Project Zero One / Songs of Ascent / New Album Discussion

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Some Days Are Better than Others is light...
Streets is airborne...

we need a hybrid.

The street i live on, "my street", is better than the alley behind the crack houses and whore houses downtown. I know this because ive driven by them and seen whats going on.

Whores running wild through the streets, money in hand, trying to get away from maniac pimps or angry customers strung out on rock, thinking they'd get a freebie.

My street has its share of assholes too, like the neighbor who is too lazy to take down his christmas lights and thinks its okay to run them in Feb. Also the idiots down the street who park trucks and RV's in their front yard, have a giant grill on their front porch, and a dog that runs the entire neighborhood and shits in everyone's yard.

You take those people away and its a pretty good street. Mostly nice homes, well kept yards, and no crime.

I still sit out on the porch with a shotgun and several cans of beer and stare at them as they drive their tin cans by. Im not afraid of letting those tards know if they set foot in my yard ill make a canoe out of their mugs.
the street i live on, "my street", is better than the alley behind the crack houses and whore houses downtown. I know this because ive driven by them and seen whats going on.

Whores running wild through the streets, money in hand, trying to get away from maniac pimps or angry customers strung out on rock, thinking they'd get a freebie.

My street has its share of assholes too, like the neighbor who is too lazy to take down his christmas lights and thinks its okay to run them in feb. Also the idiots down the street who park trucks and rv's in their front yard, have a giant grill on their front porch, and a dog that runs the entire neighborhood and shits in everyone's yard.

You take those people away and its a pretty good street. Mostly nice homes, well kept yards, and no crime.

I still sit out on the porch with a shotgun and several cans of beer and stare at them as they drive their tin cans by. Im not afraid of letting those tards know if they set foot in my yard ill make a canoe out of their mugs.

The street i live on, "my street", is better than the alley behind the crack houses and whore houses downtown. I know this because ive driven by them and seen whats going on.

Whores running wild through the streets, money in hand, trying to get away from maniac pimps or angry customers strung out on rock, thinking they'd get a freebie.

My street has its share of assholes too, like the neighbor who is too lazy to take down his christmas lights and thinks its okay to run them in Feb. Also the idiots down the street who park trucks and RV's in their front yard, have a giant grill on their front porch, and a dog that runs the entire neighborhood and shits in everyone's yard.

You take those people away and its a pretty good street. Mostly nice homes, well kept yards, and no crime.

I still sit out on the porch with a shotgun and several cans of beer and stare at them as they drive their tin cans by. Im not afraid of letting those tards know if they set foot in my yard ill make a canoe out of their mugs.


You are nice and I very much like the things that you say.

The way this sounds is they worked on their own during the Europe leg (and earlier during Bono's back rehab - that two month-ish break), and enlisted DM right after the Europe leg ended. U2 usually record on their own before enlisting a definite producer. It would also explain the sudden switch from SOA talk to DM talk.

Hey? Those quotes are from during the European leg. The end of it (in Rome), but it still clearly suggests that they have been working with DM already, so during the tour.

So that's time from May 2010 (start of rehab and recording) - January 2011 (when Danger Mouse was "wrapping up"). Not enough for a full album ? :shrug:

It's enough time, sure. I just doubt - given that this is U2 - that all of the material on this album was created 100% fresh during this time. They seemed to be fumbling on and off from the No Line sessions right up to when Bono busted his back, and it was that gap that seemed to suddenly propel them forward and give the whole thing some clarity. I doubt - give that this is U2 - there was any kind of overall clean break there, its just that it seems with a forced focus, the spark was truly lit during that forced break. Focus. Clarity. Creative Spark. I would bet a decent chunk of it still evolved out of the work they had been doing from No Line on.
Hey? Those quotes are from during the European leg. The end of it (in Rome), but it still clearly suggests that they have been working with DM already, so during the tour.

It's enough time, sure. I just doubt - given that this is U2 - that all of the material on this album was created 100% fresh during this time. They seemed to be fumbling on and off from the No Line sessions right up to when Bono busted his back, and it was that gap that seemed to suddenly propel them forward and give the whole thing some clarity. I doubt - give that this is U2 - there was any kind of overall clean break there, its just that it seems with a forced focus, the spark was truly lit during that forced break. Focus. Clarity. Creative Spark. I would bet a decent chunk of it still evolved out of the work they had been doing from No Line on.

Two very well reasoned and logical arguments. Based in common-sense and using facts to come to a convincing outcome. Can;t wait to see the rebuttal....
I will believe it when I hear the news! With U2 who knows when we will get the news! I remember one day before we knew the details of NLOTH that the next day we would get an announcement and we all got excited and then that day came and nothing! SO not holding out hopes of an announcement this week but if it happens then awesome!

See? Told ya there wouldn't be any news this week!
Hey? Those quotes are from during the European leg. The end of it (in Rome), but it still clearly suggests that they have been working with DM already, so during the tour.

It's enough time, sure. I just doubt - given that this is U2 - that all of the material on this album was created 100% fresh during this time. They seemed to be fumbling on and off from the No Line sessions right up to when Bono busted his back, and it was that gap that seemed to suddenly propel them forward and give the whole thing some clarity. I doubt - give that this is U2 - there was any kind of overall clean break there, its just that it seems with a forced focus, the spark was truly lit during that forced break. Focus. Clarity. Creative Spark. I would bet a decent chunk of it still evolved out of the work they had been doing from No Line on.

I completely agree with you, not only because it is what they usually do, but also because I can't see any reason to throw away work that they think is good, the only thing I doubt is this material they are taking from previous sessions, not only NLOTH, is precisely the songs they debuted in the European leg as some say here, I think they debuted them for the opposite reason, because they weren't going into the album, I suppose if they were intended for Songs Of Ascent they will not fit into such a different album as they say it is, I can't offer any proof of this, of course it is only my opinion, I'm always an optimistic, if these songs are used as B-side, it will mean we are getting more new songs.

I'm not that sure about NS and EBW, they could have evolved, but the other were finished songs, I can't see how they can fit in the new concept.
So wouldn't it be safe to say if the U2/DM album is to release around the same time, we should start getting details as well?
Probably not from danger mouse. Remember when he did that interview about Rome, and when someone asked him about his u2 project, he made it clear that he wasn't going to discuss it?
If he's promoting Rome, it's unlikely he'll want his other project stealing the thunder, you know?
However, i do think we'll start getting proper details a week or two after the south africa gigs.
Probably not from danger mouse. Remember when he did that interview about Rome, and when someone asked him about his u2 project, he made it clear that he wasn't going to discuss it?
If he's promoting Rome, it's unlikely he'll want his other project stealing the thunder, you know?
However, i do think we'll start getting proper details a week or two after the south africa gigs.

He obviously wants Rome to do well, but it's likely any announcement of release date for the U2 material will trump it anyway.....unless they're going to release on a much later date to give both projects ample exposure....or worst case there isn't an album.

Seems odd to me that he'll have two releases that close, but no one really knows. I really can't say for sure if Rome getting released in May is a bad sign or means nothing at all.
I just think U2 wants to wait till March/April to announce this new album so the last of the US tickets will sell out and then the final (maybe) European leg will be announced.

Danger Mouse & U2 project will sell some tickets.

And maybe, just maybe they play a new song in South Africa, but I'm still thinking South America will get a gift from the band (best fans in the world).
everytime i see U2/DM i automatically think Depeche Mode is involved. they should form a supergroup and release an album.
Probably not from danger mouse. Remember when he did that interview about Rome, and when someone asked him about his u2 project, he made it clear that he wasn't going to discuss it?
If he's promoting Rome, it's unlikely he'll want his other project stealing the thunder, you know?

he's also said "I'm not supposed to talk about that" when questioned elsewhere about the u2 album.
I hope they don't shelve the DM material like they did with the Rubin sessions. I guess they really don't need to release an album now though.
I haven't been in here for a while and am wondering what Project Zero One is. Anyone care to explain, in short (not to bore everyone else) or post a link to the thread/page where it was first mentioned? :wave:
I haven't been in here for a while and am wondering what Project Zero One is. Anyone care to explain, in short (not to bore everyone else) or post a link to the thread/page where it was first mentioned? :wave:

Mostly likely a temporary label: Project 01. Speculated by some to be the title of the next album: Project Zero One.
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