Songs of Ascent: the lost album

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Why is everyone so negative here? If you'd believe everything in this thread you'd think U2 is almost going to stop and that they only make shitty music now. Some people think that of course but I don't think they'd post here.

Its interference.
Magnificent was the second single. It was NOT popular or successful. I strongly agree with Eno that the band needed to do something unexpected, and I believe that could only have been MOS. I've heard it played on the radio, and in the supermarket -unedited- more than once, and it wasn't even a single!

At this point, if CrazyMagnifico couldn't do it on the charts, I doubt anything will.

Too bad they didn't try NLOTH as the first single: fresh enough to hint at something beyond the direction of the last two albums, yet could appeal to the masses.
this is absolutely true.

the sad-yet-happy truth is that all members of U2 seem to be very happy people with great families and spouses and live fantastic lives with everything they all could ever possibly want.

which is pretty boring. not always, but often, compelling art comes from emotional pain. we need a good, messy divorce again.

you could argue that they could draw anger from politics, like they did on War, but it is true that maturity and sophistication -- which Bono certainly has -- does not lend itself well to chest-thumping outrage like SBS. only a 22-year old could have written that, not a 50-year old man who has developed a nuanced understanding of economics and history.

so i don't know what you do if you are U2 at this point.

You wait for inspiration...and a clear lyrical idea. (edit and/or Edge finding a new sound again - the chimes are getting old now)

No one does. No band has ever been in this position...SBS was fine when they were in their 20s (this isn't to say a more mature type of that could not work - certainly Bono experienced enough grief and pain and illness in Africa to write an album on that - if he could write about America and the broken relationships, why not the corrupt globe ?), AB was fine for guys in their 30s, now I think the one big theme may be mortality/death.
I don't think U2 are catering to the kiddies, but I do think they want to connect with them
At this point, if CrazyMagnifico couldn't do it on the charts, I doubt anything will.

Too bad they didn't try NLOTH as the first single: fresh enough to hint at something beyond the direction of the last two albums, yet could appeal to the masses.

I think Magnificent was a good song, but it wasn't new sounding. It sounded "Like U2." I know a lot of people on this board think it was the second coming, but I think it was just "really good."

Now, MOS? Second and third coming rolled into a tortilla, in my opinion! :love:

I actually think NLOTH is the second best song on the album, but again, I don't think it would have been shocking enough to do the job. I really think MOS was the only one that couldn't have sold it.... but that's just my opinion...
No one does. No band has ever been in this position...SBS was fine when they were in their 20s (this isn't to say a more mature type of that could not work - certainly Bono experienced enough grief and pain and illness in Africa to write an album on that - if he could write about America and the broken relationships, why not the corrupt globe ?)

Well we already got Crumbs From Your Table. I like the song but the lyric sure ain't the highlight.

when you're writing songs about your mac book pro talking to you you're sorta running out of ideas.

I LOL'ed. And I love Unknown Caller, but the verses > chorus.

I think Magnificent was a good song, but it wasn't new sounding. It sounded "Like U2." I know a lot of people on this board think it was the second coming, but I think it was just "really good."

Now, MOS? Second and third coming rolled into a tortilla, in my opinion! :love:

I actually think NLOTH is the second best song on the album, but again, I don't think it would have been shocking enough to do the job. I really think MOS was the only one that couldn't have sold it.... but that's just my opinion...

Agree with ALL of the above.
Great song, and a deserving single (maybe yet a 4th single to promote the tour?), just not the first one. Eno :no:
While I agree that MOS would have been a better choice than GOYB, CT or Magnificent for the first single, I'm still not completely convinced it would have made doubters take notice, especially young listeners. I could see it being pegged as adult contemporary because of its gospel sound. I think NLOTH (the song) would have been the sure choice, with MOS as the second or third single.
While I agree that MOS would have been a better choice than GOYB, CT or Magnificent for the first single, I'm still not completely convinced it would have made doubters take notice, especially young listeners. I could see it being pegged as adult contemporary because of its gospel sound. I think NLOTH (the song) would have been the sure choice, with MOS as the second or third single.

Well, we're close to agreement. I would have made MOS the advance single, and released NLOTH at the same time as the album. They're the 2 best songs. Would that have worked? I can't say, but if it didn't nothing would have.
Well that lyric isn't as throw away as most people think...

Probably the same reason Disco was the first single.

Agreed. :up:

I dunno, we could argue About MOS forever. It all has to do with personal taste. Yes, I find bits and pieces of MOS compelling. But taken as a whole? It's seven minutes of the same damn thing. And yet a radio edit would have killed what makes it unique. So release as a single--especially the first single? Pointless.

Not to mention the fact that it was probably the worst live closer they've ever done.
Personally I love MOS both as an individual track and as the closer. Don't think it will close this year though. Don't mind the length though but perhaps that is becuase I'm a fan of electronic music where there is a lot of longer tracks. I just love the epic, almost operatic style that the song has, maybe its a Catholic thing, I suppose. Its one of their best ever so I don't know why people have such a problem with it.
Not to mention the fact that it was probably the worst live closer they've ever done.

I have to agree with this part, though. Love is Blindness was also downbeat but it wasn't as long, and somehow worked. MOS just doesn't; you can feel he air going out of the place.

Of course, had they released it as a single, it may have got a better response in this position.
For me, it was the best part of the entire concert!

It's a little strange the way everyone keeps talking, not about their own experience, but the crowd's reception to certain songs. I don't remember ever hearing this before NLOTH. Why is everybody concerned with what strangers think more than what they do? Interesting, at least...
i absolutely love MOS, it is beautiful and it tortures the soul in a way only u2 can do (WOWY, BAD). If that makes any sense.

As for releasing it for a first single, well, i do know when GOYB was played live there was quite a positive reaction from the crowd at both shows i have attneded thus far. Not sure what that means about a "failed" first single, a very diverse crowd seemed to love it on two different occasions in two different cities. I wouldnt have released it though, i probably would have went the safe route and went with Magnificent as the lead single. Even though it "sounds like u2", thats apparently what some people want. They don't want different, just more of the same.
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