Shuttlecock XXI: Laz is Bigger Than Anyone in His Way

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The biggest missing piece on this tour is Please. I have no idea why they haven't brought that back when it fits so well thematically towards the back end. They brought the wrong Pop song back!

But it's still not quite as egregious as skipping over Gone on 360 when the guy was literally wearing a suit of lights. Anything not to play Pop stuff.
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Love is:

bigger than us
bigger than anything in its way
The biggest missing piece on this tour is Please. I have no idea why they haven't brought that back when it fits so well thematically towards the back end. They brought the wrong Pop song back!

But it's still not quite as egregious as skipping over Gone on 360 when the guy was literally wearing a suit of lights. Anything not to play Pop stuff.

Co-signed every fucking word.

Love how Bono snippeted Mofo in a couple of performances of Iris in 2015 and... that was it.
The biggest missing piece on this tour is Please. I have no idea why they haven't brought that back when it fits so well thematically towards the back end. They brought the wrong Pop song back!

But it's still not quite as egregious as skipping over Gone on 360 when the guy was literally wearing a suit of lights. Anything not to play Pop stuff.
While I agree and would love to hear just about anything off of Pop, I have no doubt that many of the same people commenting on the absence of Gone on 360 would be saying stuff like "a guy wearing a literal suit of lights singing about a suit of lights is so literal and unimaginative.. It lacks nuance and is just plain ole cheezy! I remember when U2 used to paint pictures with their art, post 2000 U2 sucks!"
Nah, we'd have still been shitting on In a Little While.

U2 can do whatever they like so long as that distraction is in the setlist.
I'm starting to lose hope that anything from Pop other than acoustic SATS will ever see the stage again(in non-snippet form). I mean, before this tour, did anyone think that
Acrobat would finally be played before anything from Pop sans acoustic SATS
I think the Edge is genuinely dismissive of U2's own earlier work,

Hell, he doesn't think Love Comes Tumbling is a very good song. He kinda lost me forever once I read that. I like his guitar playing a lot, but I've started to realize the he really is a major problem for the band's creativity. Ahhhh well, nobody's perfect.

I always felt like Bono did the bad/awkward/absent/dead-dad thing so much better with Dirty Day. Now Dirty Day/Playboy Mansion, that could be interesting.

I have a legit question, and I know I could google it (and I will after I write this post), but doesn't Bono have a son? Do they not get along or something? I always hear him shouting out to his daughters/wife, but I can't even remember his son's name. He never mentions him. Not to get *too* into his private life, it's just weird, and does make you wonder, inevitably, if he has the same problem that he and *his* dad had.

Sadly Edge doesn't want to have to admit it was a good album.

This whole tour has basically been about saying how much of a mistake Pop was. There's an entire segment of the show dedicated to it. It's bizarre that they don't understand it's OK to have an experimental album. Hell TUF is an experimental album, Zooropa is, Pop is. Why is Pop the one that gets shit on?

Do I love the album? No. It's got some trash on it, it really does, but it's got some of Bono's BEST lyrics.
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And he has not just one son, but two.

Do you own the deluxe edition of TUF? If you look in the little book in there, where Edge writes about the album, he basically says a bunch about LCT not being complete and not really being an album worthy song, or some-such. I can't recall, but it made me very cross when I read it. I think some stuff about it is also in Into the Heart. I have both at home, but I'm at work right now.

I was just reading an article about Eli, and even it mentioned Jordan and Eve, but who is this mystery 4th child? :lol:.

EDIT: OH! I remember this kid now, I actually vaguely remember when he was born, as I had become a pretty obsessed fan by that point.
Hell, he doesn't think Love Comes Tumbling is a very good song. He kinda lost me forever once I read that. I like his guitar playing a lot, but I've started to realize the he really is a major problem for the band's creativity. Ahhhh well, nobody's perfect.

I have a legit question, and I know I could google it (and I will after I write this post), but doesn't Bono have a son? Do they not get along or something? I always hear him shouting out to his daughters/wife, but I can't even remember his son's name. He never mentions him. Not to get *too* into his private life, it's just weird, and does make you wonder, inevitably, if he has the same problem that he and *his* dad had.

This whole tour has basically been about saying how much of a mistake Pop was. There's an entire segment of the show dedicated to it. It's bizarre that they don't understand it's OK to have an experimental album. Hell TUF is an experimental album, Zooropa is, Pop is. Why is Pop the one that gets shit on?

Do I love the album? No. It's got some trash on it, it really does, but it's got some of Bono's BEST lyrics.

1. His sons are Elijah and John.

2. Please elaborate on the 'entire segment' of the show dedicated to apologizing for Pop? I haven't seen the show.
Also if my father named me Elijah Bob Patricius Guggi Q I'm not sure how well we'd get on.
1. His sons are Elijah and John.

2. Please elaborate on the 'entire segment' of the show dedicated to apologizing for Pop? I haven't seen the show.

First of all, I forgot I was in Shuttlecock and not a thread in the other place, so I'm sorry I didn't spoiler tag anything about the show earlier. I'll go fix it.

1. Thank you.

2. Have you seen the comic yet?
A new remix of HMTMKMKM plays during the first interlude, where The Fly used to be. In it, around the time of AB/Zooropa, the band make a deal with the devil/MacPhisto got gain certain abilities. They then continue on through the 90s, lavishing in excess, which is surrounded by imagery from PopMart. At this point, the comic indicates that the band fly too close to the Sun (Adam's gift ambition, which is literally wings. He uses similarly to Icarus and flys too high, and his wings melt). They collapse back to Earth and land in MacPhisto's limousine, but it's unclear to me if this is supposed to represent the ATYCLB era or present day, but I'm going with the former, because once MacPhisto rights them, and they've gained their "experience" they set back out to resume the show, launching into Elevation, specifically the remix of it they played on the Elevation tour.

Later in the B-Stage section, Bono then elaborates on how Pop was their psychedelic period, and sort of shrugs it off as still part of the innocence, or something along those lines. Night 2 in LA he indicated that he basically thinks SATS had no real narrative thread and he doesn't know what it's about, but it managed to hit onto something by the end, which they use to juxtapose the KKK/Nazis at Charlottesville (it was very powerful).

So I don't know that they're necessarily saying that Pop is a mistake, but it was certainly the height of their excess in their mind, and through it they did some things that were good, but it was also too much. Or at least that's my interpretation.
Guys...did someone just steal my Instagram photo and post it on Facebook?
Facebook post:

Edit: You may not be able to see that, I think it's a closed Facebook group.

Here's the pic:

Instagram post:
While I agree and would love to hear just about anything off of Pop, I have no doubt that many of the same people commenting on the absence of Gone on 360 would be saying stuff like "a guy wearing a literal suit of lights singing about a suit of lights is so literal and unimaginative.. It lacks nuance and is just plain ole cheezy! I remember when U2 used to paint pictures with their art, post 2000 U2 sucks!"
Yeah, but it's musical theater. On this tour, he's playing around with a light bulb while singing "if there is a light" and people seem to like it.
1. His sons are Elijah and John.

when leo gets older and finds this forum he's gonna be so heart broken :sad:

and i feel like an idiot for loving dirty day so much and never cluing in that it's about his dad even though after 5 seconds of thought about the lyrics it's plainly obvious :doh:
While we are discussing Pop, can we all agree that it was a crime that Do You Feel Loved? was never played beyond those handful of early performances on Popmart?

Question for Ax: is there another track that appears so early in an album that never got a significant number of live performances? I can’t think of any. Babyface, maybe?
Also, opening those shows with Mofo was so fucking cool.

What happened to that band.
Eli was the "young Bono" in Song For Someone on the IE tour and is on the cover of the new album, so they can't hate each other all THAT much.

I think his youngest is still ... well, young. Not sure how old he is, but maybe he doesn't want to be talked about?

/bored spitballing while I laze about with a cat on my lap
I have a legit question, and I know I could google it (and I will after I write this post), but doesn't Bono have a son? Do they not get along or something? I always hear him shouting out to his daughters/wife, but I can't even remember his son's name. He never mentions him. Not to get *too* into his private life, it's just weird, and does make you wonder, inevitably, if he has the same problem that he and *his* dad had.


I think that the age difference is the main reason for less direct acknowledgement of his sons vs. his daughters in lyrics and shout outs, his daughters are adults, have been for a while, oldest son is what 18 going on 19, middle one is 16 or so, and Leo is what 7 now? So may feel more comfortable referring to them publicly/on stage once they are grown.

He has only referenced Leo once in song(and did so in a Nostradamus-esque way) and is finally referencing him live by playing Acrobat.

But yeah, you're both right, probably just doesn't come up as much because they aren't adults touring the world with them.
On the flip side of this conversation, all of this listening I've been forced to do of Best Thing About Me lately, does still have me trying to make that stupid, "that ever happened, a boy." line make sense, and I was all ready to be like, "Maybe he's saying that having a boy was the best thing that ever happened to him :O!"

I'm very bored at work today, gang.
Speaking of Best Thing ... the new arrangement is at least better than the one i heard on JT last year, but that's not saying much.

I was singing along anyway in San Jose (as I do) on the second night (I took a pee break night 1), and my friend and I were both thrown when we got to the chorus - it felt like the key changed in a weird way.

I think that happens in the studio version as well, but it sounded different.

Did they change the key(s) of the song, or were we just drunk from the excitement of being on the rail?
I remember hearing it in San Diego, and it was probably the only time I've ever laughed out loud at a song at a concert. Good God, I don't understand this version.
While we are discussing Pop, can we all agree that it was a crime that Do You Feel Loved? was never played beyond those handful of early performances on Popmart?

Question for Ax: is there another track that appears so early in an album that never got a significant number of live performances? I can’t think of any. Babyface, maybe?

I'm not Ax, but I'll answer.

You've correctly guessed one of the ones that's closest; in fact Babyface, with 5 performances, has one less than DYFL's 6.

Other tracks that appear in the first five tracks of their respective albums that are in the ballpark include:

Drowning Man(#5 on War, 0 performances)
Promenade(#5 on UF, 0 performances)
Like A Song(#4 on War, 1 performance)
California(track #3 on SOI, 7 performances)
Hawkmoon 269(#4 on R&H, 8 performances)
On the flip side of this conversation, all of this listening I've been forced to do of Best Thing About Me lately, does still have me trying to make that stupid, "that ever happened, a boy." line make sense, and I was all ready to be like, "Maybe he's saying that having a boy was the best thing that ever happened to him :O!"

I'm very bored at work today, gang.
Doesn't Bono sing in Acrobat: What happened your face of melting snow?

Am I crazy or is it the same grammatical "error"? You could of course argue that a comma after happened does make sense in the Acrobat case but that's a stretch...
I'm listening to it and it *sounds* like he says to. At least it sounds like it.

But thanks to this conversation, I found this fanvid which includes a shot of Bono doing what looks like a dab and I'm going to have to make a gif out of that later.
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