Random Music Talk LXVI: This is not a rutabaga song...this is CELERY SALTY CELERY!!

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Well correct me if I'm wrong but it seems the book came out in 65 and the film in 84. I have no interest in sci-fi, don't frequent the film and book threads here, and scroll past references in here I don't get.

Hence, I have never heard of Dune.
The Room is easily my favourite bad movie. Fucking hilarious.

It's not true I did not hit her it's bullshit I did not hit her I did naht

Oh hai Mark
apropos of little else but I have to mention it

No sweeping shots of Arrakeen tonight, as the credits are instead delivered by Christiane Gomjabbar, a Fremen reporter embedded with the third brigade of the 109th mechanized sandworm cavalry division, as she shows us a blurry, green-hued night-vision shot of Leto approaching the outskirts of Jacurutu on the back of a M1A3 sandworm.

That is from the TWOP recap of Children of Dune, and I remember just about dying of laughter at how lame/awesome that name pun was. This was in March 2003, after I'd spent the last two weeks watching the cable news live broadcast from tanks invading Iraq. (ah, more blurry desert!) I've remembered that for the last 9 years.
apropos of little else but I have to mention it

That is from the TWOP recap of Children of Dune, and I remember just about dying of laughter at how lame/awesome that name pun was. This was in March 2003, after I'd spent the last two weeks watching the cable news live broadcast from tanks invading Iraq. (ah, more blurry desert!) I've remembered that for the last 9 years.

That's apropos of EVERYTHING.
It is. But, for me, in the best way possible. It's my favorite bad movie. So fucking bad. So awesome.

Alright, alright. I'll watch it. For me, this type of thing is a genre unto itself, and a favorite at that.

Would it be problematic if I watched it blind drunk before reading the book? Do they have anything in common at all?
Alright, alright. I'll watch it. For me, this type of thing is a genre unto itself, and a favorite at that.

Would it be problematic if I watched it blind drunk before reading the book? Do they have anything in common at all?

I think in this case, you're safe to watch it drunk before reading. I mean, there's lots in common, but, still......wait, you know what? Don't do it, read it first....
The movie offends David Lynch, so, you're in good company.

Does it really?

It is. But, for me, in the best way possible. It's my favorite bad movie. So fucking bad. So awesome.

I know we've talked about this before, but see, the movie just pissed me off. I love movies that are so bad they're good, but Lynch just sucked the life out of the text and I can't forgive it that. He made a boring movie, and that bugs me, because as of late, I consider him to be my favorite director. OF ALL TIME. Taking a text I love, and a director I love and creating something not good is something I find hard to swallow.

BUT TO EACH THEIR OWN! I know how you feel about it. I was just disappointed that I personally couldn't get a so bad it's good feeling from it.
Does it really?

He has disavowed any involvement.....it became an Alan Smithee release, I believe.....the production company fucked with it big time and he hated what they did to it, etc.

I wasn't responding to you hating it as much as I was talking to Danny/your husband. I know it's atrocious.
He has disavowed any involvement.....it became an Alan Smithee release, I believe.....the production company fucked with it big time and he hated what they did to it, etc.

I wasn't responding to you hating it as much as I was talking to Danny/your husband. I know it's atrocious.

I guess I had not followed that aspect very closely. Interesting, I'll have to look into it more.

Yeah, I got ya. Travis has been wanting to see it for a while. I've been trying to keep him away, but uh, I think I lost him tonight.
Make him stop. The film might ruin the book for him. The book will never ruin the film, however, since it's already ruined.



just what do you think you're doing



don't do it travis

He has disavowed any involvement.....it became an Alan Smithee release, I believe.....the production company fucked with it big time and he hated what they did to it, etc.

Coming from a huge Lynch fan, I never bought this shifting-the-burden thing. Reading about how the film was made, I think it was first and foremost his fault that the movie got so fucked up. He simply didn't understand the material, which he himself had admitted afterwards.

Not that he can't make great movies from somebody else's material... The Elephant Man and The Straight Story :drool:
I have tried to watch Dune twice and I've failed both times. Not even a young Kyle MacLachlan and the prospect of Sting in futuristic underwear can get me through it.
Hopeless Romantic by The Bouncing Souls is an awesome album. That is all.
The album after it, How I Spent My Summer Vacation, is awesome as well!

And the album after that might be my fav, but admittedly is a "post-9/11 album", so it might be a bit dated at this point.
Careful, NSW has removed people's heart plugs for less blasphemous remarks.

Turn on your heart plug
Let it shine wherever you go
Let it make the spice flow
For all Geidi Prime to see

Turn on your heart plug
In the middle of Feyd Rautha's dream
Don't wake me up too soon
Gonna take a ride across Dune

you and me
The album after it, How I Spent My Summer Vacation, is awesome as well!

And the album after that might be my fav, but admittedly is a "post-9/11 album", so it might be a bit dated at this point.

I will keep all that in mind. Though the prospect of the third album you've mentioned doesn't sound all that palatable, given how fun this album was. I don't know what to expect from your description.

On to Blackwater Park by Opeth. I'm uh...yeah...what the fuck is this? I didn't think they were deathgrowly?
Good hell there's a lot of paperwork involved with buying a house.
Good hell there's a lot of paperwork involved with buying a house.

Someone once told me that buying a house isn't all that scary or difficult. All you have to do is just sign your name where they tell you to a thousand times. :wink:
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