Survivor 41

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ONE love, blood, life
Jun 16, 2000
Blue State of Mind
Finally, Survivor has returned! Love the "new era"! This Survivor is different from all others and it's only the first episode. Brad AKA Bill Walton seems like the largest douche. This season's cast is easily the most diverse ever. Good to see! Looks like it's gonna be an awesome season! :hyper:
Ricard looks like Tim Curry.

He's got nice hair.

This cast is also reasonably likeable. I can recall plenty of seasons that weren't "second chance" seasons where most of the cast were unlikeable. That should change as the season progresses, but the guy I don't like the most is Brad.
Love him or hate him, the Xander dude is entertaining. Bill Walton seems like a combo of Pink Underwear and Coach. And like both of them, it will be fun to watch them lose towards the end. That Tiffany sure got some sass. :wink:
Tiffany should have been voted out, wow talk about a bad player. Horrible at challenges, complete loose cannon when it comes to strategy.
They are going to regret keeping her around.
They sent the wrong dude home. :| I do like the season so far with the various gimmicks and such. Like leaving camp and getting on a boat and going to another the middle of the night no less.
Walton got dunked on!

I liked him. He brought some personality to the game. JD has a nice backstory, but he's not the brightest guy. He makes for a good pawn in the game.

The only guy that stands out amongst everyone is Xander.
I like the cast on this season, but the production is awful (flashbacks, not enough time at camp, breaking 4th wall, etc…) and there’s way too much advantage stuff going on.

I can’t follow all that shit.

But I will watch. And complain.
I like the cast on this season, but the production is awful (flashbacks, not enough time at camp, breaking 4th wall, etc…) and there’s way too much advantage stuff going on.

I can’t follow all that shit.

But I will watch. And complain.

They have had a lot of advantage stuff. Might be overkill. What will become of the 3 person Immunity idol now that Brad has been voted out? I actually liked that one. :wink:
Historic dumbass move by JD. Good stuff, though. Good thing that other tribe didn't succeed in throwing the Immunity challenge. Sydney's tantrums are hilarious. She is a mess.
Imagine if they hadn't been trying to throw that challenge how much faster they'd have completed it.

JD goes down as dumb like Erik. And Shan is a pastor, isn't she? Basically stealing his extra vote is not a very pastor like move. I wouldn't go to her church.
Finally watched this past week's episode. They've got a lot of gimmicks going on, but ultimately the person voted off was a good choice. I'm rooting for Xander. He's really the only one that stands out to me. Although the person sent to Exile Island has got some spunk. Lol!
Yeah almost too many twists this season.
But it was a no brainer for Erika to smash that hourglass, she'd have been stupid (and likely voted off) had she not.
When Xander said "no but you can have this fake one" to Liana at tribal when she asked for his idol, I was laughing my ass off. How could she not figure out she was getting played? She knew he was aware of her advantage, did she think he'd just flaunt an idol knowing she could just ask him for it and take it?
Kudos to him, made things entertaining.
Yeah almost too many twists this season.
But it was a no brainer for Erika to smash that hourglass, she'd have been stupid (and likely voted off) had she not.
When Xander said "no but you can have this fake one" to Liana at tribal when she asked for his idol, I was laughing my ass off. How could she not figure out she was getting played? She knew he was aware of her advantage, did she think he'd just flaunt an idol knowing she could just ask him for it and take it?
Kudos to him, made things entertaining.

Exactly! How did she not think that at all? Honestly, with some of the "twists", that they've had, I've actually had to go back and rewind stuff just to be sure of the consequences of the advantages. Season 41 is definitely different than all others, but some of the shit is mildly confusing. Lol!
Besides Xander, Naseer is the only one I like. A good vote out this week. It's been a pretty good season. There's lots of dumbasses, but they're pretty entertaining.
Glad to see Tiff go, she grated on me.
Naseer has a great attitude, they'd be dumb to keep him around much longer.
Glad Xander didn't fall for Ricard Curry's pleas to play his idol...could the guy be more obvious what he was trying to do? He might as well have said "we want to flush out your idol and have you waste it so please play it so we can weaken your position."
Glad to see Tiff go, she grated on me.
Naseer has a great attitude, they'd be dumb to keep him around much longer.
Glad Xander didn't fall for Ricard Curry's pleas to play his idol...could the guy be more obvious what he was trying to do? He might as well have said "we want to flush out your idol and have you waste it so please play it so we can weaken your position."

Yes, Tim Curry is definitely one of the dumbasses of the bunch. Plus, Liana? and Heather are pretty dense also.
A double elimination this week. Naseer becomes another infamous statistic. :doh: Our hero Xander prevails again! Shan is no pastor on Survivor. :lol:
Yay! Shan is gone! A wise move. It took me 3 days to finally be able to watch this week's episode. I hate when that happens.
Man, Shan's face sitting in the jury during tribal. She had the constant look of "I was wronged, how could you have possibly voted me off"...get over yourself. Like she should have been exempt from people trying to beat her in the game.
Yeah, she was a target and they took her out. They've been doing that in Survivor forever. Liana gave a nice speech at TC, but it was time to go for her. Heather is in the perfect position to be the person you take to the end because you know you can beat her.
Xander or Tim Curry should win this thing. Deshawn is close, but his TC "truth bomb" could be detrimental. If they're all smart they bring Heather to Final 3 knowing she gets zero votes.
Yeah, Heather won't win. Doubt Erika stand s much of a chance either (only shot is a final 3 with Heather and DeShawn, but I think DeShawn wins that unless he really f's up at the final tribal.

Basically, ranked in order of likely to win if in the final 3 its:
1. Ricard Curry
2. Xander
3. Deshawn
4. Erika
712. Heather
Considering its a non All Star cast, this season has been pretty good. With the exception of Heather, everybody left deserves to be there. Erika had her big move earlier in the season and then she joined Heather flying under the radar. If Deshawn doesn't win (which I don't think he will), I could see him returning for a Second Chances-like season. So Ricard Curry or Xander. But I like Xander more because Ricard does come off as an asshole at times.
Xander is definitely the most likeable of the remaining cast, always appears in a pleasant mood. Ricard comes across as devious at times.
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