The night of falling stars

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Nov 5, 2001
Yesterday was the night of the biggest number of falling stars visible at the sky for the next 100 yrs (that's what they told in the news anyway....they say that every year...) and I got up at 4am for watching these damn things, but at first I couldn't find the right button on my alarm clock to switch it out, I fell out of the bed, couldn't find my glasses and then I sort of fell asleep when I was leaning against the window frame staring into the night. :scream:

No I have an even heavier cold and haven't seen a falling star. :|

:wave: The first and only time I've seen a falling star was this year in summer. :cute:
aww :hug: Falling Star :(

here's two pics that I took of the Leonid meteors :hug:

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sharry_lt said:
i've seen a fallin' star in summer-it was burning!:)combust: ) and crossed the night sky like a cut...

that's what's called a fireball :yes:
famous rungi said:
Wow ABEL, how'd you manage that? You got some high-flying equipment?

just a Pentax 35 millimeter manual camera, and a zoom lens, with a cable release and tripod....except I couldn't find the mount for my tripod, so I balanced the camera on the back of my car :lol:

The exposures were about 10-15 minutes on those two photos.

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