Story Time! U2 & the Star Wars outfits

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Mar 23, 2002
Little room at boyfriend :)
Considering that the Star Wars madness breaks out on May 16 here's this?um?quite silly?but this is a story. (The first inspiration ====>Thanks Cat =>so you posted the U2 clones!). Ok time for the story:

*It is a beautiful day in Ireland and Ana is reading a book in the PLEBA Mansion's garden. Lol it's springtime and she loves sitting at the open air, just enjoying the light sun ray. Soooo she is reading. Jem comes out*

Jem: Hey.
Ana: Hey, what are you doing?
Jem: I wanted to go shopping in the centre but the heat is?whew?it's too hot for this.
Ana: I see. Okay I'm trying to read, but this is a quite boring book, and I can't enjoy it.
Chrissie: *arriving from a walk* Hi girls! How are we doing?
Jem: Bored and bored.
Chrissie: *recognises the book near Ana* Oh what r u reading?
Ana: I don't know, I just grabbed the first book on the shelf, well?look this is?um?*reads book's cover* The return of the Jedi.
Chrissie: YAAAAAAAY. I love that!
Jem: Ana thinks it's so boring.
Chrissie: Oh of course, cuz you haven't read the first and the second one. This is part III.
Ana: Oh then where r the other books???
Chrissie: Guess in my room. I'll search it *goes upstairs to find the books*
MG: *comes in the garden with Larry* HI gals.
Larry: Hey. Whatcha doin'?
Jem: Boring. Ana reads a book, Chrissie is looking for some other books?but we're all right. The guys?
Larry: I don't know, why don't you ask them yourself?
Jem: Well, Lars I just asked.
Chrissie: *returns-as the jedi-with the books* Now read this first, and then you can continue w/these. Oh hi Lars and Cristy!
Ana: Okay. Did you know that the new episode will be in theatres soon?
Chrissie: *blush*
Ana: What's wrong?
Chrissie: I already have my ticket.
All: *roll eyes*
Chrissie: Why? This is necessary. But y'know what? I have an idea to make you like this story.
Ana: What would that be?
Chrissie: For you: reading. But for the others?mmmmmm?first I have to call one of my friends but then you'll hear it.
Larry: Now I'm getting more and more curious.
Chrissie: Sooner or later Lars.

*Chrissie phones, meanwhile at U2 Mansion*

Bono: Hey it's feckin hot here!
Adam: Yeah.
Edge: Hey what about a refreshing swim?
Bono: *face brightens* W/the girls?
Edge: Of course. I'll call them if they're free *dials* The line is busy right now.
Bono: Okay just go there.
Adam: And what if they're too busy?
Bono: Then we come home.
Edge: Yeah I don't wanna wait here until they finish chatting on the phone.
Adam: Yeah let's go.

*They get in Edge's car and head the PLEBA Mansion*

*Bono knocks at the door, but no one replies cause they're all in the garden and Chrissie is speaking, speaking, speaking not hearing the doorbell even*

Bono: Now what? They don't seem to be here.
Edge: *gets cell phone* I'll try again *calls* The line still engaged.
Adam: WTF? IF they're at home why don't they open it????????
Edge: Maybe somethin happened to them.
Bono: Edge don't be so pessimistic. There's nothing wrong.
Adam: Should we break the door?
Bono: Let's choose the civilized way *knocks, rings doorbell*
Adam: Still no answer. I break it down *starts it when the door suddenly opens*
Chrissie: Oh hello Adam. What r u doing? You wanna hurt me?
Adam: Oh what the hell lasted too long?
Chrissie: Hey calm down. I was on the phone, and the others are outside at the garden so they couldn't hear it.
Bono: Oh, guys you see I was right.
Edge & Adam: *roll eyes*
Chrissie: Now come in. Or out?to the garden.
Adam: And honey who were you talking with for a long time?
Chrissie: Wait, you'll get to know it soon.

*They reach the garden*

Chrissie: Listen guys, look we have some guests.
Jem: Edge!!
Ana: Bono!!
Bono: Ana!!
Edge: Jem!! ( so variegated! LOL)
MG: So Chrissie, would you tell us your idea?
Adam: Oh you have an idea?
Chrissie: Sure! So I called my old schoolmate and asked if he's still a member of the Original Star Wars Fanclub. And he said of course. Then I asked if he could lend us some costumes, and masques.
Bono: Why? You wanna go to a bal?
Chrissie: Oh no. But I promised the girls that at the end of the day they'd like the film.
Adam: And what's your plan w/ the masques?
Chrissie: Well I thought that maybe we could play the film's scenes. Y'know each of us could get a role to play, and each of us could get the costume, and then we would just act.
Jem: But I don't know the whole story like you!
Chrissie: Oh no problem I have a script of it, and we could play just the interesting parts of the film. Everyone gets the script and you have to read the dialogs.
Adam: Okay, you can count on me. I'll help to set the house.
Ana: Yay I have a huge picture or rather a poster covered with stars.
Chrissie: Great we'll need that. Someone should bring the clothes.
Larry: Okay I will, Cristy you wanna come w/ me?
MG: OF course.
Edge: Hey what would my task?
Jem: And mine?
Chrissie: Well you should help us decorating.
Edge & Jem: *both nod*
*Bono &Ana go to Ana's room and get the poster and other needful things (BWAHAHA That's a Stephen King book/film!!!!!!!!!!!). Meanwhile Chrissie looks for some beams to cover them as being light sabers, Adam looks for the videocam, Jem & Edge start decorating, and MG &Larry bring the outfits from the fan friend. When everyone's ready they all sit at the living room*

Ana: Okay so the house is ready.
Bono: Sure, on the first floor there is the Death Star scene.
Jem: At downstairs there is the Tatooin scene, at the bar.
Edge: There's the Milleneum Falcon *points to the hall*
Chrissie: Great! The camera?
Adam: Yeah, here.
Chrissie: Fine, the costumes?
MG &Larry: Yeah.
Chrissie: Which roles' outfits do we have?
MG: Here's the list?so: We have a Darth Vader, a Han Solo, a C3PO, a Yoda, and an Obi-Wan Kenobi outfit.

Chrissie: Who wants to be this sexay, plucky smuggler, Han Solo?
Bono: Okay I get it.
Ana: Yay you are too sexy for being him.
Chrissie: Now Vader?
Edge & Adam: MEEEEEEEE!
MG: Ok guys choose.
Edge: I WANNA BE Vader!
Adam: No I WILL be Vader! *Starts to combat*
Larry: *hush* Guys, guys calm down, relax. It is not important who WANNA be Vader?The most important thing?that?*snarls, gives the most evil grin ever*?that I WILL be Darth Vader! MUAHAHAHAHA.
Chrissie: Boys stop it. Edge will be Vader, Larry will be Obi-Wan, and Adam will be the cameraman. DEAL. Now go on. Girls who wanna be um?C3PO?
Ana: ME please. Full golden?cool.

Chrissie: K, who wants to be Yoda?
Jem: Yay can I be, can I be????????
Chrissie: Okay so I'll be the director. Cool I always wanted to be a director.
Adam: Really? Maybe you should direct our next video.
Chrissie: If I did you wouldn't say thank you.
Edge: Why?
Larry: Cause the video's topic would be: "Adam's pants"
Bono: Or "Adam's glasses" oh nooooo I can see the title: "Adam without pants"
Chrissie: Okay guys would you please stop it? Concentrate on the task! We have a lot to do.
MG: Yeah if we want to finish this today, cuz your friend said that we had to bring the costumes back this day, cuz they'll have a show tomorrow and they'll need the clothes.

*They all head the first scene, the bar. The "actors" act and Chrissie sits in a chair (like the directors have) giving all the instructions*
I'm affraid to say this but I'm not really related to the star wars trilogy. Who is C3PO???
lol And Chrissie! How in the world you knew I love to read on warm and sunny days and that I love to see the stars at night?!?! That is so weird but cool!
This script sounds really fun!
BTW: Thanks for the support Desire4Bono!
Originally posted by Ana:
I'm affraid to say this but I'm not really related to the star wars trilogy. Who is C3PO???

AWwwwwwww what a pity. So C3PO or Thripio is the golden droid. Have you seen at least one part? He's a bit silly, and he talks a lot, but he's one of my faves. My absolute favorit is Han Solo. Y'know who's that??? Please tell me that you saw one!!!!!! PLEASE. If you haven't then you MUST watch it!!!!!!! The best film (or films) ever!Oh and I can't wait to watch the Attack of the clones, I've already read it, and wooooooo fantastic. As I was reading I was like: Oh my God how on Earth do they manage to create this part visually????? So great film but enough of me...LOL
Star Wars!! Woo-hoo!! Already have my ticket for May 16th oh and Chrissie...i'm a HUGE Star Wars fan...even still have my Luke Skywalker lightsaber when they first came out during the re-realse of the trilogy!! hehe even got the gold box set the first day they came out!! YAY for Yoda!! Lmfao....granted I'm short but not THAT short! Yoda is awsome!! I cried when I saw him die in the was so sad!! but now he's back!! Attack of the clones! ok i'm done.
Yay update, update. I'm so glad that I could made my brain working. I hate writer's block. Hey I am a writer now. WoooooHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


*Okay here we go. I'm the director?MUAHAHAHA*

Chrissie: CUT. Okay Bono, but please you're a smuggler. Imagine. You don't know laws; you don't even wanna know laws. So please be a lil bit um?loose, neglect, slack or whatever.
Bono: OKAY.

*The camera rolls*

Bono: Hullo. My name is Han Solo. I'm a smuggler?awww, I can't do it!
Ana: Yay honey don't give up. Look I have to wear this tight costume, and I think I'm gonna drown so don't hesitate, act quickly and then let me change these clothes.
Chrissie: So you heard the instructions.
Bono: Yeah but he's a loser.
Chrissie: Han Solo?????? Loser???????? How do ya mean?
Bono: I mean he kills this?um?*checks the script*?um?Greedo but then Boba Fett catch him and freeze him.
Chrissie: But he's glad cuz Leia loves him. And he knows it.
Bono: Okay then why don't we have a Leia?
Adam: Yeah, think Ana should be Princess Leia.
Ana: MEEEEEEE? Getting off this costume again?????? Do u know how long did it last to get this on??????? No way, find out somethin else.
Chrissie: Yay Ana please. Tis is a good idea, having a lil love story in this film. I'll help you with the clothing.
Ana: Do I have to wear the golden swimming dress?????????
Chrissie: Anything you want. I can do your hair the same she had.
Ana: Well Okay.
Adam: Then can I be 3PO?
Chrissie: No Mr. Just stay behind the camera.

*The girls go upstairs and to help Ana dressing like Princess Leia [hope you know who's that Ana lol]*

Larry: I can't wait to get my light saber.
Edge: Wait until I kill you.
Bono: Guys you're dead. Stop it.
Larry: Well I should be Vader. So just shut up beanie boy.
Edge: Beanie?????!!!!! Yeah I haven't chosen my beanie.
Bono: Edge, you gonna wear a helmet. A Vader helmet. No one will be able to see your beanie.
Edge: Oh really????? *says as a lil child who just got to know that Santa doesn't exist [Sssh he does lol]
Larry: *suddenly grabs the "saber" and starts to attack Edge*
Edge: *runs as Adam hands him another sword and he switch the cam on* *imitating Vader's voice, so deeply* Now Obi-Wan. Your last minute came. You must die now.
Larry: *as Kenobi* Only if you can kill me.
Edge: After the duel only one can alive. And I'm sure I'll be the one. Your force flew away, and you're not strong enough.
Larry: Maybe, but you're a dark jedi.

*They start fighting*

Edge: You'll die, you'll die, you'll die.
Larry: No, I still have the force.
Edge: But the dark force is much stronger and unfortunately for you this isn't good. Unless you wanna join me.
Larry: No way. I'd rather die then.

*They continue the duel, and Vader seems a bit exhausted*

Edge: *tired* You'll die???..You'll die.
Larry: No you'll die *suddenly stabs Edge* MUAHAHAHAHAHA.
Edge: *dying* I?must?tell?you?that?*Larry kneels*?that you're?my son. And you have a twin.

*The girls appear, but the guys don't recognize it and they go on*

Larry: A twin?
Edge: Yes?a?girl?she's so beautiful?but she has a lover?and ?she's?not strong enough?he will capture her?and maybe?he'll murder her?please help her out?be a good boy?Obi-Wan. SON!!!!!!
Larry: DAD. Oh please don't die.
Edge: Help your sister, son?*dies*

Adam: Cut!
Larry: WTF? You recorded this?
Adam: *grins* Yeah fortunately.
Bono: It was soooooooo touching *laughs*
Chrissie: WHAT????? Kenobi is not Vader's son. That's Luke Skywalker. And what did you mean?this lover stuff??????????
Larry: Oh girls, hi.
Edge: I just found out this?that Solo wanna kill Leia. This could be the new SW episode.
Jem: And OMG what did you do with the sabers?
Edge: OOOPS we were a bit rough.
Jem: Kinda.
Adam: But that's worth it. You don't know what did you miss.
Chrissie: But you recorded, didn't you?
Adam: Yeah I did.
Chrissie: Okay, now we don't have so much time to finish so next scene. Um this is the Falcon.
Bono: So it's my turn?
Jem: And don't forget about Princess Leia?Here she is *points to the stairs where Ana appears wearing a belly dancer's outfit to simulate the gold bikini thing, her hair done up like the Princess', her make up is also golden, so bright*
Ana: *walks over to the astonished Bono* Okay Captain Solo. R U ready?????
Bono: *speechless for a while* WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. You r so beautiful. You look great. You should wear this outfit as often as possible.
Chrissie: Okay guys time is ticking away, so would you come here please????
All: Sure.

*They head the scene, Ana and Bono sit down on two armchairs*

Bono: So Chrissie could we improvise?
Chrissie: Yeah, why not, but promise me that there will be some typical Star Wars stuff.
Bono: I'll promise.
Chrissie: Aaaaaaaaand ACTION.
*sneaks into thread*

I have never seen a Star Wars Movie in my entire life.

*sneaks out*


"I turn slightly and catch Bono with half a Perrier bottle in his mouth. He's sucking the thing in such a manner it would put Madonna to shame!"

"I'm very secure with the fact that I'm not black. I'm white, pink and rosy. But I've got soul."

?We make music you can have sex to.?

"Girls boys listen me kiss love fun drink sick kiss cuddle sex swim sea rock and rub." (from the gates of Bono's house)
Bono: *as Han* So Majesty. How do you do?
Ana: *as Leia* As always I have to say I'm working on bring down rudeness everywhere and make peace on the planets.
Bono: Oh how good news. Well the force will be with you. Always.
Chrissie: CUUUUUUUUUUT. Guys what r u doing??????????
Ana & Bono:

Bono: Well you said you wanted to hear SW stuff. Now I did.
Chrissie: Yeah but Han CANNOT understand the jedi philosophy, and Han would never say: The force will be with you. Nooo. And your relationship is different. Though they fell in love for the first time, they don't show this, and they pretend, as they hate each other.
Ana: I have to hate him?
Chrissie: No just ACT like you hate him, but since you love him.
Ana: Such a complicated role.
Chrissie: Sorry.
Bono: Maybe we could just act somethin, we don't have to do it as professionals.
Ana: Yeah, and who do u think you are? George Lucas?
Chrissie: Of course not, but?
Adam: Can we go on???????
All: YEAH.
Chrissie: ACTION.

Bono: So why the fuck do u hate me Miss "I'm a lil princess and I hate rude smugglers "??????
Chrissie: Cut. Bono you must teasing me.
Bono: Why? You said I had to hate her. Now I just behave this way.
Chrissie: *rolls eyes* Yeah. But?okay?forget it. Action.
Bono: But now what should I do?
Chrissie: You're free.
Bono: Ummmmm?well?ummmmm *suddenly kisses Ana* No cut??????
Chrissie: *sits silently*
Bono: Okay, um, do it again.
Ana: *grins* YEAH!!!!! *they kiss again and again until they run out of time and the camera stops recording*
Adam: Hey WTF?
Chrissie: Relax, time is up.
Ana: Aww what a pity.
Bono: Now was it good?
Chrissie: Yeah. Of course. Though I didn't really think it was?like this?but maybe we can use it for something.
Bono: Something?????? This is a romantic film. And this WAS romantic.
Adam: Well it was like porn.
Bono: *snarls*
Chrissie: And actually this isn't a romance. This is sci-fi.
Bono: Oh you haven't mentioned this.
Chrissie: Why do you think those posters are on the wall? *points at the posters covered with stars*
Bono: Um that symbolise the night. It's night isn't it?
Ana: Honey this is a sci-fi. With some romantic parts.

Chrissie: Okay then let's head the last scene, the Death Star. Now I need all the parts here.
Jem: Okay so what should we do?
Chrissie: Free your mind. I wonder how would you act, if I didn't tell your tasks.
Jem: Okay so who's Yoda?
Chrissie: Yoda is the oldest jedi master. He's so wise.
Jem: Oh I love wisdom. Okay.
Edge: Hey does Vader like Yoda?
Chrissie: No they're rivals. Vader is full evil, Yoda is the good boy.
Larry: And Obi-Wan?
Chrissie: He's with Yoda.
Bono: Okay that's enough. Let's play.

*Everyone starts acting the weirdest things happen: Yoda and Kenobi start fighting, Leia hugs C3PO, Han kills Vader so full madness*

Hope you liked it. And Bono please don't think I'm mad or what, cause this is my hobby and I write stories not only about the band but about everybody I know like actors, friends, relatives, so I'M NOT MAD!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW Adam if you read this, I have to say that I'm not "scary" as Bono said. I'm kind and I have a wide imagination. But you have to see it yourself. Ok I'm done (NOT GONE) LATERS!!!!!
Wow, now I'm gonna finish this cause on weekdays I won't have so much time, y'know exams etc. etc. and on Thursday I'm watching the new Episode, and I wanted to finish this till then. So Update:

*the last scene was Death Star where all the 'actors' doing the weirdest things*

Chrissie: *whispers to Adam* I wonder what will happen.
Adam: Guess we'll have a good time watching it.
Chrissie: Sure *loud* Okay guys CUT. Thank you very much. We're ready.
Chrissie: Yes?
Jem: I mean Yoda! I haven't had a scene yet.
Chrissie: Okay if you want?well let's do the Dagobah scene.
Jem: *on the verge of tears* When Yoda dies???????
Chrissie: Oh I'm sorry. OOOH I just realized that you started to cry while watching that part. I can find you something else.
Jem: Oh no. It's not necessary. Okay but we need a Luke don't you think?
Adam: Edge should be Luke.
Edge: ME? Why???
Adam: Because you had a masque on your face while playing Vader and nobody knows that it was you, so?why? Don't you wanna be Luke?
Edge: Um?okay. Can I wear a beanie???
Edge: Okay I only enquired.
Chrissie: Good, then you need a black, tight outfit. And I get your saber.
Edge: Okay.

*Edge dresses up and Jem get on the Yoda costume*

Chrissie: Now you both know the script, so action.

Jem: *as Yoda* Now Luke you're ready. You have nothing more to learn.
Edge: *as Luke* So I'm a jedi now.
Jem: NO, no the duel. The duel with Vader. You have to fight against Vader.
Edge: OH, Master please tell me somethin. Vader is my father?
Jem: *laying down* I must have a rest.
Edge: Please Yoda, I must know. So?
Jem: Yes, he is. He told you, didn't he?
Edge: Yes.
Jem: Luke note that you mustn't let the Dark Side tempt you. Never be angry or furious coz you'll be like Vader.
Edge: Yes, master.
Jem: My time has come. I will sleep for a long time.
Edge: No master you can't die.
Jem: No, no padavan I can, just like everyone else.
Edge: *stares at the ground*
Jem: You must know something else. You have?you have?*dies*
Edge: *his eyes fills w/tears* NOOOOOOOOOOO. Vader I will kill you??.

Chrissie: Cut. Good. Whoa Jemmers you should be an actress.
Edge: Can you hear it honey? Jem, Jem, JEEEEEEEEEM?????????
Adam: Think she fell asleep.
Chrissie: While dying?
Adam: Probably. Okay now we finished finally?
Chrissie: Yeah. Would you edit the film while I bring the clothes back?
Adam: Sure.

*Chrissie enters the living room where the others dancing, having a party, still wearing the outfits*

Chrissie: Oh my?guys what r u doing?
*all freeze*
Bono: Uhm, we bored a lil bit, and it was Larry's idea.
Larry: Yes, so we were boring and this idea was mentioned by someone here behind me?
Chrissie: Ok I don't care whose idea was it, but I need to take the costumes back, so please get them off.
All: OK.

*Chrissie brings back the clothes, and when she comes back she find the lads settled down in the living room, eating popcorn*

Edge: Hey, at last. Adam, Chrissie is here so please start now!
Adam: Sure *presses the start button*
Chrissie: *whispering* Hey, you waited for so long?
Adam: *whispers back* Yeah, I almost couldn't save the VCR. I had to lock it into the bathroom.
Chrissie: Oh.

*They watch the movie, LTAO, having fun*

Originally posted by JemEvans:
I fell asleep while dying !! LMFAO!!! Whoa could you imagine if Yoda ever had gone to the darkside instead?!?!? Forget Emporer Palpatine!! Yoda would kick evil arse!! LOL Great story!! *works on trying to update her stories*

I'm really glad you liked it coz I know it's kinda silly. I can't wait till May16th/Thursday to watch the new episode. *hums SW theme* I'm such a mad. I would scream out loud now...hey Jem, you'll watch it on Thursday, won't you? what time? Maybe we should discuss after the idea?

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