Reality is a shared hallucination...

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Aug 13, 2001
So says Harold Bloom.

Being here is a kind of spiritual surrender. We see only what the others see, the thousands who were here in the past, those who will come in the future. We've agreed to be part of a collective perception.-- Don DeLillo

We are accustomed to use our eyes only with the memory of what other people before us have thought about the object we are looking at.-- Guy de Maupassant

After all, what is reality anyway? Nothin' but a collective hunch.-- Lily Tomlin

Scientific discoveries are no longer attributed to individual scientists, but to corporations.

Scientific inventions are revolutionary, only if they are marketable through consumer capitalism... Everything else turns up on TV infomercials with less given credibility.

History will only record events news media finds worthy. Everything else will be forgotten or deemed untrue.

Today's important people are only important because they shine on camera... or because they are rich and powerful and will remain so.

What if everyone is really the same as everyone else? Wanting to be the same like everyone else. Being lied to, like everyone else. We have freedom, but with our freedom, we remain wanting to be the same.

Information is meaningless.
Facts are useless.
Truth is futile.

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