Songs of Ascent / New U2 Music / Soon

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What ever happened to the full version of FEZ? Will we ever hear that? The one where bono and edge are singing unknown caller verses in a weird quieter voice...?

I hear edge saying "______ take me with, find out that no one sent you" barely understand though with that clip.
I know there was a youtube video about a moraccan sounding unknown caller. With bongos and a synth played. It sounded much more extended but just felt more lively i think.

I just watched a clip of a few songs being jammed. Magnificent had a more Moroccan feel, and there was a different Unknown Caller.

This is the hard part about avoiding "spoilers" in the pre-album days. You miss all the cool clips of them recording and working out the songs!

I might have to come up with a different strategy. :hmm:
I just watched a clip of a few songs being jammed. Magnificent had a more Moroccan feel, and there was a different Unknown Caller.

This is the hard part about avoiding "spoilers" in the pre-album days. You miss all the cool clips of them recording and working out the songs!

I might have to come up with a different strategy. :hmm:

Yeah magnificent! Sorry that was the one. Yeah and what ever happened to that mariachi (spellling) dance song? The one where larry walks into the studio.
I loved the original idea of NLOTH as a mix of modern and old world music, future hymns. Not to say I'm not pleased with what we got, but what was teased would have easily been my favorite U2 album, and quite a bold move nowadays.

One improvement though was the lyrics to UC, based on the clip, I like the words we ended up with more.
Huh. I have that CD ... didn't know there was a documentary as well. I'll look around online to see if I can find it.

Yeah, the documentary had the same title, there were clips out there, I've yet to see the whole thing. Love the CD though :drool:.
Yeah magnificent! Sorry that was the one. Yeah and what ever happened to that mariachi (spellling) dance song? The one where larry walks into the studio.

These are the unreleased No Line On The Horizon stuff that we have heard previews of this far to my knowledge:

  • "Riad Rock" - The one which we originally heard from Lanois' Here Is What Is documentary where U2 and Eno/Lanois jams in the Riad centered around a heavy rhythm piece. Later on with an iTunes bonus material release (I think?) we hear the same song slightly less electric and more exotic sounding in the vein of Fast Cars.
  • "Edgeback1" - From Adam's series of vLog entries on during the making of the album. Edge plays an unplugged melody on his Gretsch White Falcon guitar. Might just be Edge messing around.
  • "Edgeback2" - Edge plays around with two-string riff on his Gretsch Country Gentleman while wearing headphones. Might be an early Being Born, but it remains uncertain.
  • "Adam Bass" - another entry from Adam's making of documentation. We hear a series of distinct C-notes mixed with Love And Peace-sounding "ooh" vocals, gritty guitar and a typical Eno electro intro before we hear a brief piece of vocals from Bono going "You...". At the end however, Adam plays the riff from Get On Your Boots (unplugged) which might indicate this was an intro candidate for Sexy Boots.
  • "Larry In Studio" - Yet another one of the making of clips which has Larry in charge as we follow the drummer making his way inside Hanover Quay Studios in Dublin. We hear a loop of exotic percussion and instrumentation followed by a discussion between Eno and Lanois about the "Mexican bass" and referring to the sound as "Mariachi" before Danny encourages Larry to perform a soundcheck on an electronic drumkit.
  • "Edge Funk" - In this vLog entry we find Adam commenting how "Edge looks so pretty today" after which the guitarist starts playing a blues-inspired song to the delight of his one-man audience in the Eze-Sur-Mer villa staircase who applauds the performance.
  • "Motorcycle" - Back in Dublin, Danny Lanois and Bono talk about ghosts, motorcycles and tailor-made suits before somebody starts playing a glockenspiel melody which was never used, or included in a song yet to be released.
  • "Lanois Jam" - In New York City's Platinum Sound Studios we find a brief clip of Lanois jamming unplugged - might be messing around during coffee break or an actual song, we don't know for sure.
  • "360 Euro Countdown 2009 - 7 days" - A week before opening night offers some insight into the show,and we hear an unused droning, instrumental piece as we watch the band ascend the stairs to go onstage in the dark. Might be a part of Soon, if there is indeed a longer cut.
  • "Don't Know Nothing" - Prior to playing the first of two sold out nights in Gothenburg in 2009, U2 soundchecked a couple of songs in the stadium before they went into was seemed to be a spontaneous jam session or perhaps a brief snippet of currently unreleased material? It starts with Edge playing the Breathe verse chords, then Larry comes in and Adam after which Bono does some Bono-style "stream of consciousness" singing/wailing.

Then we have alternate versions of Magnificent (French Disco), Unknown Caller and the FEZ version which was mentioned in this thread. I hope I didn't forget anything.
Those clips make me feel a bit sick if i'm honest. They always have...
Sick for the utter potential of these musicians working together that seems (for the most part) to have been sucked out of NLOTH...

I do love NLOTH but... I refuse to get so utterly optimistic about a new U2 album ever again! :reject:
These are the unreleased No Line On The Horizon stuff that we have heard previews of this far to my knowledge:

  • "Riad Rock" - The one which we originally heard from Lanois' Here Is What Is documentary where U2 and Eno/Lanois jams in the Riad centered around a heavy rhythm piece. Later on with an iTunes bonus material release (I think?) we hear the same song slightly less electric and more exotic sounding in the vein of Fast Cars.
  • "Edgeback1" - From Adam's series of vLog entries on during the making of the album. Edge plays an unplugged melody on his Gretsch White Falcon guitar. Might just be Edge messing around.
  • "Edgeback2" - Edge plays around with two-string riff on his Gretsch Country Gentleman while wearing headphones. Might be an early Being Born, but it remains uncertain.
  • "Adam Bass" - another entry from Adam's making of documentation. We hear a series of distinct C-notes mixed with Love And Peace-sounding "ooh" vocals, gritty guitar and a typical Eno electro intro before we hear a brief piece of vocals from Bono going "You...". At the end however, Adam plays the riff from Get On Your Boots (unplugged) which might indicate this was an intro candidate for Sexy Boots.
  • "Larry In Studio" - Yet another one of the making of clips which has Larry in charge as we follow the drummer making his way inside Hanover Quay Studios in Dublin. We hear a loop of exotic percussion and instrumentation followed by a discussion between Eno and Lanois about the "Mexican bass" and referring to the sound as "Mariachi" before Danny encourages Larry to perform a soundcheck on an electronic drumkit.
  • "Edge Funk" - In this vLog entry we find Adam commenting how "Edge looks so pretty today" after which the guitarist starts playing a blues-inspired song to the delight of his one-man audience in the Eze-Sur-Mer villa staircase who applauds the performance.
  • "Motorcycle" - Back in Dublin, Danny Lanois and Bono talk about ghosts, motorcycles and tailor-made suits before somebody starts playing a glockenspiel melody which was never used, or included in a song yet to be released.
  • "Lanois Jam" - In New York City's Platinum Sound Studios we find a brief clip of Lanois jamming unplugged - might be messing around during coffee break or an actual song, we don't know for sure.
  • "360 Euro Countdown 2009 - 7 days" - A week before opening night offers some insight into the show,and we hear an unused droning, instrumental piece as we watch the band ascend the stairs to go onstage in the dark. Might be a part of Soon, if there is indeed a longer cut.
  • "Don't Know Nothing" - Prior to playing the first of two sold out nights in Gothenburg in 2009, U2 soundchecked a couple of songs in the stadium before they went into was seemed to be a spontaneous jam session or perhaps a brief snippet of currently unreleased material? It starts with Edge playing the Breathe verse chords, then Larry comes in and Adam after which Bono does some Bono-style "stream of consciousness" singing/wailing.

Then we have alternate versions of Magnificent (French Disco), Unknown Caller and the FEZ version which was mentioned in this thread. I hope I didn't forget anything.
This is a fantastic list...Thanks!
I wasn't convinced HTDAAB outtakes were better, and I feel the same about NLOTH. I do miss that Acrobat-like clip they had in Fez...hope they kept that one.

The Unforgettable Fire
The Joshua Tree
Rattle And Hum
Achtung Baby
All That You Can't Leave Behind
How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb
No Line on the Horizon
Songs of Ascent

So, yeah, you're probably right on the money!
(Also: Now that you mention it, the ending of Soon really does remind me of the ending of HMTMKMKM. I love that song.)

That makes it U2 5.0, though...
Yeah, the documentary had the same title, there were clips out there, I've yet to see the whole thing. Love the CD though :drool:.

What we saw in the trailer is all the U2 material in there:

However, there are a couple of interesting conversations shot in the courtyard between Eno and Lanois and faint noises in the background.
Yep. I really like it but the songs not long enough. Should go for another couple of minutes. When they sing the word "soon" in the song it sounds very haunting..luv it :drool:

I know exactly what you mean.

^ i think the length is very organic. there is nowhere else for the song to go. you can have too much of a good thing. Itd be like a soup. A rich, creamy, beautiful soup that only gave everyone 3 quarters of a bowl each. You could add enough water to give everyone a whole bowl, but the product would suffer. There is a trade-off, and this is an amazing step forward for modern U2 to take the step towards flavour, rather than volume

I know what you mean, too, but I just wish the band had found a way to lengthen it by elaborating it. That said, you're probably right. I find "Moment of Surrender" too long now that I've heard the finished product, though I was excited at the length when hearing about it in the abstract; the melody doesn't change enough to suit the length.

"Soon" is on youtube:
YouTube - U2 - Soon
Love it. I hope U2 keeps it as their intro for the rest of their touring days. It should be the signal to the audience that the boys are about to come on. This could catch on and I could see the entire stadium singing "sing yourself..." It would be neat if they always played the same thing. Metallica even does this to a lesser cool extent with Thin Lizzy "The Boys are Back in Town" before they do the "Ectasy of Gold" thing.
Love it. I hope U2 keeps it as their intro for the rest of their touring days. It should be the signal to the audience that the boys are about to come on. This could catch on and I could see the entire stadium singing "sing yourself..." It would be neat if they always played the same thing. Metallica even does this to a lesser cool extent with Thin Lizzy "The Boys are Back in Town" before they do the "Ectasy of Gold" thing.
I was going to make a comment about "preserving variety" and what have you, but then I realized that they could mix things up by swapping out the Bowie section of the intro with other songs. Besides, Soon deserves to become iconic. :drool:
^ LOL dig. my friends on the other fan site (which is very small) are baffled that their version made it onto youtube! The admin who made the rip was so stoked and proud that it spread so far. They linked to your upload and said, "CHECK IT OUT!!! ANGEL'S RIP IS ON YOUTUBE!!!" then they were trying to figure out which member did it, and no-one owned up :lol:
That's slightly dorky... I don't remember anyone getting all excited that I uploaded their rip of the Brothers version of Winter... but maybe I just don't surf in the same circles as that person.
^ LOL dig. my friends on the other fan site (which is very small) are baffled that their version made it onto youtube! The admin who made the rip was so stoked and proud that it spread so far. They linked to your upload and said, "CHECK IT OUT!!! ANGEL'S RIP IS ON YOUTUBE!!!" then they were trying to figure out which member did it, and no-one owned up :lol:

That's awesome. :lol:

The Unforgettable Fire
The Joshua Tree
Rattle And Hum
Achtung Baby
All That You Can't Leave Behind
How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb
No Line on the Horizon
Songs of Ascent

So, yeah, you're probably right on the money!
(Also: Now that you mention it, the ending of Soon really does remind me of the ending of HMTMKMKM. I love that song.)

To me the adventurous parts of NLOTH are the start of U2 5.0. After listening to Soon you can go back to MOS, Magnificent, Fez/Being born, UC, etc.. and they make a lot more sense
To me the adventurous parts of NLOTH are the start of U2 5.0. After listening to Soon you can go back to MOS, Magnificent, Fez/Being born, UC, etc.. and they make a lot more sense

Good point. There are always clues between each stage of U2:

Drowning man was the U2 1.0 > 2.0 transitional song
God Pt 2 was the U2 2.0 > 3.0 transitional song
Gone was the U2 3.0 > 4.0 song
Fez-Being Born to me is the U2 4.0 > 5.0 song
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