The Temple Bar - Innocents enter under advisement: UYFA

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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No spoken words said:

Snow, why would you say that? WHY?!?!? To wound me? Mission accomplished.

and there's my good deed done for the day :)

biatch - you know what jello does to me :drool:

Hi mia - quick, someone scratch behind that girls ears :wink:

k- I have to go be productive hahahahahahhaha

I'll be back :sigh: , there's no productive happening today :tsk:
UberBeaver said:

Nah, we're not big on that kitschy stuff but we have alcohol and maybe someone will bring a frisbee. And we don't knock on people's doors unless the theme from Three's Company is playing, cause that's an official invitation. Remember Larry Dallas? He's a NJ Hero.



That white man's fro is a NJ icon.

*scratchesmiabehindears* :cute:
I'm deliberaely being unproductive because I know that today will be another work until 9pm at least day. I'm trying to enjoy my morning. Trying. Maybe a Haiku, written by me, about me, will cheer me up:

You are a whining bastard
Now shut the fuck up

I have to be honest, that just did not help.
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:

I'll be your sugar momm-

Damn, I did it again.

I have got to stop that. Sorry.

You know what? It's OK. I think it's the Chase Utley avatar. And occasionally Jim Halpert. People think I'm good looking because they are. It's actually a clever trick. They also think I'm in my mid-20s. So don't fret. You've just been fooled. Fooled by me.

Although I am good looking. :sexywink:
unico said:
yeah your username is misleading. i thought the 26 meant you were 26 in 2006.

Yes. It's all part of the plan. An evil plan. A plan that could secretly destroy the CoNJ, because it's so damn evil. (Evil cackle)

It actually means Chase Utley.
phillyfan26 said:

You know what? It's OK. I think it's the Chase Utley avatar. And occasionally Jim Halpert. People think I'm good looking because they are. It's actually a clever trick. They also think I'm in my mid-20s. So don't fret. You've just been fooled. Fooled by me.

Although I am good looking. :sexywink:

Damn. Chris Hansen is going to walk into my office at any moment now, isn't he?

I phail.
I will get names and numbers from Dr. D. They are new in Detroit, lonely lonely in orthopedics, one in proctology (he's creepy but he will make friends with other non-proctology residents)

I'm visiting Michigan state for my birthday and we will have much real beer and what passes for beer to Dr. D
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:

Damn. Chris Hansen is going to walk into my office at any moment now, isn't he?

I phail.

lynnok said:
I will get names and numbers from Dr. D. They are new in Detroit, lonely lonely in orthopedics, one in proctology (he's creepy but he will make friends with other non-proctology residents)

I'm visiting Michigan state for my birthday and we will have much real beer and what passes for beer to Dr. D

:hyper: :hyper:

When is your birthday?
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:

:hyper: :hyper:

When is your birthday?

Officially October, This year one month earlier. September 25. That's when I go see Michigan State.

You in? No Protologists. I could use some non-resident talk. I already had a feel for non-intern talk.
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