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Oct 2, 2000
even NJ loves NY
it started before I was aware
i wonder how long have you seen through me
like this?
you were quiet, you cared in the small ways
that I never noticed
my ego took over
and i promised myself how perfect i was
but i was just a child
and i know if i asked you,
you?d pretend you never noticed

now I guess I know more
or at least i flatter myself that I do
i couldnt believe what i heard
but oh well, it?s just life right?
you were just a small boy
when the world first slapped you in the face
and kicked you down
but you got up and smiled anyway
and walked on, holding no grudges

then they killed you
slowly, one stab at a time
porcelain pretty disease
taking everything you hold dear
and I was naive enough to just turn my head
but you?re still alive and beautiful as ever
gracing this hideous world
flower in a scorpion desert

could i ever make you understand
what you mean to me now that I?ve woken up?
I wanted to say, if you have the time to listen
and you always do even if you don?t
I?m sorry for what I didn?t do
?thank you? could never cover what I owe you.

i just wrote this really quick. it's funny how some people you dont notice at first are your best friends and then when you realize it's almost too late. I just hope I have time and the courage to tell the best friend I've ever had how special they are to me. God, show me a way please..
Show your friend that poem, thats the way, its lovely...

And if you look, you look through me.

L'amore giunger
E non so pi pregare
E nell'amore non so pi sperare
E quell'amore non so pi aspettare e-mail me :)
The perpetually handsome Mullen appears to have stopped ageing around the time of The Joshua Tree.
"It doesn't matter what songs we sing.
I'm a drummer. Chicks dig me." -Larry
Larry likes to play drums." - Bono
"Larry's always been noticed cos he's the pretty one." - Adam
"Bono, if you still haven't found what you're looking for, look behind the drumkit." - Boy George
A man so handsome, he will never be let sing in this group!"
-Bono, introducing Larry at Irving Plaza, NYC 2000
thanks you know I would bono-vox but i'm going to do something so much more special, im just waiting for God to give me the opportunity and I trust he will

I was going to delete this post because I'm embarrassed of it now, in fact im embarrassed about how open ive been with everything i think. normal people arent like that, and it's starting to hurt too much. you have all been so very kind to me and i want to keep reading what you share but im too weak of a person to do it myself anymore,so if i dont share that much or at all, that's why. im not leaving.
maybe I'llget over this i dont know but in the mean time thanks so much for everything.

[This message has been edited by BabyGrace (edited 12-17-2001).]
I know it can be hard, I've embarassed myself a few times too... things that come out quickly like that take everyone by surprise sometimes.
I'm sure we all appreciate what you do share very much, and I hope you get the opportunity you're waiting for.

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