Some help needed....

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War Child
Aug 2, 2002
Larry's bedroom
OK heres the deal. I've got an account with this snapfish place, and I was just wondering how you link photos to here, so if you wanna post a photo like what do you do and do you have to do anything special?

I'm so confused lol :confused:

Can anyone help???
You have to upload pics from your hard drive to your account. That's all. It's all explained at your account. :) Does that help you?
Once you've clicked on the thumbnail of the picture to make it full-size, right click the picture and select "Properties". Highlight the URL of the picture (make sure to get the entire address!), and copy it (Edit, Copy or Ctrl+C). Then, go to reply to a thread and hit the IMG button:


Then, paste the URL into the box that pops up (Edit, Paste or Ctrl+V).

Hope that helps!
ZooEuropa said:
OK heres the deal. I've got an account with this snapfish place, and I was just wondering how you link photos to here, so if you wanna post a photo like what do you do and do you have to do anything special?

I'm so confused lol :confused:

Can anyone help???

When you upload your photos from your hardrive onto snapfish
your pics will be thumnail size , click on your pic to make it bigger
and then right click on your pic and then click on properties.
Go to Address(URL) and copy URL and then go back to interference and paste . i hope this info helps
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