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For Honor

Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Dec 13, 2004
East Coast, USA
Okay... let me set the scene, so to say. (this one is a little long- and I write alot, so bear with me, please)

:silent: :slant: :shame: :yuck:

I've done a lot of soul searching and thinking about things lateley- who I am and things like that. What my priciples and values are, what I want to do with my life, etc.... And really, I've broken it down to a few things that are really impportant: Love, Honor, and doing the right thing, or at least making the effort to do the right thing.

And I;ve been happpy in finding these things, and what I want to do with my life. But.... something is wrong.

with me

It's how I go about things.
I am a pretty humble person, I'm not loud or anything, but I ...
I get arrogant.
I think I even get conceited.

I was talking to a friend about how I try to live honorably, but, something was wrong about the way I said things. I don't know if I really understood what I said, but the way I said it was wrong. I mentioned that I don't see honor in other people, or something like that

And in my mind I was saying one thing, but then when she spoke back about it, it sort of appeared to me.

Now, I can't really explain it, and I'[m sure that if you read this it sounds very funny or odd or something. But later on last night I broke it down into something that made sense to me- for my purposes.

It's sort of like this: Honor isn't something you can "have". You can see it in other people, you can praise them for it, but you can't believe you have it. (I think it's sort of like enlightenment or saying you are the Buddah, because he never admits it, and if he does it makes him false or something like that - (i'm rusty on my knowledge of that, so correct me if I'm wrong)).

But basically, I found that when I realized "I have no honor", that something clicked and it made sense. Really, I never thought or believed I was somebody full of honor- but I think desired it so much, and in a way that made it wrong. I corrupted it. And figuring all this out, it was one of those things were you realize how wrong and stupid you've been. And I was ashamed because I really do want to live with honor, but I am not there yet. It's just a reminder that I have to stay humble.

My father always used to say (he teaches martial arts) that you have to come to class with "an empty cup", meaning that you always have to stay humble and be able to learn and not be arrogant and think you know a lot of things. "Humility to empty your cup"... I guess that's sort of what happened- every now and then you need a good embarassment to put you in your place. (It's funny how things you here earlier in life that you understand but have no expereince with can come to mean something to you later on in life...)

So I say I have no honor,
not because I forgot, but because I need to remember

I just hope I don't get too off track.

I have to stay focused on what I want, and I can't let up or get lazy.

I know that sounds a little irrational, and that I probably am overly concerned, but it's become really important to me for some reason...
FFVIII, eh? Nice signature image.

I do think that you're thinking too hard on this issue. Figure out what "honor" is supposed to mean, and figure out what you'd need to do to get there.

I have an idea of what it's supposed to be...
I have sort of an ideal.

But I have so much work to do. I keep making mistakes, and yeah, it's a learning process. But maybe impatience is another problem.

I'm tired of waiting for everything. I've been patient for too long, maybe, and either by design or through my own means, it's gotten to the point where I really am tired of waiting.

I'm a strong person and I have big plans, but I just hope I can do it and do it the right way.

Or will I be a character in Shakespeare, and let my ambition get the best of me? But at the same time, your desires and your goals are important because they sort of define who you are.

But it's contradicted with taking what comes from life, going with the flow.

Geez, I don't think this post gave me any better sense of direction, heh :eyebrow:


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