Shuttlecock XXX: Now With More Labor Inducing Sex Talk

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I have no shame, I'll brag about our mild winter.

It's supposed to be in the mid to upper 50s all week here. Ahhhh, bliss.

... of course that means Vancouver also has the same temps, which ain't so great.

I have to laugh everytime someone on the TV says "still no snow in downtown Vancouver!"

uh ... there is very rarely any snow in Vancouver. The mountains? Yeah. The city? Not so much.
Our record-breaking 8 inches of show have melted :(. What a glorious DAY that was.
I'm a sadist? :whistle:
I saw that show that hardy posted about, and a few others, including one in the round. :)


All kidding aside, that's really awesome. I was watching some of POV last night, and, man, even if he DOES ever go on tour again, there's no way it'll be as amazing as he used to be. Do you accept this challenge, Mr. Gabriel?
It's been snowing all day here. We're supposed to only get four inches, but now that's looking like an underestimate.

Twenty-two inches (too mature for that shit)
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that's what it's set to. :shrug: it could be that you're only seeing posts from 200 of your friends, and not all of them. i read something about that today. there is a way to fix that i think.

It's been snowing all day here. We're supposed to only get four inches, but now that's looking like an underestimate.

it totally blew on by us. it snowed for a few hours and now it's all done.
Facebook has informed me that my mother and one of my uncles have become fans of Glenn Beck.

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