Random Music Talk LXX: Original Theatrical Version

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A few boobies as well
Sylvester! Why couldn't you listen? Why couldn't you shut up when I was trying to tell you to listen?
Remember when some people thought there was going to be a King of Limbs pt.2 because one of the lines in Separator was "if you think this is over you're wrong"? That was stupid.

Tonight. Get excited for me. It's my first time seeing Radiohead.
Remember when some people thought there was going to be a King of Limbs pt.2 because one of the lines in Separator was "if you think this is over you're wrong"? That was stupid.

Haha. Yes. Yes, it was stupid. It was more than just that line, though. There was something about a "clue" in the artwork, as well as a listing for two vinyl releases instead of one. I don't really remember. I got caught up in all of that for a minute and then realized how silly it was.

Can't blame people too much, though. They see what they want to see. If you're a fucking incredible, once in a lifetime band like Radiohead, people are going to over-analyze everything you do and they're going to want more and more and more. It's natural to want more Radiohead. Because they rule.

I want to have sex with Alison Brie and Lizzy Caplan at the same time, and if there is ever the slightest hint that that might happen, I will get my hopes up, even though it never will.
One of my least favorite aspects of Mad Men is the idea that anyone would be unsatisfied with Alison Brie. lolwut
We should probably go into more depth on this issue, so as to make sure none of us are hasty in making a decision one way or the other.
Via the new Joni Mitchell box set, P4k reviewed all of her albums up through 1979. Perfect 10s for Blue, Court And Spark and Hissing of Summer Lawns :rockon: Three of my most played and beloved records by anyone right there.

Hejira should have been a lot closer to those.

And sadly like most of the mainstream, they underrate Don Juan's Reckless Daughter. What the fuck ever.

Just as funny as Dick Shawn's performance is how the instruments being played on screen don't match up whatsoever with what you hear on the soundtrack. I'm going to chalk that up to another example of Mel Brooks' genius.

For those of you who aren't SUPERFANS, this movie, and specifically that character, is what inspired the title "Achtung Baby".

One of my least favorite aspects of Mad Men is the idea that anyone would be unsatisfied with Alison Brie. lolwut

Come on, she doesn't look nearly as good on that show as she does elsewhere.
I'm going to need to see this movie these clips are from

As for the Brie/Caplan thing, well, I'm more familiar with Brie than I am Caplan, so if I were to pick, I'd go with her, too.

martha, that's not a bad little list there. I like that you go to classical/opera things, for some reason :).
Just as funny as Dick Shawn's performance is how the instruments being played on screen don't match up whatsoever with what you hear on the soundtrack. I'm going to chalk that up to another example of Mel Brooks' genius.

I also love how he says, "Come on, fellas" to them before they're on screen. Love that movie, particularly that scene. I've still never seen the recent Broadway adaptation movie, not sure if I want to.

I had no clue of the Achtung Baby correlation. Some fan I am.
I've never even seen The Producers all the way through, and I knew about it.

But only because I'm weird like that.

(I do, however, have Springtime For Hitler on my iPod.)
This is the current state of play.

GA "line"


I left work an hour early to get here early and there's fuck all people here :lol: I don't think the gates open for another 80 minutes either. My friend is either gonna laugh or be pissed off when she gets here.

And ugh, someone started a number system and for some fucking reason I got one. So now I'm one of those wankers.

And my phone's on 34%.
#58 actually. I might get the permo back and write "hours" underneath it so I just look like a huge fan instead of a wanker.

The only person crazy enough to wanna come line up before the gates open. Aside from bonoman2002, who's cant come till later.
Dag, clearly Aussies lack the dedication/psychosis of American Radiohead fans. The line would be numbering in the hundreds 4 fours to gig time.
I can't for the life of me picture myself getting a fucking number on my hand to go see a rock concert.
A dude did this at the Sigur Ros show I saw in Philly. I see the benefit; you don't feel like you have to hold your spot in queue the whole time so you can head out and do something else for a few hours. Of course, this guy got mercilessly fucked with by the venue staff when they got there, who just saw him as a dork on a powertrip. They said they were gonna let everybody else in before they let him in (it was kinda mean, but also hilarious)
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