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I had every intention of reading in the sunshine (ZOMG GLORIOUS SUNSHINE, FINALLY!) on my deck this afternoon, but I was so wiped from my 3-hour walk around my awesome area of Seattle that I couldn't do anything but doze on and off all afternoon.

Well I would def suggest checking out one of his more "organic" albums. There are still keyboards but not the type of 80's synths I think are bothering you.

Maybe try the "Symbol" album, Around The World In A Day, or The Gold Experience. They're all post-Purple Rain and don't feature that sound as much.

Love Symbol Album - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Around the World in a Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Gold Experience - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Will do! :up:

*clutches pearls*

It's hard to know what I'd think of it if I'd never heard it when it was the Big Thing of 198whatever and inescapable.

(inescapably awesome)
1984. Yeah...I wasn't born yet... :uhoh:
:huh: That's a little extreme, yes.

Laz, I downloaded Around The World In A Day last night, will give it a listen after work. I also plan on hitting some Adele tunes on YouTube. See what I think, though I'm pretty sure I'll love her.
All this talk about Prince reminded me that he apparently has said that he would like for it to be illegal to cover his songs.

Prince wants to make covering songs illegal—specifically, Prince's songs | Music | Newswire | The A.V. Club

I understand that the guy is an egomaniac, but this is a bit much, is it not?

Seems like an odd stance from a guy who frequently covers other artists in concert.

But I guess there's a difference between doing that and recording something for posterity.
I think that the worst part of all this is that I scrolled down and listened to the Limp Bizkit cover of 1999. I cannot really unlisten to it now, can I?

I don't deserve this.
Here are three half-way decent pics from Thursday night.

The first two are zoomed; the last one is what it looked like from my 25 dollar seat:



My photos came out like shit but my seats were fucking amazing, especially for $25. How I got better seats than you, Laz, when I bought mine after you confuses me. Guess I just got lucky.

No pic of NSW, nor did I take one of Martha. Fail. We did speculate as to where you were sitting, though. I think I said "Where do you think that fuck Lazarus is sitting?".......
Well, at least one is a reasonable figure....who on Earth would believe that you made five friends over the course of your entire life, let alone five willing to go with you to a concert? I'm always willing to suspend disbelief, but, please.
I'm getting used to going to concerts and things by myself, and it looks like I'm going to U2 by myself, too. Everyone I've invited has flaked out on me.
Well, at least one is a reasonable figure....who on Earth would believe that you made five friends over the course of your entire life, let alone five willing to go with you to a concert? I'm always willing to suspend disbelief, but, please.

He can't call them "friends" if he had to pay them to go with him.
I really did go with a friend to the Prince show, but, have zero problem attending concerts or movies or even sporting events by myself. Especially at this stage of my life, where so many of my friends are married with kids, etc, and it's hard for them to just pick up and attend events, especially on weeknights.

Better to attend these things on your own, Reggo, than not go at all.
True enough. I guess if I were into scrapbooking, having an untorn ticket would be cool. I'm mostly upset that the boyfriend has been completely non-committal and won't tell me one way or another whether he'll go, so I've just assumed he's not coming with me. Ass. :angry:
He can't call them "friends" if he had to pay them to go with him.

At $25 a pop, this form of prostitution was surprisingly cheap.

I really did go with a friend to the Prince show, but, have zero problem attending concerts or movies or even sporting events by myself. Especially at this stage of my life, where so many of my friends are married with kids, etc, and it's hard for them to just pick up and attend events, especially on weeknights.

Better to attend these things on your own, Reggo, than not go at all.

I went to see The Arcade Fire/LCD Soundsystem alone, because my co-worker/friend didn't feel like driving down from Detroit (where we were currently stationed) to Columbus where the show was. It would have been a lot better to see it with other people. I also had the biggest near-death experience of my entire life driving back.

I also had to see My Morning Jacket alone at the Greek theatre, after buying 3 tickets and not even being able to give the other two away. That wouldn't happen now as my social circle's a lot wider but it royally sucked.

The one great solo concert experience was seeing Sleater-Kinney during the One Beat tour. It was totally transcendent; I felt like I was lifting off the floor from the power of the music. Not sure if it was being alone that caused me to get sucked in on that level, but regardless it's in my Top 10 concerts ever.
I saw The Arcade Fire alone, one of the few concerts I've attended solo. It was right after I moved to Chicago, and they happened to be playing within walking distance of where I was living for my first few months. I didn't really know anyone in Chicago, and since the Network I was working for only had 13 employees at the time, I just went by myself. And that was a great fucking decision because that show was awesome.

Being back in LA is great for me socially, but, few of my friends have continued to follow new music, etc. So, if I want to see Fleet Foxes next month, it'll be hard to convince someone to come with. When I see U2 in Anaheim, that will be much easier, even with the travel time tacked on, etc.

I'd say that concerts and sporting events are, for me, always better when I'm with friends....because it's sort of a communal experience, etc. Movies, however, I have to say, I almost prefer to go alone these days.

Laz, moments like that are fucking priceless. The first time I experienced that was at my very first concert: U2 in 1987, during Bad. I was as transported as one can get during that song, and it's fair to say that the concert one the whole had a huge impact on my attitude towards music, and by extension, my life.
I prefer going to concerts alone. I prefer traveling alone as well. I'm really not as social as you might think, and the only person I like to be around for extended periods of time is my husband. Even then I still need lots of alone time.
Yeah, within the last 15 years or so, I've probably seen 50% of movies alone. It's awesome to be with a crowd at a midnight opening show (most recently Inception), but otherwise I don't go to most popcorn films anymore and it doesn't matter who's around me.
:lol: Several cheap dates are better than one expensive one.

I went to Green Day by myself and had a blast. I saw U23D seven :shifty: times on my own, so I'm used to the idea.
Martha - I like to travel alone, too, though I've had my fair share of amazing road trips with friends. And, I've always needed a balance of time with my friends and time alone. I've never been a social butterfly, but have never been a recluse either. Balance keeps me happy in this regard. Though, I clearly lean towards preferring time alone.

Laz - Yeah, you nailed it. Seeing The Dark Knight with a group was a lot of fun, but you can bet your ass that when Tree of Life is released, I'll be seeing it alone.
Concerts alone can be quite fun, in my opinion. If the crowd is into the show, you can really feed off the energy. LCD Soundsystem, for example, was a blast for me, even though I was there by myself.
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