Question concerning why I'm not considering attractive

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A person's personality is more important to me then the way that they look. Honestly I cant say whether or not bald men are attractive to me bc I havent come across bald man I would consider dating :lol:. Most bald men I have come across are: 1, married or 2, way to old for me to even consider dating.
i have always attracted pelons. nothing wrong with that...most pelons are hot.

im a fat chick. dont care dont wanna care, ok yeah i do care but i dont go out of my way to lose weight to attract a guy in the first place. ok maybe i do but im too lazy right now.

anyways, i found that most guys do like personality over looks, but in my case, lets just say my love life is non existent. im not obese...but guys dont look twice at me in the real world. its a double standard in most cases. its just my opinion.
My condensed opinion:

"Fat" girls are good. "Fat" guys (usually) aren't. Baldspots are bad too, however bald guys are good. (Kind of gives them an intelligent look.. plus they enhance their face and make them look so much better, ala Michael Stipe.)

However, I'm much more focused on/concerned with personality.
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melon said:
As for what is "attractive," most of it is a cultural construct. During the Renaissance, attractive men were fat, pale, and dressed with plenty of wigs, ruffles and pantyhose.

Boy, am I living in the wrong time period. when were you people going to tell me panty hose are out of style for men? :tsk:
zoney! said:

Boy, am I living in the wrong time period. when were you people going to tell me panty hose are out of style for men? :tsk:

They're not, silly. Don't you go changing a thing.
I almost don't want to give my opinion because I've been p*ss*d on here before for it. When we're young (I'm not), everything seems to be much more physical. "Oh look at his muscles!" The thought being that he can go out and kill something and bring it home to you. Older women (I'm really not THAT old) tend to look a lot deeper for humor and honesty etc etc. I'm not thin, by all means, and my husband is 75% hairless BUT, I would look at a heavy person, who I don't know, and wonder if they take care of themselves etc etc. If they don't take care of themselves, is their life a mess? Blah Blah Blah. I feel like I'm rambling - not really saying much at all am I?
I neglected to say that a lot of heavy people are very much the "doers" and very much in control of their lives. I love all people. I LOVE BALD MEN!
Shiiiii-ottttttt! I was told at work on Halloween that I looked really good WITH hair! (My costume included a fabulous black wig) The thing is I'm bald and shave my head to keep it orderly and make myself look younger. I was very upset by the remarks and asked myself..."How am I supposed to take that compliment. I can't grow my own hair, yet I look much better WITH hair, and therefore look like shit without hair.

This is what spawned the question in the first place, so please tell me what the hell I should do about myself without putting a gun to my head in frustration and depression.

And no, I didn't embellish details. I can honestly say that at least 10 people said that at work.


DrTeeth said:

Let me just beat people like Basstrap to it by saying this is not meant as a dirty question :angry:

So I guess 'with great skill and dexterity :sexywink:' is out of the question then?

In any case, from my standpoint, body isnt what is attractive - not by itself anyway. Its all about complement. There are some larger girls Ive seen that I did not find attractive whatsoever, and there are superskinny girls, and average girls, who I find equally unattractive. The thing that really makes it for me is a combination of factors; if a girl is overweight, or fat (based on bmi, and not on 'looks', cause Ive noticed that even girls on the low end of their bmi range for 'healthy' will consider themselves fat, when they really arent) if she has that right face for her body, she can still be very attractive from a purely physical standpoint. Likewise, I usually find extremely thin people with not an ounce of fat on them who are terribly bony to be unattractive, but if you match up a petite girl with the right face, I can happily overlook one 'unattractive' trait in lieu of the beauty of the whole. However, physical attraction only goes so far, the person could be the most physically beautiful specimin in the entire world, and if she didnt have the personality to back it up, I doubt I could even put on a sharade of being a friend to her.
adamswildhoney said:
A person's personality is more important to me then the way that they look. Honestly I cant say whether or not bald men are attractive to me bc I havent come across bald man I would consider dating :lol:. Most bald men I have come across are: 1, married or 2, way to old for me to even consider dating.

I fit #1 and #2
with a charming personality..!!!! Nice smile; gift of gab...plays a decent round of golf; self-employed; dresses nice; Wow! I'm hot!!

:lol: just kiddin'.....
LikeO2. you aren't supposed to be reading THIS!!!!!!! (LOL). How will I be able to look you in the face at the next concert? Huh?


Thanks for the support, but so far I've had 10 insults to 2 compliments. I'm still not convinced, but thanks. :)
I can't help it, I'm an eyes and hair person. I like to see a guy with pretty eyes and hair, and it has to be have some length or it doesn't do it for me. If he has nice hair and eyes, I don't care if he has a good body at all. He can even be kind of fat and I'd still find him cute. In my personal humble opinion, I'd rather see a guy with a wig or a hat than no hair. But lots disagree with me. Several Edge girls want him to lose the beanie, so we're all wired differently. One thing that bothers me is, why are guys who went bald naturally made fun of, while guys who shave their hair down to stubble are not? I think guys who want to shave off all their hair should donate it to guys who are going bald but want hair. If only the world were fair. Also IMO, even though I love hair, I'd rather see a guy with a sparse head of hair shave it totally slick, because stubbly hair or partially bald hair can look mangy (see Matt Lauer :yuck: ) He should get a hair transplant, get a wig, or wear hat, or just get a Yul Brynner.

I have one very good friend who is completely bald on top and in the crown, but he grows the rest long a la Ben Franklin. He wears a ball cap most of the time, and when he takes it off he looks very different. He calls it his 'skullet!' ;) I also know a cute girl with a good job who got married this weekend, to a bald guy who weighs close to 300 pounds. I also know this other girl who was dating a good looking football player with long curly auburn hair. Every time I saw him I wanted to grab it. Then he shaved his head totally bald! I told her, why did you let him do that? He looks scary now! But she said she liked it better :huh: So in the end, love will find us all. There's someone for everyone:) There is no way to change people's taste, but since everyone likes different things, it's all covered.

About the good personality thing, that bothers me. See, I'm not the prettiest girl in the world myself :sigh: and when I was a teenager I used to ask my mom if I was ugly. When she said 'a good personality matters more!' I thought, she must think I'm a dog :grumpy: I used to tell her, no one knows your damn personality when they see you walking down the street or hall in school. They rate you on your looks, and don't bother to want to get to know you if you don't appeal to them visually. I have been a victim of that, and I have been guilty myself of it. I do have a husband, and he thought I looked good enough to marry. He looks good, and has nice hair and eyes, but he sure has personality flaws, boy oh boy :censored:
*runs before he sees me type this*
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I also think it sucks that a guy can be fat and/or bald and it's okay but a girl has to be perfect. I get so fed up with seeing shows and especially commercials where the husband is chubby to fat, bald to balding, and generally average to unattractive looking, but the wife is beautiful, perfect figure, and looks years younger. Do you think they'd ever have an older, too fat or too skinny and flat chested, average looking woman paired with a young dude with a great body, face and head of hair? That just ain't right:tsk: But that's the way it is. So girls who aren't perfect have it much worse than guys.
U2Kitten, your honestly is welcomed. You made some very good points.

I completely agree that all humans are prone to judge people based on their appearance primarily and personality secondarily. I do that as well, but I also treat everyone kindly until they give me reason to treat them differently. It seems to me that more people than not treat others with hostility or irreverance based solely on their appearance. I thought that shallow, callous attitude would be obsolete once I left high school, but it is more prevalent that ever.
Why, in the early 20th century, were "fat" women considered the ideal and attractive? Look at any Renoir painting and you'll see...

Yet, as evolution continues and we become better, more educated people, and the availability of food increases, we grow increasingly concerned with weight. Weight, in our species, has increased AS A WHOLE, due to food availability. Yet, as time has gone on, we've seen this ridiculous shift where thinner women are considered prettier, and what do we end up with? Higher anorexia and bulimia rates.

Put it this way: in 1959, Miss America was at 91% of her expected body weight (meaning, that as far as weight should have been for women of that height, bone structure, and age, she was almost there, slightly thinner). By 1989, Miss America was only at 81% of her body weight.

Why is anorexia less common in African-American cultures? More disturbingly, why have eating disorders now invaded even parts of Africa, where food is already scarce? Why this social stereotype to be thin?

I see nothing wrong with a girl who has some pounds on her, and is healthy, rather than stick-thin and sickly. :barf: But, hey, I'm under social pressure too. Yeah, I'll try and be that thin. It's sad, sad, sad.

(I'm sorry, i'm actually right now, in the middle of studying eating disorders for an exam tomorrow).

As for baldness, I don't see anything wrong with it, but once again, media. Most male celebrities have a full head of hair, and so it becomes a societal norm. All of sudden, people without it,men who go through a natural process of hair loss, are considered abnormal and not as attractive. Personally, i see nothing wrong with baldness (unless you're sportin' a combover, in which case....) goes along with the whole "Why can't we just accept tha fact that people age and change and that no one is perfect." Rather, we create these stupid idols of perfection, call them celebrities, give them $25 million per movie, exault them and revere them, and struggle to be just like them.

if I had that money, I could afford liposuction, and a personal trainer, and a tailor, designer clothes, etc too.....
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Oh yes...The Pornography Store...I was buying pornography and I saw you. So, tell me; how was "Forrest Hump"?
HeartlandGirl said:
A lot of factors go into why you think someone is attractive, but biology is the foundation. Men are attracted to women who physically look healthy enough to give birth to good offspring. Breasts and hips and youth are big factors for that reason. Women are attracted to men who look like they will provide long term care for her and her offspring. Thus men who are older (maybe even bald) and wealthier are more attractive to women--they have shown that they are smart and wily enough to live a long time and that they have the resources to provide for a family.

After biology, lots of factors come into play. But the biological side helps define, on the most basic level, why certain traits are almost universally considered 'attractive.'

I read too much Discover magazine, I think. :D

this seems sensible and accurate.

I can't say I'm normally attracted to bald guys, but I think both Michael Jordan and the guy who plays Lex Luther on Smallville are pretty hot. I guess it depends on the guy.
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