Random Music Talk XLIV: Haunted By Dalton's Ghost

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Do you really wanna know about some gangsta shit?
Do you really wanna know about some gangsta shit?
Do you really wanna know about some gangsta shit?
Outkast Goodie Mob and the Dungeon CLICK!
I think we should burn it.

And make him watch.

And some men just want to watch the world burn.

Have they ever given a reason as to why they've never given it a punt live? I've always guessed it's because for it to really work, it likely needs a pretty decent input from Bono on guitar - or an all too obvious 'back up' - and thus, no dice. There's plenty of scope there for a re-imagining though.
Earnie Shavers said:
Have they ever given a reason as to why they've never given it a punt live? I've always guessed it's because for it to really work, it likely needs a pretty decent input from Bono on guitar - or an all too obvious 'back up' - and thus, no dice. There's plenty of scope there for a re-imagining though.

I've always assumed it was just too challenging for Larry. Not that 6/8 is terribly uncommon...I suppose in a rock context it is. The vocal is pretty rough, so I'm sure Bono could handle it today.

I was referencing EYKIW, of course. Awesome song.

cobl04 said:
Listening to RTSS just now makes me so sad that I never got to hear it live. I mean Miss Sarajevo is great and all, but...

I got it the first time I saw them, and everyone around me was fucking talking. Worst moment of the show in that sense, although the performance was great. Bono played a crappy solo beforehand that was very charming.
Just listening to one of the Point Depot versions of it, with a Dirty Old Man coda.

I might troll EYKIW and I might not love them and defend them as passionately as I once did, but listening to it, with the crowd singing every word in full voice, just floors me every time. There isn't any other band that even comes close to moving me in the way this band can.

Childish Gambino's first album Camp is out Nov 15.

1. Outside
2. Fire Fly
3. Bonfire
4. All The Shine
5. Letter Home
6. Heartbeat
7. Backpackers
8. L.E.S.
9. Hold You Down
10. Kids (Keep Up)
11. You See Me
12. Sunrise
13. That Power

Meat Puppets has fast become one of my favorite bands. I couldn't stand them before, but then I listened to Nirvana's MTV Unplugged and noticed that their decent covers of Plateau and Lake of Fire contained within them great songs. So I listened to Meat Puppets II for probably the third time and realized how much I loved their guitar work and energy and was finally hooked. One listen to Up On The Sun instantly sold me there.

I just really love scratchy, sloppy guitar lines, I guess. That aspect of Dirty Projectors is easily my favorite. Ditto Richard & Linda Thompson.
I refuse to nab that soundtrack out of fear that it's the only thing I'll listen to for months.
LemonMelon said:
I've always assumed it was just too challenging for Larry. Not that 6/8 is terribly uncommon...I suppose in a rock context it is.

I really hope this isn't the reason. If Larry cannot handle a 6/8 time signature, I'm not sure what business he has being a drummer at all.
I do love that version, and love Dirty Old Town.

*warning, reminiscing of two weeks ago ahead*

While in Ireland, I learned that the song is not actually an Irish song, it was written about an English town (and the songwriter was Kirsty MacColl's father).
Late to the conversation, but just lately I have intensely been considering Grad School, but I have no idea how I would afford it. I am just SO restless right now, and I feel it calling to me. I just want to throw more money in the trash, is the thing.
R u guyz psyched 2 heer Bonoz n Edje pley 4 Clintunz?!11!?! Wut song wil thay pley? Wil it b cliche?!!??//??1! :hyper::ohmy::applaud::drool::love::hmm:

Who are you and what have you done with Scumbo? :lol:

I completely forgot about the whole thing. :shrug:
Late to the conversation, but just lately I have intensely been considering Grad School, but I have no idea how I would afford it. I am just SO restless right now, and I feel it calling to me. I just want to throw more money in the trash, is the thing.

Education is never money thrown in the trash.

No one I personally know has regretted grad school. I wish I had the time for it.
martha said:
Education is never money thrown in the trash.

No one I personally know has regretted grad school. I wish I had the time for it.

Forgive me if, atm currently being laid off from my factory job yet again, it may feel like it. Though I realize if I went back down to Texas I could very possibly have a job today, I really, really regret moving.
Late to the conversation, but just lately I have intensely been considering Grad School, but I have no idea how I would afford it. I am just SO restless right now, and I feel it calling to me. I just want to throw more money in the trash, is the thing.

Not that my experience is emblematic of all grad schools, but I feel the need to caution you that grad school is not fun. I really think that people should take a long, hard look at their reasons for entering a grad program, because it is psychologically difficult and very strenuous economically. Just looking for a change of pace would not be a wise reason for beginning a grad program, I think - that's not to say that restlessness is your only motivation, but I have known people who go to grad school simply because they have nothing else to do, and it has not turned out well for them.

Who are you and what have you done with Scumbo? :lol:

I completely forgot about the whole thing. :shrug:

I just got back from a "work" trip in Carmel where I did in fact see Clint fucking Eastwood in the flesh at his restaurant. It was almost as exciting as the seahorses I saw at the Monterey Aquarium. :cute:
That's pretty awesome.

Know what else is awesome? Today is my last day of work for 6 weeks. I'm going on a 6 week paid sabbatical. We have program here where once you've worked for the company for 7 years, you get the 6 week sabbatical. You have to take it all at once, which will be weird, but I'm not complaining.
A paid sabbatical is a damned awesome perk. What are you going to do with the time? Anything out of the ordinary, or just enjoy not working?
That's so awesome. I can recommend a trip to Carmel. Visit Robinson Jeffers' Tor house and the Monterey Aquarium. Both were amazing.
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