Scrapbook for Bono?

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Thanks domo-kun:wave:, that's basically the status right now. Last unicorn, I'll add that this started as a rough idea and took off (in the best way possible). As I have a full time job, the scrapbook might come together a bit more slowly than I'd like. As of now, there is no deadline for contributions. I'm hoping it won't be more than a few weeks. So last unicorn, if you want to add something, please do! :)
As for getting the scrapbook to Bono, I right now have three options: mailing it to PM, mailing it to a friend in Dublin who will deliver it to PM, and someone on here apparently knows Adam's girlfriend and she might be able to get it to Bono. I'm not sure which way it's going to go yet.

We can always try one idea, if it doesn't work we just try the other one. :)
Thanks domo-kun:wave:, that's basically the status right now. Last unicorn, I'll add that this started as a rough idea and took off (in the best way possible). As I have a full time job, the scrapbook might come together a bit more slowly than I'd like. As of now, there is no deadline for contributions. I'm hoping it won't be more than a few weeks. So last unicorn, if you want to add something, please do! :)
As for getting the scrapbook to Bono, I right now have three options: mailing it to PM, mailing it to a friend in Dublin who will deliver it to PM, and someone on here apparently knows Adam's girlfriend and she might be able to get it to Bono. I'm not sure which way it's going to go yet.

Oh thanks! I look if I can do something but I have so little time. I'm more into painting and writing than drawing. Thanks for starting this project :up:

And what's that about knowing Adam's girlfriend? :ohmy:
And what's that about knowing Adam's girlfriend? :ohmy:

Yeah, pkp said it in an earlier post. Here it is:

hey...I know that it's gonna sound a bit... unbelievable so I don't blame you if you guys don't believe me...But if it could help somehow- I know Adam's girlfriend. I know her quite well...She is a lovely, nice pesrson, real sweetheart so I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind passing the scrapbook on to Bono.
But of course- your plan is good too. I think there is a great chance that the people from Principle Management gives that to Bono.
But in case I could help somehow, just let me know :)
I think the surest way to get it to Bono would be with Adam´s girlfriend, don´t you think? But it´s just my opinion :wave:
I think the surest way to get it to Bono would be with Adam´s girlfriend, don´t you think? But it´s just my opinion :wave:
Yeah that's my opinion too, I don't think she would refuse to give it to Bono or something. :)
BTW, anyone have any other pictures like this one:


Yeah that's my opinion too, I don't think she would refuse to give it to Bono or something. :)

Yep, I am the one who knows Adam's lady. I am 100% sure she wouldn't refuse to give it to Bono. She is one of the sweetest people I have ever met:)

The most important matter is if people here would trust me enough to send it to me. All I can do is promise that I just want to help :) What other intention would I have?:) I really don't want to steal the scrapbook;) That wouldn't make any sense at all :)
Just think about it and decide what you think is the best. Anyway, if I can help- I'm here, let me know:)

By the way - @U2fan003- I'm happy for Adam too;) He is a lucky guy:)
Hi :wave:Nope, it's not too late at all! I haven't even started putting together the scrapbook yet. People are in the early stages of posting their contributions. I don't have a deadline yet either. Please do post a message - it's no problem at all! :)

Aw thanks so much! Do I just post it into this thread or can I PM you?

Hello :wave: Welcome to interference. Very random question, but is your name based on the band L'arc-en-Ciel?:D

Thank you! Everyone is so lovely here :) it was just a word that caught my eye while doing A Level French, but i've not heard them! I'll check them out :D
Yep but I think that is because U2 music is very creative.. You have to be creative (or a bit mad :)) to like it. :)
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