Random Music Talk LV: Discussing The Music We've Been Listening to and Enjoying

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Tonight, I am going to knit and watch The Big Lebowski for the first time.
So the new Chromatics album is $9.99 on iTunes but only $5 if you order the CD directly from the label.

And I thought maybe this was the year I was going to stop buying CDs. :shrug:

Had a friend recommend this to me today. It seems a bit long-ish, but when I find the time I'll give it a spin. Nothing wrong with more dream pop.
You might not want to be anywhere near anything sharp. It will be ugly when you pass out from laughing and stab yourself.

Fuckin' hell, that was amazing. Cobbler, I'm changing the vowel in your name to an "o" so I can say "Shut the fuck up, Donnie" whenever I feel like it. :p
Danny Boy said:
Checking out fIN right now, Lemel. Nothing wrong with more, uh, what are we calling this, post-dubstep? Anyway it's good stuff.

I think Balearic Beat is the term, or something house related, I forget. Dance music is nearly as bad about subgenres as metal.

John Talabot wakes up naked on a beach in Ibiza every single day.
Wow...I put on Chromatics after finishing Saturdays = Youth, what an awesome transition there. I had no idea what this sounded like, really.

I think Kill For Love is great thus far, although I must say that the production is very average. Great songwriting, but something about it sounds, I dunno, dead. Muted. It doesn't glisten or pop. Small budget mixed with an early Cure fetish, I'm guessing.
Just got back from American Pie The Reunion... I really liked it. It's really slow to get going, and the set up they have to do in order to get them to the reunion is very sloppily written. The writing is pretty ordinary throughout the whole film. Might be the most predictable movie I've ever seen.

Buuuut, I still found a lot to like. It's got nothing on the first two but I loved the second half.
Had a friend recommend this to me today. It seems a bit long-ish, but when I find the time I'll give it a spin. Nothing wrong with more dream pop.

I've only listened to the first half so far (couldn't be bothered driving for 45 minutes longer than required) but what I heard was really good. These Streets Will Never Look The Same is an early favourite. I can see what you mean about the lack of shine for the most part, but it's not totally absent, case in point Back From the Grave.

re: Gleektye, probably shows that I like the original more than I thought since I still quite enjoyed that performance despite hating those guys voices. They've spun it as a gay guy talking to his homophobic brother, right? Works surprisingly well.
Tickets for Wilco's two nights at Red Rocks secured. Whew.

The new Shins is growing on me. Lyrics are still mostly lame but a couple of songs are starting to get stuck in my head. Really liking "September" and "It's Only Life." Really not liking "Bait & Switch" (that first verse is awful), "For a Fool" and "Fall of '82" (even though fall of '82 was an unforgettable time in my life).

Guess I should have put that in The Shins thread. But I'm not gonna.
I've heard nothing of The Chromatics outside of the Drive soundtrack; then out of nowhere they get announced as the opener for the Pulp show I'm going to. Pretty cool, I'll get to see what the hubub is about.
I like Surfacing and Fumbling Towards Ecstasy quite a bit - both are solid all the way through. Beyond that, save for a small handful of songs, those two albums are enough Sarah McLachlan for me.
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