a song playing in that's pretty fitting and I also happen to love and have no idea what it is. I know you are very musically inclined and knowledgable - can you listen for it and tell me what it is if you happen to know. I'd really like to own it.
corianderstem said:
So what's the countdown in your sig?

Days that YLB (You Little Bastard, LemonMacPhisto) has to watch the Godfather before NSW kills him.
corianderstem said:
I seem to have reconnected with my younger brother, who's pretty much cut himself off from most of my family.

We just had a nice long IM chat. Thanks, Facebook!


That's great! :)

I wish I could reconnect with my younger sister but unfortunately that will never happen. I haven't spoken to her in 3 years.
U2Girl1978 said:

That's great! :)

I wish I could reconnect with my younger sister but unfortunately that will never happen. I haven't spoken to her in 3 years.

sorry to hear that jules. totally irreparable?
snowbunny00774 said:

sorry to hear that jules. totally irreparable?

Quite possibly. Since she's disowned everyone in the family because we don't like the asshole that she's with. They now have a daughter together and I probably won't ever know my neice. :|

My sis weren't really that close growing up anyways. What can ya do.
U2Girl1978 said:
On a happier note, things are getting better and my new job is the best! And my daughter has two bottom front teeth about to pop through. :cute:

my brother is headed that way. were willing to fake being nice to her for his sake but she's got no give on being a biatch.

and yes - I missed this too - where are you working?!?! congrats!!

is she acting out the teething much?

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