Quiet, please. Observe strange sounds in Randoooomdadoomdadoom

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Just thought I would pop in real quick to say that I spent half the day at work listening to the new album repeatedly and am falling in love w/my 4 fave Irishmen all over again. :heart: I was going to log on to check in and see what was going on in blue crack world this weekend but my dad ended up going to the hospital with a mini-stroke. I hadn't really thought about it until today but the same thing happened right before San Diego.

Was going to type something else but forget what that was.....guessing that could be a sign to get into my jammies and watch Letterman.
my supervisor called me at 3:15 to tell me and also to say that she had to work tonight, on her night off. She's been working more than me and I've been there ALOT. So....I'm dying to talk to her again but I'm sure she won't be able to get away to call me until later on when the execs leave. I'm just in shock. My boss really fought his boss for our hours. I'm really scared now that we'll be cut (again) like everyone else. His boss, the one I talked about having a minor incident with, is so unbelievably stressed out right now. He was surprisingly calm and patient at our meeting the other day. I expected yelling over the small stuff but instead he said he was doing whatever he could to keep all of our jobs and anything that's happening with hours is coming from people above him so not to be pissed off at him. Well he couldn't keep my boss's job. I wonder what other chefs were laid off. :(

I'll keep my fingers crossed for no further cuts. Last week they made some cuts in management and home office positions in Job 2.
I am taping David Letterman all week and I will tape GMA on Friday.
I haven't listened to the new CD since last week.
It has the misfortune of timing in my world. Where I took comfort in ATYCLB (The CD that coincided with my friends diagnosis...............) I can't listen to NLOTH without thinking of my friend dying.
Yeah, it is time for bed.

I'm sorry to hear about your friend. :hug:

I understand about the not being able to listen....I have the same with Pop which came out during what I usually refer to as the dark period of my life thus far. I can listen to individual songs here and there but rarely the whole thing. I also found great comfort in ATYCLB because it got me through my dad's cancer.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. :hug:

I understand about the not being able to listen....I have the same with Pop which came out during what I usually refer to as the dark period of my life thus far. I can listen to individual songs here and there but rarely the whole thing. I also found great comfort in ATYCLB because it got me through my dad's cancer.

I agree about ATYCLB, Kariann. It got my sisters (swandiver and ewings on interference) and me through our mother's botched heart surgery and subsequent month in the hospital before she left us. :sad: Especially "Stuck in a Moment" and "Walk On."
how's this for an awesomely rotten day........

got to my car this morning and my windows had "I :heart: Dick" painted on them :| It washed off right away.

Went to Target to inquire about a prescription transfer. They said to come back in an hour. On the way back to the car, my sister noticed something green on the side of it. Gum :happy: I think it was from the I :heart: Dick vandal. We live by a high school so lots of kids walk by. She thought it was fresh because she didn't notice it before and it was on her side of the car.

Had to stop at Best Buy....looked at the new album. It was so hard not being able to buy it. I have $2.29 in my account til Friday :up:

Went back to Target. Walgreens (in AZ) told them they don't have record of my prescription on file so they said I should call the Walgreens in MN that would have the paper copy I dropped off in August after seeing the dr. Had to call both parents and explain the entire situation to both of them to figure out which one of them actually dropped it off at which of the 2 Walgreens they use by their house. :crack: Neither of them are capable of just giving the number out without the reason as to why I would need it even though I said to make it quick and I'd explain later. Got the numbers, Target called.....Walgreens sent the paper copy to their central filing location so it's not in their possession anymore. Called the dr's office. They said to give them a few hours. :|

Paid for other prescription that was available. It was $7.00. Target has signs all over the place saying generics are $4.00. Well it's not ALL....only 300 on the list. So I went through all the trouble of going to Target when I could have stayed with Walgreens. So now I have to drive to a Target 20 minutes away tonight to get my prescription instead of going to Walgreens that I could walk to.....well that is if my dr's office in MN called this in. If not, then I'm screwed. I told them I was running low and it was my only day off so I needed it done today.

So then I get home and texted my supervisor about next week's schedule. That was an hour ago and no answer. She refuses to now talk about our boss and yesterday's events. She always, always, always texts back immediately. Our boss said last week that he heard they could be laying off anyone at this point, including the lowest paid cooks, which is basically me. They wanted to get rid of a few people in each dept. I've been there a year but with all the people that have come and gone, I'm still one of the last ones hired. So now I'm super paranoid about the fact that she's ignoring me about the schedule.

This is the main reason why I want my prescription filled immediately. I don't want to find out I'm out of a job until I have my $100 inhaler in my possession.

The only plus side of my day is my flex spending credit card worked for my purchase today. I've heard my coworkers talk about going to fill stuff at the pharmacy and their card didn't work even though they called the credit card company to authorize it.

It looks like my hours could be changing because they never put in a request to fill the position of my friend who retired in November :grumpy:

Back in December/January, there was a chance that the request would have been approved even though there was a hiring freeze. Now, when we're about to move into our new building and there's no night staff person (my friend's job) . . . now, there's no chance of it being filled at all.

I don't have to work nights . . . yet. But the change in hours sucks.
what are your hours now and what will they be? That sucks if they change them if it's not something you're going to be happy with.....hours at my job suck too. Either 6am to 3 or 2pm to 11. I'd like to get there a little early. I once inquired about a 10-7 type shift since there used to be a supervisor that worked those hours. My Chef said possibly but he'd have to think about it. That was before Nov when the hours hadn't been cut yet and now he doesn't even work there anymore :( So....2 to 11 it is. It wears on me because I end up sleeping until 1. 6 am is not an option for me. I'm way more productive at 10 at night than I am by 1 pm in the day when I worked the 6 am shift.


I hope your hours won't be too painful if they do change.
Just thought I would pop in real quick to say that I spent half the day at work listening to the new album repeatedly and am falling in love w/my 4 fave Irishmen all over again. :heart: I was going to log on to check in and see what was going on in blue crack world this weekend but my dad ended up going to the hospital with a mini-stroke. I hadn't really thought about it until today but the same thing happened right before San Diego.

Was going to type something else but forget what that was.....guessing that could be a sign to get into my jammies and watch Letterman.
Sorry to hear about your father! How is he doing now? HOw are you and your mom?

how's this for an awesomely rotten day........

got to my car this morning and my windows had "I :heart: Dick" painted on them :| It washed off right away.

Went to Target to inquire about a prescription transfer. They said to come back in an hour. On the way back to the car, my sister noticed something green on the side of it. Gum :happy: I think it was from the I :heart: Dick vandal. We live by a high school so lots of kids walk by. She thought it was fresh because she didn't notice it before and it was on her side of the car.

Had to stop at Best Buy....looked at the new album. It was so hard not being able to buy it. I have $2.29 in my account til Friday :up:

Went back to Target. Walgreens (in AZ) told them they don't have record of my prescription on file so they said I should call the Walgreens in MN that would have the paper copy I dropped off in August after seeing the dr. Had to call both parents and explain the entire situation to both of them to figure out which one of them actually dropped it off at which of the 2 Walgreens they use by their house. :crack: Neither of them are capable of just giving the number out without the reason as to why I would need it even though I said to make it quick and I'd explain later. Got the numbers, Target called.....Walgreens sent the paper copy to their central filing location so it's not in their possession anymore. Called the dr's office. They said to give them a few hours. :|

Paid for other prescription that was available. It was $7.00. Target has signs all over the place saying generics are $4.00. Well it's not ALL....only 300 on the list. So I went through all the trouble of going to Target when I could have stayed with Walgreens. So now I have to drive to a Target 20 minutes away tonight to get my prescription instead of going to Walgreens that I could walk to.....well that is if my dr's office in MN called this in. If not, then I'm screwed. I told them I was running low and it was my only day off so I needed it done today.

So then I get home and texted my supervisor about next week's schedule. That was an hour ago and no answer. She refuses to now talk about our boss and yesterday's events. She always, always, always texts back immediately. Our boss said last week that he heard they could be laying off anyone at this point, including the lowest paid cooks, which is basically me. They wanted to get rid of a few people in each dept. I've been there a year but with all the people that have come and gone, I'm still one of the last ones hired. So now I'm super paranoid about the fact that she's ignoring me about the schedule.

This is the main reason why I want my prescription filled immediately. I don't want to find out I'm out of a job until I have my $100 inhaler in my possession.

The only plus side of my day is my flex spending credit card worked for my purchase today. I've heard my coworkers talk about going to fill stuff at the pharmacy and their card didn't work even though they called the credit card company to authorize it.

:crack: I agree with you..........get the scrip filled fast

It looks like my hours could be changing because they never put in a request to fill the position of my friend who retired in November :grumpy:

Back in December/January, there was a chance that the request would have been approved even though there was a hiring freeze. Now, when we're about to move into our new building and there's no night staff person (my friend's job) . . . now, there's no chance of it being filled at all.

I don't have to work nights . . . yet. But the change in hours sucks.
The old 'you want the job, you work the hours we give you or goodbye'? Hope not. I have seen it at the place I work, though. Does wonders for morale :happy:
My father hasn't been feeling great for a few days......woke up this morning and now he is dizzy and can't keep his balance without help. I am having flashbacks to the emergency room trip and the hospital stay a few years ago when this happened.
I just looked in on him now and asked how he was doing........."not great" was the answer. He doesn't look so good ..........:(

Can I just say that I am not NOT liking 2009!

God give me strength
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. :hug:

I understand about the not being able to listen....I have the same with Pop which came out during what I usually refer to as the dark period of my life thus far. I can listen to individual songs here and there but rarely the whole thing. I also found great comfort in ATYCLB because it got me through my dad's cancer.

Thanks :hug:
It's not a big change timewise, it just messes up what I'm supposed to be there for - the seniors. I wouldn't be there when the building opened and when the seniors arrive. I don't know, I guess it will work out. It's just one.more.thing.

shari, if possible, I would go and take your Dad to the hospital. Dizziness in an elderly person scares me. I hope everything is okay:hug:

Kariann, I hope your Dad is feeling better. :hug:
scares me and mom too.
He just got up to take his meds and I followed behind him ......he held on to doors and ledges.
He insists that it is just like last time and he has his pills and he will be fine........it just takes time for them to work...........

sorry about the dads. Hope they're feeling better soon.

Prescription is ready.....schedule was texted after I had to bug her a 2nd time. I said my phone was "acting up" and wondering if she got my last text :reject: I'm on the schedule a full 40.....

and yeah so far 2009 is keeping up with being as rotten as 2008. I hope it changes for the better for all of us.
I have all of my prescriptions and OTC stuff I need so I'm all set now. :drool: flex spending :drool: I forgot to turn in my form last year when I got hired so I didn't have flex spending all of last year. :grumpy:
My supervisor still isn't saying much. She did say it's very emotional at work right now....

I googled my Chef. He'll always be my Chef even if he doesn't work there anymore. I'll never refer to him as anything less than that. So in my google search I found a bunch of podcasts done by the resort. His podcast was about the 2007 gingerbread house. Now that I've experienced the house, it was interesting to hear how he explained the process. Just hearing his voice has me in tears. I'm so scared to go to work tomorrow and not see him there. No matter how stressed he was or how much we didn't get along at times, he always greeted me with a "heeeeeeeeeeeeeyyy" or "hellooooo" in his goofy Austrian accent. I really need to call him or find someway to get in touch with him. I need closure of some sort. I think my supervisor thinks I'm making this situation about me, since I'm always so misunderstood there. But it's really about him. I feel so bad that this man who worked, more like fought, so hard to keep his employees is now looking for work. I just cannot believe he was let go and I'll never work for him again. I just want him to know that I really loved working with him even on the bad days and I can't thank him enough for giving me my first pastry job. There's so many people on the street dying to get into this resort and I just picked up the phone and asked if he would give me a chance for 6 weeks as a student. Before I knew it, he asked me if I wanted to stay. He had a stack of resumes on his desk and said he'd rather keep me, 6 weeks out of pastry school, than interview people who had been doing this for years. I'll never be able to thank him enough for the opportunity. Most of my pastry friends back home were given walking papers last year after their 6 weeks were done and they're still out of work. So anyways....I need to find a way to tell him this and wish him all the best. I think it's going to take me a while to get used to him being gone. It was odd enough when he took a vacation for a week or even two days off in a row.....
I felt so unbelievably lost today without my Chef. It's a zoo at work. It's so flippin' busy and the place is a mess. We need him. I guess they laid off the pastry chef 6 years ago because they didn't "need" one only to hire my boss 4 years ago. And now he's gone. :sad: I saw things today that were out of place that he would have freaked out about. I cleaned it up. I refuse to let his rules go out the window. Just because he's gone doesn't mean we still can't follow them. I had an entire day of "what would Thomas do...." I think it's going to be a while before I get used to this. Everyone else has been there the past 2 days so they had a chance to let it sink it. I just kept looking for him. I asked the day supervisor a question and he said Thomas was working on it on Tuesday morning for me like he was still there. Then he shook his head and realized that it was Thursday afternoon and he needed to finish it.

He has interviews around the country already. He and his wife don't have any ties to this state other than a house so they'll move wherever. I hope he finds something soon. He told everyone the other day to stay in touch and call him whenever. I asked my supervisors today to please get me his personal email so I can send him a note. I might just start to cry if i call him....
I'm off again :drool: I have to split my weekend for this week but that's perfectly fine with me. I'll have another day off later in the week. I think I needed a mini break after yesterday anyways. I couldn't focus at all and kept screwing up stuff I've done a million times.

So...:hyper: off I go to buy the new U2 box set, Rolling Stone, foooooood :drool: and yet another trip to Target.
have the new box set :drool: :love: The new Rolling Stone, food, neccessities aaaanddd almost something even better than everything else: an extra shift at work! :love: :hyper: Overtime!!!!!!!!!!!!
My supervisor still isn't saying much. She did say it's very emotional at work right now....

I googled my Chef. He'll always be my Chef even if he doesn't work there anymore. I'll never refer to him as anything less than that. So in my google search I found a bunch of podcasts done by the resort. His podcast was about the 2007 gingerbread house. Now that I've experienced the house, it was interesting to hear how he explained the process. Just hearing his voice has me in tears. I'm so scared to go to work tomorrow and not see him there. No matter how stressed he was or how much we didn't get along at times, he always greeted me with a "heeeeeeeeeeeeeyyy" or "hellooooo" in his goofy Austrian accent. I really need to call him or find someway to get in touch with him. I need closure of some sort. I think my supervisor thinks I'm making this situation about me, since I'm always so misunderstood there. But it's really about him. I feel so bad that this man who worked, more like fought, so hard to keep his employees is now looking for work. I just cannot believe he was let go and I'll never work for him again. I just want him to know that I really loved working with him even on the bad days and I can't thank him enough for giving me my first pastry job. There's so many people on the street dying to get into this resort and I just picked up the phone and asked if he would give me a chance for 6 weeks as a student. Before I knew it, he asked me if I wanted to stay. He had a stack of resumes on his desk and said he'd rather keep me, 6 weeks out of pastry school, than interview people who had been doing this for years. I'll never be able to thank him enough for the opportunity. Most of my pastry friends back home were given walking papers last year after their 6 weeks were done and they're still out of work. So anyways....I need to find a way to tell him this and wish him all the best. I think it's going to take me a while to get used to him being gone. It was odd enough when he took a vacation for a week or even two days off in a row.....

I felt so unbelievably lost today without my Chef. It's a zoo at work. It's so flippin' busy and the place is a mess. We need him. I guess they laid off the pastry chef 6 years ago because they didn't "need" one only to hire my boss 4 years ago. And now he's gone. :sad: I saw things today that were out of place that he would have freaked out about. I cleaned it up. I refuse to let his rules go out the window. Just because he's gone doesn't mean we still can't follow them. I had an entire day of "what would Thomas do...." I think it's going to be a while before I get used to this. Everyone else has been there the past 2 days so they had a chance to let it sink it. I just kept looking for him. I asked the day supervisor a question and he said Thomas was working on it on Tuesday morning for me like he was still there. Then he shook his head and realized that it was Thursday afternoon and he needed to finish it.

He has interviews around the country already. He and his wife don't have any ties to this state other than a house so they'll move wherever. I hope he finds something soon. He told everyone the other day to stay in touch and call him whenever. I asked my supervisors today to please get me his personal email so I can send him a note. I might just start to cry if i call him....

:( so sorry :hug: Lay offs suck!
I completely understand.
Glad he has interviews already.
I am playing the "what would R say"
"What would R do"

I think that is part of my problem.........closure. At the end, because she had been thru hell and back, she didn't want anyone at work to see her like that we only communicated thru cards/letters.

I never really got a chance to tell her how much she meant to me........and goodbye. Her husband said she knew..........but I never told her.

Bought a bottle of O'Reillys Chocolate Mint Irish Creme at WM.........I am drinking that. Good stuff.

Yesterday was bad. One week. Already. This morning the store manager came over and asked how I was doing, I started crying :crack:. Doing well :crack:
He is being so kind. Everyone at work is.
Tomorrow is supposed to be a rainy, gloomy day and I am in the mood for it.
I am playing the "what would R say"
"What would R do"

I think that is part of my problem.........closure. At the end, because she had been thru hell and back, she didn't want anyone at work to see her like that we only communicated thru cards/letters.

I never really got a chance to tell her how much she meant to me........and goodbye. Her husband said she knew..........but I never told her.

Bought a bottle of O'Reillys Chocolate Mint Irish Creme at WM.........I am drinking that. Good stuff.

Yesterday was bad. One week. Already. This morning the store manager came over and asked how I was doing, I started crying :crack:. Doing well :crack:
He is being so kind. Everyone at work is.
Tomorrow is supposed to be a rainy, gloomy day and I am in the mood for it.

We're having a lot of the same emotions right now about closure but obviously my situation is way different. I'm sure your friend knew how your friendship meant to her and I'm sure she felt the same way about you.
My Chef came in today. He had HR stuff to wrap up plus a few things he left in the shop. I got to the resort today and saw his car in the guest parking in the employee area. I wasn't sure if it was actually his car or just the same make/model. I practically ran to the kitchen. I was pleasantly surprised to see him in our executive Chef's office. I'm sure they were talking about jobs, elsewhere. He came into the pastry shop. We hugged but nothing was really said. I told him I was sorry he was gone and he gave his usual positive "keep it together and do what you have to do" speech. His motto was and will always be........Make it work. Anytime anything came up that was unusual or something on the fly he would say make it work. Everyone says it all the time but now it means more.

He was there for a bit and then took his stuff out. But he came back. He was on the computer in the office for a while. Even though he was in street clothes it still looked familiar and comfortable to see him sitting there. His office has a window that faces us so you can see the entire shop from there. So it was nice to see him looking out on us one last time. I got his email but I don't think I can email him a little love note like I thought I would. I just want it in case I ever need a reference. Now that I got to see him one last time I feel so much more relieved. He told us all to feel free to text or call him about any questions regarding anything no matter what. He's being so gracious to us. The other Chef that was let go refuses to return anyone's calls. I know my Chef is really torn up about leaving us during such a busy time. It's shocking that our leader is gone. I walked into such a mess today that I stayed 2 hours after I was told I could go...that is after working 9 hours on my day off....just to clean. This place, in 3 days, was already not Thomas's pastry shop. There's things that he would have ripped us all to shreds over. He would have said I don't care who made the mess but I want it gone asap. I had to clean it up. One of my coworkers thought I was going to have a breakdown if I didn't do it. I can't work in a mess like that. Thomas would never approve and I can't do anything less than what he expected of me.

So.....yeah....I desperately wanted this man to understand me more. I got a pretty bad review in Nov. He gave me some stuff I needed to work on and I have been busting my ass to prove myself. I feel cheated now because I'll never get a chance to know from him what he would say in another month or so when my next review is due. I felt like I was doing everything and more that he was asking of me but some days, last Friday for instance, he had words with me over something that made me feel like my efforts were really going unnoticed. Now I'll never know. I think that's the hardest part of all of this. Not knowing what he would say to me and then the disaster that my work has become. /journal entry.....I was going to write this in my journal but I think randoom serves as that anyways.....
I have the boxed set too, it is purdy :drool:
Haven't cracked open the cd or dvd.

Thanks for the kind words arw :)

Reviews: Don't know how reviews work by you but by us reviews would have already been written and submitted to corporate. Maybe he had something written up already for you guys?
Just keep striving to do your best. He pushed you because he knew you are good and wanted you to be the best.

Wonder how reviews work when there is a wage freeze........:hmm:

I have work stuff going on too........boss and I had chat in stockroom. Change in job title, hours etc......paranoid about doing anything because I honestly feel sales assoc. is the safest choice right now. Any change puts me on the bottom........don't like that.
Boss made comment about who I think should be manager in the future and I wouldn't answer him......he just looked at me, I just looked at him.
Do I believe that a year from now that the company I work for will be around? Not so sure.

It has been a fun week :happy:

Lake Calhoun was just on the news (polar bear plunge)

I bought RS...........pg 52 ='s scary ass pic of Bono. Not loving the guyliner :(
My sister and I did something fun today after the horrible work week.

Disney had a passholder event at MGM Studios about the muppets. It was a presentation of clips and then they talked a little bit about muppet stuff. The best part was that they had a "surprise guest" - the guy who performs Gonzo, Dave Goelz. He also brought Gonzo and performed some stuff with him. Then we got to take a picture of us with him and Gonzo. I got to say hi to Gonzo - it was so weird looking at this fond memory from my childhood and having him say something to me! :lol:. I saw the pictures people posted of meeting U2 this week and I thought, "Good for them, but I met Gonzo" :sexywink:

I'm 33, but the 4 year old in me was really thrilled :lol:


I asked my sister, "Why aren't you smiling?" and she said, "I was nervous :reject:" :wink:

I hope you guys have a better weekend than this past week too :hug:
Lake Calhoun was just on the news (polar bear plunge)

I bought RS...........pg 52 ='s scary ass pic of Bono. Not loving the guyliner :(

:drool: Calhoun.......right now I wish it was early Saturday morning in late May and I was walking the lake followed by a trip to Caribou across from the lake and a stop at Trader Joe's. After dropping off my groceries, I'd go flower shopping at all the markets with my mom then later on meet my friends at my Irish pub for dinner and lots of Guinness......the whole day my feet would be throbbing and I would be dreaming about what the next morning at the lake would bring. I :heart: it there.
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