Random Music Talk CVI: Leave Kanye Alone!!!!!

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I should probably get a gun at some point. For those of you who are friends with me on Facebook, you've probably noticed that my daughter unfortunately will create a pretty stressful situation for me when she starts dating. Might as well get prepared now.
Does it break the Geneva Convention to force your children's suitors to listen to Axel F for three hours straight before they're allowed to be a suitor?

(I mean, not that I have any say over my potential children's dating life, just trying to figure out my torture definitions.)
This place has been incredibly boring over the last few days.

I want to say that I think Ashes to Ashes is fast becoming one of my favourite Bowie songs.
Also you should all donate to the link in my sig. The money goes to a good place. Martha already has, because she is the best fucking person on earth.
well that's why I hated it. I fired one bullet and felt sick to my stomach, so fired off the other nine in quick succession and went inside. and I kept having these horrible thoughts like "what if I turned to a mate and pointed at them as a joke and it went off" ughhh. fuck guns.
I've only shot bowling pins, nothing alive. It's fun, and I was also surprised that I was not horrible at it the first time I went to a shooting range. I don't own any guns and I don't shoot bowling pins on a regular basis (last time I went was probably when I was probably about ten years ago), but probably 75% of the people I know own a few and if they're not ranting on and on about "derrrrrrrrr Obama is trying to take away mah gunzzzzz" I really don't care. Hunting sounds about as exciting to me as fishing, and fishing is just about the most boring thing one can do outdoors. I'm cool with people hunting stuff they're going to eat, trophy hunting is pretty lame though.
Oh fuck you -17 degree weather. Fuck you with no lube.

At least it's not windy? :angry:
I've been thinking about posting a long-winded rant about my recent job change, but I'm not sure I have the energy.

I just purchased Physical Graffiti in 24/96 FLAC.

That's all I got.

Amazon sent me a message that my cd copy had shipped. I'd forgotten it was coming out.
it's warmed up, it's -15 now.


still going with the random weather talk here, but this is just so ridiculous for this part of the country.
Please do. We're all still fuming about what's going on at my work.

Well, here's the abbreviated version, and I'll spoiler it for those not interested in such things.

I was promoted to fellowship director in July 2013 because the sitting fellowship director left to take another job. (A fellowship is post-residency graduate medical education in this case.)

After 15 months of busting my ass through faculty shortages and defending the program from closure due to lack of funding, I found out that the new faculty person they had brought in had been offered my position as fellowship director.

They never discussed it with me until he showed up, and they tried to play it off like I had been the "interim director" all along. That was a total revisionist lie and they knew it. The kicker was the new person was less academically qualified than I was.

Anyway, I'm back at my old job making a higher salary than ever, and not having to worry about being stabbed in the back (again). Good luck, new guy, with the faculty and funding shortages and the risk to accreditation that comes with turning over the fellowship director position twice in three years.
I've only shot bowling pins, nothing alive. It's fun, and I was also surprised that I was not horrible at it the first time I went to a shooting range. I don't own any guns and I don't shoot bowling pins on a regular basis .
Usually you can knock more down in one shot with a bowling ball than a gun, might wana try that to help boost your average.

Well, here's the abbreviated version, and I'll spoiler it for those not interested in such things.

I was promoted to fellowship director in July 2013 because the sitting fellowship director left to take another job. (A fellowship is post-residency graduate medical education in this case.)

After 15 months of busting my ass through faculty shortages and defending the program from closure due to lack of funding, I found out that the new faculty person they had brought in had been offered my position as fellowship director.

They never discussed it with me until he showed up, and they tried to play it off like I had been the "interim director" all along. That was a total revisionist lie and they knew it. The kicker was the new person was less academically qualified than I was.

Anyway, I'm back at my old job making a higher salary than ever, and not having to worry about being stabbed in the back (again). Good luck, new guy, with the faculty and funding shortages and the risk to accreditation that comes with turning over the fellowship director position twice in three years.

Sounds like even though they f'ed you over it worked out somewhat, more money and less stress.
it's -34 here, cry me a frozen river

ok fine, you win. although i still think it's warm there and you're blowing all your cold air via giant fans on the border down here. or maybe it's those assholes in alaska doing that, and you're victims as well.
Well, here's the abbreviated version, and I'll spoiler it for those not interested in such things.

I was promoted to fellowship director in July 2013 because the sitting fellowship director left to take another job. (A fellowship is post-residency graduate medical education in this case.)

After 15 months of busting my ass through faculty shortages and defending the program from closure due to lack of funding, I found out that the new faculty person they had brought in had been offered my position as fellowship director.

They never discussed it with me until he showed up, and they tried to play it off like I had been the "interim director" all along. That was a total revisionist lie and they knew it. The kicker was the new person was less academically qualified than I was.

Anyway, I'm back at my old job making a higher salary than ever, and not having to worry about being stabbed in the back (again). Good luck, new guy, with the faculty and funding shortages and the risk to accreditation that comes with turning over the fellowship director position twice in three years.

I would like to bring Uthan / Tecksan justice to your former workplace.
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