The Bachelor

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
Starts tonight at 8 on ABC.

He's very cute, maybe I'll watch it to see how he acts. The commercial makes it look like two of the women get involved with each other-but maybe they just manipulated that to get people to tune in.
haha-they did manipulate that

The rumors are true. The first relationship to emerge from the new season of The Bachelor, which premieres Monday (8 p.m. EST) on ABC, doesn’t involve its star, Jake Pavelka, at all.

The dating show’s host, Chris Harrison, confirmed on Monday that a male producer had a relationship with one of the female contestants during filming and that ABC had to address the situation on camera in an episode this season.

“It was incredibly unfortunate. Horrible decisions were made,” Harrison told Sean Valentine, the morning radio host at KBIG-FM in Los Angeles. “It was embarrassing for us and in fairness to Jake and for the other women, [we said], ‘Let’s nip this in the bud and take care of it.’ And that’s what we did.”

Harrison didn’t identify the producer or the contestant, nor did he elaborate on the repercussions, though presumably neither party was allowed to continue on the program. Whatever punishment was doled out, it will be addressed on the show. “I felt bad for everybody,” Harrison said. “It was an uncomfortable deal.”

Asked if the pair are still together, Harrison replied: “I don’t know. It’s a good question. Would that count on our tally as one of our couples?” –Tim Nudd
:lol:I read in my paper this am that Jake was on a few episodes of Walker Texas ranger as the "young" Chuck norris!:lol::lol: I used to watch that husband LOVED that show! so I probably saw him!
I heard my Mom saying, "What?" "Come on!" "Big mistake!", from the living room while she was watching it...which leads me to ask:

What the hell was going on durning that show?
^probably because he kept Michelle, the emotional train wreck.
I say I won't watch but...:shifty:

:shifty: This :shifty:

Did he keep the pilot? I couldn't tell. And yeah, I was surprised by Michelle being kept too. Apparently he probably couldn't tell she was an emotional train wreck yet.

We'll see if I keep watching or not. Just wanted to see the initial batch of girls. :whistle:
so...I did not watch the whole show (I am proud to say..haha) did the drama already occur? or is is it going to be in an upcoming episode? they showed part of the drama on ET tonight:huh:
Last night was the first episode, so there will be plenty of drama to unfold, don't you worry! I didn't want ET or any gossip shows tonight. I gave up watching them. I come here or to Facebook for dirt :)
Ahh I really dont want to read spoilers for the whole season *closes page quickly*
Yeah, I know - I scrolled past that part to the section at the bottom that deals with the producer-contestant drama. It's called
'the insert female name here scandal'
I am proud to say I've not watched any of the season and don't plan to. Yay for me. I'm tired of the "Reality" TV aspect of these shows being so manipulated and over-done. I've lost interest in a lot of these shows anymore. Bachelor and Bachelorette won't be on my lists to watch anymore.
:drool: I would love to have an amusement park all to myself.

So omg SLUT! Did you see her face? She didnt even bat an eye. What a whore.

I think he made the right decisions with who went home. Though I really dont see Michelle lasting much longer. She needs to relax and stop crying and being so psycho.

ohh edit* Everyone on the Bachelor forum seems to be on Rozlyn's side and are blaming the show for the edit.

And I caved and read Reality Steve but skipped to the Rozlyn scandal. Crazy shit.
Didn't watch tonight. Was on the phone with an old friend. Had the last hour or so on in the background on mute. So fill me in! :corn:
Rozlyn's face when Chris was telling her she had to leave said a lot IMO.....if that had been me, and I was innocent of what he was accusing me of, I would have been asking him what the hell he was talking about etc., etc. at 1st, i wanted to believe it was the bachelor editing that was going to make her seem guilty,but it sure looked like she was guilty by her facial expressions!
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