Random Music Talk CVI: Leave Kanye Alone!!!!!

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I like a lot about oh inverted world, but as an album I'll take chutes too narrow over it.
I like most of the songs on Chutes Too Narrow individually (Kissing the Lipless is my favorite song by the Shins), but as an experience it doesn't flow together as dreamily as Oh Inverted World.
Since I am in life transition and on limited funds and my turntable is in storage I've been going to record stores and just browsing... It's oddly calming to just go hang out at a record store, browse the records while listening to whatever is playing in store.. Today I found it so hard not to buy anything.. The record store I usually go to had the fancy new Thom Yorke album, the Father John Misty album, and finally got the recent Spoon album back in stock, and some other albums I've been wanting to buy for the longest time. Oh well, at least I can listen to them via beats.
There is a genre called "Tiki Surf," and it is not terrible. At least not when one is drunk.
There is a genre called "Tiki Surf," and it is not terrible. At least not when one is drunk.

So, how's the weather where you are folks?

Wanna see how wind can impact snow and cause drifts?

Here's the west end of the back of my house:

And here's the east end of the back of the house:

85 inches and counting over the past 3 weeks.
Looks like you got a little more than us, but that's pretty close to what it looks like here. My neighbor's gutters are hanging off the roof, I'm pretty sure the ice both tore it off the roof and is simultaneously freezing it hanging in place.

What you can't see is the temperature. None of this shit has melted yet cos it hasn't been warm enough since it started this snowing 2-3 times a week thing. But hey, it's going to be a balmy -1 degrees out tonight (in Fahrenheit). From what I hear, it was warmer in the populated parts of Alaska yesterday than it was in parts of New England.
And Anchorage has received a total of 20" of snow this winter to date, and Boston just hit 90 inches this morning (85 of which have fallen since Jan 24)

Wind is gusting to about 60MPH here (Humarock beach is 1/2 mile away)
At least peef seems to be sharing our (and phanan's) cold as fuck weather. Wouldn't be fair if we kept it for ourselves.
New Englanders, it's been in the 80s here, and it's been lovely, but we're fucked. We won't be able to flush our toilets or boil our potatoes come summer. No snow/rain = no water for 14 million people. Please send some runoff our way whenever it gets warm enough to melt.

Hi Cori!
We're not going to turn into a flaming dust bowl or anything like CA, but Washington is suffering from lack of snow/rain this winter as well, and will lead to a scary dry summer. It's been near 60 for the past couple of weeks, which is seriously weird.
Someone on my Facebook feed just wrote this about Billy Corgan.

"I love his voice! He could sing anything & it sounds like silver silk ripple on a dark cloudy lake. "


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At least peef seems to be sharing our (and phanan's) cold as fuck weather. Wouldn't be fair if we kept it for ourselves.
Yeah, it's really cold. It snowed an inch or two last night but it's so windy that it's actually been blown off my car on its own. This may be the driest winter of my life. It's mid-February and in total we've had like six inches of snow this winter.

Overnight wind chill tonight is supposed to be -20, so hopefully my car is able to get me around without issue today.
Seattle Center was absolutely beautiful yesterday. Today is looking pretty good as well.

As Cori said, we have essentially had no winter here. The ski resorts are absolutely bleeding money but there is just no snow.

I spent three days in Chicago in January. That was plenty of winter for me.
Someone on my Facebook feed just wrote this about Billy Corgan.

"I love his voice! He could sing anything & it sounds like silver silk ripple on a dark cloudy lake. "


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Not the first time I've seen someone say something like that about his voice. Yet I am no less puzzled by the sentiment.
It's been in the 80s here all week. If anyone needs a break from the snow, you can stay at my place.

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