Random Music Talk LV: Discussing The Music We've Been Listening to and Enjoying

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
iron yuppie said:
The fucking iPhone is the worst thing ever to happen to concerts. Of that I am sure.

Yes it is. The girl in front of me at the Springsteen show was recording the entire thing. Why anyone would want that shit quality video from that far away, with even worse audio, is beyond me.
Signs you're a nerd: you're frothing at the mouth at the prospect of seeing Richard Dawkins go head-to-head in a debate with the highest-ranking religious guy in your country (Cardinal George Pell) on live TV in a week's time.

I'd actually like to watch that, too. Heck, the other night I watched C-SPAN for a discussion involving Bill Clinton and Jon Stewart.
So I have a bit of a dilemma. Shut Up And Play The Hits is playing at the Sydney Opera House for this awesome SXSW-style festival they've got going on (except you have to pay to get into everything and it isn't anywhere near as awesome) on June 3. I've emailed every PR person involved and none of them know whether this will be the only Australian showing. But I've never been to Sydney so this could be a good excuse to go. Only thing is how many tickets do I buy? I couldn't go to Sydney on my own, really. Well I could. Who knows.

Any sane person would just wait for a Melbourne show or the DVD, and I'm meant to be saving for a good car, but I also irrationally love LCD.

Monkeyskin, if you see this, are you going? There's a few other great acts on as well. I'd love to see Janelle Monae.
Monae would be great to see, but I'm sitting the Vivid Fest out this year as we're saving up for 3 weeks in the US in June/July then another 3 back in the UK for Xmas. Money is tight right now.
Aw, now I feel bad for my comment earlier. Eh, well, I can understand being so excited about wanting to capture everything, too-almost like you're afraid if you don't capture it all down somehow you'll forget eventually or something. I fully confess to doing the "writing down the set list" thing, I've done that at concerts for my favorite bands. But mainly that's because sometimes I've looked online at setlists and they're incorrect and such, so if I write it down, I have it all proper and accurate. I know. It's a weird obsessive thing. So I'm a bit of a hypocrite on the whole "pay attention to the show" issue, too :p.

I've always left the picture taking to whomever goes to a show with me, simply because I'm afraid if I do it my pictures will turn out like crap.

I definitely know the "inner fangirl" feeling you talk about, too, by the way. I used to always find the girls absolutely spazzing out over the Beatles in those clips amusing, but...um...yeah, I wasn't THAT hysterical, but close enough to it, when I've seen bands I like.
Nah, I got good things out of being an insane photographer during Green Day, so it's all good.
Getting over $800 back on my taxes. The only good thing to come from having worked at Comcast.
Not bad :up:!

Nah, I got good things out of being an insane photographer during Green Day, so it's all good.

Good deal. I'm glad you had a great time.

You could stream it here: Q&A | ABC TV Airs 9:35pm Australian time on the 9th. Then it stays up on the website after that.

Here's my interview with Wanda Sykes! Seeing her Thursday, cannot wait. Preview: Wanda Sykes - Local News - News - Entertainment - Melbourne Weekly Bayside

This clip was what made decide to buy a ticket

Wanda Sykes - the real Michelle Obama - YouTube

Thanks for the tip! I'll keep that in mind.

Nice little article. Hope you have a good time seeing her-that's a great clip you shared. Pretty much sums it up.

(Personally, if Michelle ever suddenly decided to up and run for president someday, I would be all for that. She's incredibly cool.)

I'll make a note to read your blog as well.
cobl04 said:
Signs you're a nerd: you're frothing at the mouth at the prospect of seeing Richard Dawkins go head-to-head in a debate with the highest-ranking religious guy in your country (Cardinal George Pell) on live TV in a week's time.

I'm still going to miss Hitchens tearing people to shreds, but I'd like to watch this
I'm listening to the Lexington police scanner right now, and holy shit do these kids know how to riot. Buildings are fully engulfed in flames and the fire trucks can't get to them because of the crowds in the street.
Most recent ones: someone passed out on railroad tracks, some girl with cut wrists, some people tearing down street signs.
Danny Boy said:
I don't believe I've ever taken a photo or a video during a show. Even trying to take down the setlist it too distracting for me.

Ya I gave up on the setlist thing years ago. Either it's a small band and chances are I snatched a setlist off the stage after it was over, or for anyone else it can be found online the next day if I really care. But most of the time I don't.
u2popmofo said:
Meats I ate from the top of a tree tonight (no lie, we went to a place that had seated areas built into trees):


Info I have to share about music:


I see a car, a bird, and two other things I've never even heard of on that list. I do not see meats.
Waits is bloody awesome. An American treasure. I found Orphans for a paltry $9 a few days ago and am anxious to give it a few spins.
I got his first five for $30 last year. Only heard the first two. I've purchased about 20 albums that I still haven't found time to listen to. Working full time is killing me.
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