Random Facts and Confessions!

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I get really angry with myself sometimes when I don't cry when listening to music.

I went to the gym for the first time today and I couldn't look at myself in the mirror. I am just so goddam skinny!
COBL_04 said:
I get really angry with myself sometimes when I don't cry when listening to music.

I went to the gym for the first time today and I couldn't look at myself in the mirror. I am just so goddam skinny!

You and me both, man.

At least I'm on that tall, otherwise I'd qualify as Ethiopian.
Especially when people fall and possibly hurt themselves...I have this uncontrollable urge to laugh. I feel bad for them, I really do, but for some reason all I can do is laugh.

Then, I also laugh when I fall and hurt myself :shrug:
I pulled a girl out of sidecoming traffic and she thanked me two days ago, my size 13 red chucks are made in USA (so if I ever get in a fight over wearing them with a punk I can defend them as not being Nike :wink: ), I am seriously thinking that I should follow George Costanza's opposite lifestyle.
U2democrat said:
^I'm the same way. Not only do I not cry at the right moments, I laugh at the inappropriate moments...:uhoh:

same here :shifty: its kind of a way of dealing with uncomfortable situations so you don't go crazy imo

but yeah yesterday i went to a funeral and i didnt cry at all ... :huh: i felt so detached. but i'd cried about it before and i cried after so... i mean i just dont cry when im supposed to :lol:
LemonMacPhisto said:

Me too, I was going to reply to this earlier but...

My problem is not postponing replies to interference threads. I would be much, much more efficient without Interference and several other things on the internet.

I'm starting to become afraid that I'm an internet addict. I read some article about internet addicts once....on the internet....
Varitek said:

My problem is not postponing replies to interference threads. I would be much, much more efficient without Interference and several other things on the internet.

I'm starting to become afraid that I'm an internet addict. I read some article about internet addicts once....on the internet....

My parents are beginning to think this as well. But I worry for myself, I'm always thinking, WILL YOU GET OUTSIDE??
LemonMacPhisto said:

You and me both, man.

At least I'm on that tall, otherwise I'd qualify as Ethiopian.

Well I get the Ethiopian jokes all the time, the are you a good long distance runner? etc etc.

I grow up not out :shrug:

But yeah as soon as I walked in there was a guy on the back wall with huge arms just lifting weight above his head. I was like damn!! Then I took my school shirt off and looked in the mirror and saw that my arms were like 5cm wide. :lol: I was just so paranoid!
COBL_04 said:

My parents are beginning to think this as well. But I worry for myself, I'm always thinking, WILL YOU GET OUTSIDE??

Oh see I go outside plenty and do plenty of other things...it's just all the crap I do on the internet when I'm supposed to be working or writing papers for university....when I know I don't really care that much about most of the crap anyway but I keep doing it and refreshing my blog circuit etc.... However I am not willing to quit the internet as would be required to conquer a true addiction. It's just out of the question. I want a program that allows me a maximum of one hour/day on a list of all the websites I procrastinate on.
U2democrat said:
^I'm the same way. Not only do I not cry at the right moments, I laugh at the inappropriate moments...:uhoh:

I laugh alone in the back of the class for no good reason!
Sometimes when I'm in the line at Subway, I watch all of the subs being placed in excessive packaging and feel tremendously guilty as a human.
Sometimes I try not to tell my friends the bands they like suck, like Daughtry or something, so I offer to burn them CDs of stuff. Sure it makes me look like somewhat of an asshole, but it hurts to hear my friends listening to Nickelback.
Chris Daughtry. He was on American Idol the year that Taylor Hicks won. Bald guy. Rocker dude. Came in 5th or 4th, I think.

Went on to sell a bajillion records.

Now I unable to refer to him as Chris Daughtry anymore. It's just: DAUGHTRY. In capital letters.

I think he's kind of an asshat. But whatever. Yay for him selling a bajillion records. He needs to stop scowling about the Idol thing. If it weren't for that show, he'd be in nowheresville.
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