The Edge and Bono Love Thread #8

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Bono looks like he's trying to grab Edge's arse :giggle:


From that look on Bono's face he struggling to grab Edge's ass :lol: and I wonder why:hmm::wink:

does this qualify for this thread? :wink:

Have you ever seen a movie called "The Demolition Man" with what's his face Rambo guy and Sandra Bullock? Anyway he is frozen and wakes up in the future, where the exchange of bodily fluids is outlawed, so for "fun" :sexywink: people use headseats that connect them mentally.

That's what this picture made me think of. :lol:
there could be another cap for that pic:

:bono: i got here a guitarist that pays attention to detail and seems to have the scientific aproach to playing the guitar down. i'll start the bid at $30
:edge: (after he realizes that he is being auctioned off.) what the heck bono do you think that you are doing?
:bono: selling u
:edge: :crack: :angry: (leaves stage)
:bono: what did i do?
larry (off camera) : u pissed him off by trying to sell him like u do w/ us sometimes.
bono: oh.
I took these in Oklahoma!



This was when the bridges met. Edge stuck his hand out towards Bono and when Bono tried to grab it he kept moving it away. Edge was teasing him. :cute:
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