Randooomdumdoooomdum in springtime

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kellyahern said:
Is anyone watching the National Spelling Bee on ABC tonight? I laughed when my sister said I should watch it, but it's oddly fascinating. Brutal pressure (and some of these kids are um . . . different).

They even have backstage interviews with the losers. This is harsh :yikes:.

I watched it in between commercials during 30 Rock and The Office. I liked the kid who got purnaise, which means bedbug, and asked if he could spell bedbug instead. :cute:
:crazy: I've just come from a house of horrors! :scream: :sad: one of the culinary classes had to prepare cow brains and veal tongue tonight. Who actually serves that stuff on a menu and who orders it?!?!?!? :sad:

My class made danish and croissants. :kiss:
I just put my first auction up on amazon.com. I wish I would have thought to buy it online before taking the one at the school bookstore. School is set up that if we have a loan, no money is ever exchanged when you pick up books, supplies, etc. We just sign a form stating we have the item and that's it. That's not how it worked at the university I went to. We had to pay for everything until the loans came in, usually months later. So anyways....it's all too easy to just take what they hand you when it comes to items needed for school. The book was $121 for a 6 week course! :mad: :angry: I put the book up well under what I paid. In fact, I put it up so it's the cheapest out of the other 41 auctions for this book. After amazon's ridiculous fees, I'll get about 1/2 of what I paid for this book. I'll take what I can get for it. It's summer and I want to have fun!!!!....and not work :uhoh: :reject:
one more thing....hopefully since it is summer, that won't stop me from selling my book :grumpy: It's probably not the greatest time to try to sell a book. Maybe there's someone taking a summer course and needs the book! :yes:
I am online AGAIN. Can't sleep and I know why ~ I had caffeine after 6 pm. Stupid me. I think Sleepy Time tea is calling for me.
I am about to throw this mouse across the room :mad:
Off to purchase a new one

Wierd weather. It was just really dark outside and now itis much lighter.............the racing fans may get their wish. A wet Ashley Judd.
OS commercial was just on tv. My physical therapist is now in the commercial *waves madly at tv* :)
Schmeg said:
Someone motivate me to clean my house. Please. :scream:
any luck? any cleaning done?

Need motivation myself. I am now having too much fun with the wireless mouse *geek* to do any cleaning. *really geeky*
everything i do, i do it for bono

:lol: My house is beautiful right now. I even baked- two batches of muffins and some brownies are due up in 14 minutes. Thanks for the motivation...I even got a pm from no spoken words! Bono would be so proud of me if he saw it...and then he'd probably spill something on my nice clean floor. :angry:
I also paid the phone bill that was due on Tuesday. :silent:

If the Red Sox friggin lose today I'm going to DIE. :grumpy:

I had hail this afternoon. :happy: Sounded like the roof was coming down for about 15 minutes.
Blue Room said:

I had hail this afternoon. :happy: Sounded like the roof was coming down for about 15 minutes.
15 minutes of hail :ohmy:
hopefully no damage done to your house or car

They are saying storms after 10 pm here.
kellyahern said:
Hail is cool :cool: . . . as long as you are inside and your car is safe.

I love thunderstorms (as long as the power stays on). But hail I can do without. Hearing it hit my house didnt sound cool! :wink:

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