Random Music Talk LI: In Which We Don't Mention Menstruation

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there was someone who got hired where i work named robert smith. i don't think he ever worked a single shift, but his name was on the list of "pagers are in for the following people:" (feel free to carry over the joke from the van halen thread, but they still use them. not me, mine broke like 3 years ago and i don't feel like telling them i need a new one...cos i don't. they're pretty much useless). but i pointed this out to about 6 or 7 people, and only one person got it. i work with music-tasteless assholes. :sigh:

My cousin married someone named Robert Smith, and when he friend requested me on Facebook, he didn't have a display picture, so I definitely had my breath catch in my throat for a second, because I am a complete dipshit.

i think i said something along the lines are "wow, cure album sales/royalties must really be in the shitter. not even selling pictures of you to that commercial made him enough cash," thought it was a hilarious joke, and got a bunch of chirping crickets.
And now because The Cure got brought up, I have to go check Thecure.com and Chain of Flowers so I can be disappointed. BRB.
Oh hooray, we got new (horrible) promo photos of the band!



Though it looks like Bobbert's lost weight.
He does look like he's lost some, which is good. Is the bottom picture an attempt at a new version of an old Cure picture? It looks familiar to me.

I still really need to buy the Disintegration reissue, I want that bonus disc of the album live.
are there more stars than there are prostitutes in thailand?
are there more stars than there are prostitutes in thailand?

I expect Cobbler to return with a full report.

I had a biochemistry professor named Robert Smith. Is the Disintegration microsite still up? There was tons of free stuff on there; a whole disc worth of outtakes that wouldn't fit in the deluxe package.
Every time I want to listen to Disintegration, I just end up playing the opening of Plainsong over and over again at top volume.
But ... but .... it's so glorious! I can't move past it.*

(*this entire idea is a gross exaggeration. I just listened to Disintegration all the way through about a month ago. But the part about repeating the opening to Plainsong multiple times at loud volume is entirely true.)
:lol:, I keed I keed.

I haven't heard Disintegration in about...a month or two...:hmm:
Looks like Robert is promoting Jenny Craig and his cousin's glamor shots instead of a new album.

At least the thread didn't get bumped.
I just can't bring myself to do it anymore. Maybe I should start a new thread like that LCD Soundsystem one.
Just pull a Cobbler, Peef: Listen to 4:13 Dream first so you can just assume they suck and you aren't missing anything.

Even though I'm pretty sure there someone posting about 4:13 when it came out, saying it was their first Cure album and they really liked it, the very idea of someone starting there hurts me inside.
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