Random Facts and Confessions!

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U2Girl1978 said:

You can tell by Spencer's face that he's a total douchebag. :lol: Sorry for the language. I can't stand him! He's so ooky.

Oh wow you nailed that one! :lmao: Cracks me up with how he thinks he's such a ladies man.

Now Lauren I like! :up:
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As much as I love pop culture and celebrity gossip, I cannot for the life of me understand why these loser assholes from The Hills and The Valleys and The Glacial Depression or whatever the hell it is are famous.

Can we please not make them famous? Can we please just make them go the fuck away instead?
corianderstem said:
I can't believe any of them are fighting over freaking Bret Michaels. :huh:

That being said, my favorite of the remaining girls is the one with the pink hair. I'm blanking on her name.

Yeah Bret Michaels. wtf.

Are you thinking of Jess with the spikey hair or the musician with the L name? With entirely maroon hair....? I love the girl with the maroon hair that's got a lip ring. For some reason I think she's so pretty. I mean none of them is better than the others, they way they act, but you know.

btw. Lemonchick, I :heart: your avatar. The Dresden Dolls :up:
corianderstem said:
The Hills and The Valleys and The Glacial Depression or whatever the hell it is


But yeah, I find it hard to feel sympathy for any "drama" these kids go through considering the rich-kid lifestyle they lead.
The young priest (Jason Miller) was a Scranton boy. If you got him drunk enough, he'd recite Shakespeare for you. (Actually, I don't think you had to get him too drunk, lol). He was a local institution.

He died in his favorite bar.
U2democrat said:
I'm watching The Exorcist (the original one).

I've never actually sat down and watched it, I've just seen clips.

Oh, there goes her head 360. This is so silly.

That movie fucked me up. I saw it when I was little. Whoa boy - to this day I'm not right. I bet if I watched it now, it'd be silly, but if it is on, I go right by it.
Sloane Peterson said:
Are you thinking of Jess with the spikey hair or the musician with the L name? With entirely maroon hair....? I love the girl with the maroon hair that's got a lip ring. For some reason I think she's so pretty. I mean none of them is better than the others, they way they act, but you know.

Jes is the one I mean. Lacey is the lip-ring, maroon haired girl. I don't like her, because she's working very hard at being the evil girl of the show.
We just watched a video in Psych about people in Britain who were put in mental institutions because they were diagnosed with a mental illness when there was nothing wrong with them. One guy was prfoundly deaf, and had been in there for 50 years! Just because he was deaf! Another guy and his sister were put in there because their father was going to war and didn't want them. Both were in the same home, for 66 years, and were never allowed to see each other!
I love the original exorcist. I think it's the freakist shit ever. I mean that type of thing always messes with me. That and The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Exorcism shit...don't mess with that. haha
Pfft I ditched Exorcism of Emily Rose like 20 minutes in to go and watch 40 Year Old Virgin. Best decision I ever made I reckon. That's how much I can't stand those movies.
COBL_04 said:

New Confesh: I am an Australian, and I CAN'T STAND Vegemite. Seriously. It's horrible. Disgusting. Blegh. :barf:

:tsk: :tsk: baby i dont know if i can love you anymore . :scream:

my confession - im aussie and i cant swim. never learned and i have an unnatural fear of putting my face under water .
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