Random Music Talk C - Cobbler 'C'-ees us Into Triple Figures

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Not sure why, but I associate EMA and Lykke Li in my head. I only kinda enjoyed both's albums from 2011. However, just finishing Lykke Li's newest and I'm pleased to say I absolutely love both's 2014 output a great deal.
So a tornado touched down in Revere MA this morning, a couple of miles from my office in East Boston. Got crazy heavy rain at the office for a little while but not much wind, different story next town over.
Bizarre as Revere is on the coast, tornadoes aren't supposed to F with us on the coast, we are supposed to deal with Noreasters and blizzards here.
When I was in Denver in the spring, a tornado touched down about a mile away. We were all huddled in this bloody broom closet wondering if the townhouse was going to get smashed, alarms all blaring and gigantic hail pounding on the windows. Pretty surreal when I think back on it.
I have no idea what the company in the offices next door are doing, today, but they have been incredibly loud all morning.
f Bono said this we'd never hear the end of it here.

"I had some ideas for the record but, you know, it's been 5 years since we started recording the followup to NLOTH. What can I really sing about with songs that old? Probably should just scrap the whole thing and start over.

We ate too much prime rib and drank too much wine. I think that's why we didn't get it finished."
Also, Everyday Robots is worse than every Blur album except Leisure, which at least has two classics in She's So High and There's No Other Way.
I found the album pleasant, but that doesn't make him any less of an ass.
The left speaker on my 8-year-old Mac was giving out, so I collected my Target gift cards and bought myself some reasonably inexpensive Bose speakers. Bill Withers sounds so much better without that annoying vibration. :)
Giving Death Cab another shot. Spinning Translantacism... and man it's such a shame I didn't hear of this band before Fireflies. "The New Year" fucking rules, but I just don't think I'll ever be able to get past these vocals without hearing "YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE YOUR EYES"
Well, yeah.

Also, I've never thought Death Cab sounded like Fireflies...just Postal Service.
Oh, it's definitely better than Plans.

The second half is kind of boring, to me, and I've always found the title track way too long and sappy, but when the album hits, it's right on the money. The New Year and Expo 86 are my favorite Death Cab songs.
I quite enjoyed that. The vocals didn't bother me as much. Death of an Interior Decorator and the last track were the only ones I didn't really dig.

I don't know anything about Postal Service but when that song came out it was mercilessly compared with Postal Service. So if I've struggled with Death Cab I reckon that means I would hate Postal Service.
So who can tell me about Gustav Mahler? Just filed a story about the Melbourne Youth Orchestra and the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra, who collaborated on Mahler's Symphony No.2 in C Minor (also known as the 'Resurrection' Symphony apparently) in an aircraft hangar in Christchurch, in honour of the earthquakes in 2011. There were six or seven planes in the hangar and they had the brass section dotted around off-stage behind airplanes.

Chatting to a few of the people involved and doing some reading it sounds fucking epic. They're broadcasting the performance here in Melb in a few weeks, I've never gotten down for classical music but this one sounds pretty interesting.
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