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what a morning to have to get up and go to work. I was so comfy in bed listening to the rain and then...........the alarm goes off :down:
I have first day back to work after vacation blahs :|
Only a few weeks though till my next ( and last ) vacation :hyper:
I can't stop watching Meerkat Manor :help:
Mitch and Axel :cute:

OMG that little face on Axel :cute: x's infinity! My heart melts EVERYTIME they focus on him.
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:drool: Red Sox :drool:

I'm wearing my new Youkilis jersey that I bought at the souvenir store on Yawkey Way on Monday and they are up 4-0 in the top of the 4th. Coincidence? Maybe. I am NOT wearing my "That's just Manny being Manny" shirt, nor my 2004 World Series Champions shirt, as they lose when I wear those.

Superstitions go back over a century in Boston...
kellyahern said:
I :heart: meerkats. I was very let down when we went to Busch Gardens last time, and they had replaced where they used to have the meerkats with those little monkeys.
Are you kidding me? That was a HUGE mistake what with the popularity of the Meerkat Manor.
Not a monkey fan...........
Monkeys are old news. It's all about the meerkats these days.
:up: superstitions....
I now post the Go Pack Go animated dancing cow after every win.......arw LOVES the cow.
Schmeg said:
Monkeys are old news. It's all about the meerkats these days.
Now I want to go to the zoo.......we have slender tailed meerkats
*pictures self just staring for hours at meerkats*
meerkat stalker :shifty:
kellyahern said:
We had 95 seniors participate in the Putt Putt competition today. It's Senior Olympics time again.

Ironically, 95F was the temperature today :yuck:
Sounds completely enjoyable :no:
Doozer61 said:
schmeg, i rooted for your sox last night :flirt:

I saw you rooting for the Angels in the new MLB thread. :mad:

Although, if we have another 4-0 game, I might root for the Angels for a game or two so the series is a little more dramatic! :flirt:

I'm watching Cleveland/New York now...If I have to watch A-Rod and Jeter stick their asses out any time a ball comes within three feet of their hips for the rest of the month, I swear to God I will kill someone.
Schmeg said:

I'm watching Cleveland/New York now...If I have to watch A-Rod and Jeter stick their asses out any time a ball comes within three feet of their hips for the rest of the month, I swear to God I will kill someone.

I have someone in mind from work.........I will ship him to you :wink: We both win :evil:
Doozer61 said:
oh, you saw that??? oopsies.....

I'm everywhere, too. :evil:

I'd post in that thread but I wouldn't want to be diagnosed with any mental conditions. :rolleyes:
shari schultz said:

I have someone in mind from work.........I will ship him to you :wink: We both win :evil:

Send him my way, I'll take care of him for you!
I love :lmao: getting phone calls from co-workers at home about the schedule that start with "Hi, how are you? What the hell is her (the boss) problem?"
Yes she managed to screw up the schedule again for next week.........next week is going to be oh so special :happy:
kellyahern said:

But I do like the phrase "That's just Manny being Manny." :wink:


We did a tour of Fenway Park on Monday and apparently it took Manny three years to realize there were people sitting on top of the Green Monster, and that's where the voices were coming from. Once he held up a game looking for a bathroom in the Monster. You have to love him, or else you'd have to strangle him.
:grumpy: I guess it was my parent's night to babysit little Hayden tonight. He's sound asleep now and they're picking him up soon. I want to play with him! :sad: He's getting to be at such a fun age.
I have survived yet another week of OT and more hours than I usually work at job 2 to help with inventory and to cover a vacation time. It was mentioned there could be a possibility of more OT next week since S is out for the week. Tomorrow is Sunday which means my mom and I will have our weekly argument about nothing. Woo Hoo! :|
^ At least there will be some nice $$$$$ involved.
Arguement about nothing? Sounds very Seinfeldian

I haven't tried Godiva Pearls yet. I think I will be on Monday. They just went around the store and put little fixtures on the counter with guess what in them? Pearls.

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