The REAAAAAAL Sing With Me Game - Collaborate HERE!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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We've gotta do Miami! :drool: :drool: :drool:

Has anyone suggested that one yet?

I want a closeup of that face
Here comes.... car chase

the rockin edge said:

does that mean i win? :hyper:

You're gonna have to wait and hear it for yourself.

Queen Bee said:
Once Cleasai finally posts his line.


If that's the only one we're waiting for, can't somebody else take it for now.

Chizip said:
streets1 is back out there for anyone who wants it

You must have posted while I was typing mine.

Common, somebody, anybody?!
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Got Philk? said:

My favorite song... You're slowly becoming my 2nd favorite Interferencer.


I'm honored :hug: :sexywink:

btw, Cleasai is a night owl I believe, and he doesn't appear to be online at the moment :shrug:
This is Maddy reporting what my mom is saying:

Right now we can't reach the back of the computer to plug in the microphone. When we figure out the logistics of it. Maybe next song me and Maddy will sing.

(yay!!! :wink: )
PM us your phone number and me and my mom will sing to you over the phone :|

We've tried, we just couldn't move the computer out far enough.
Lila64 said:
This is Maddy reporting what my mom is saying:

Right now we can't reach the back of the computer to plug in the microphone. When we figure out the logistics of it. Maybe next song me and Maddy will sing.

(yay!!! :wink: )

Hi Maddy! :wave:

Gonna hold you to that.
Looking forward to it already.
I have the headphones plugged into the mic slot. And we've followed the start>programs>accessories>sound recorder... hit the record button.... then what? :scratch: :reject:

great, you've all gone to sleep on me! :grumpy:
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Sing into the headphones.
Click the stop button when you're done.
Rewind and listen back to what you sang.

Like it:
Click on File
Select Save as
Type in name
Upload to ysi.

Don't like it:
Click on File
Select new
Pop up: save changes: no

All set to record again.
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I'm really sorry guys for dropping the ball. I've been experiencing some unforeseen technical difficulties. If you want to release line 1 for anyone else to record go on ahead. Otherwise, unless anything else goes wrong, mine should be ready in the morning. But like I said, I've already made y'all wait for me long enough so I'll understand if someone else wants to record it before then.
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