Pop to be reworked and rereleased??

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Nov 29, 2003
Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
How much merrit is there to these rumors? I read the article about it on the front page of this site and it's also been mentioned in Maxim magazine the last two issues. I thought the article on the front page of interference was very interesting and had alot of amazing points and ideas. Not sure about another Popmart tour though. Anyways I like the idea as long as it wouldn't interfer with a brand new album. Although reworking on an album like Pop again might spill over onto a new album. Perhaps a enw album could have a POP influence. That'd be very cool. What do you guys think?

PS. Did I post this in the right section?
1.Pop does NOT need to be re-recorded. It's incredible as it is. Don't tinker anymore.

2.This topic has been posted about a million times before.

3.This section is only for info about the next album. This should probably be in EYKIW.
namkcuR said:
1.Pop does NOT need to be re-recorded. It's incredible as it is. Don't tinker anymore.

2.This topic has been posted about a million times before.

3.This section is only for info about the next album. This should probably be in EYKIW.

But with the rumors couldn't this possibly be the next album? I agree Pop is great the way it is but it'd be interesting to hear the songs in their intended form. The band has always come across as though they feel POP was released as a glorified demo album. The problem with reworking the album now obviously is that it's not 1997 and current influences would bleed into it, possibly ruining it. I've always liked the idea of bands rerecording their old material. When the rumors came out that Axl Rose wanted to rerecord and rerelease Appetite for Destruction with his new band I loved the idea. It's intrigueing to me. Though if I were to choose between new material and a rerecorded old album I'd obviously go with new material everytime.

It's as simple as "we've actually talked about going in and fixing it" as a speculative idea, one of a million Bono tosses around.

It then gets reported, regurgitated and reported again. And the next thing you know it has become a rumor with some legs.

Bono mentioned the phrase "Full Metal Jacket" one time in an early 2003 interview about the demo that became Native Son/Vertigo, yet two months before the album comes out this title appears in Rolling Stone magazine almost two years later. it's regurgitated news in lieu of actual news.

They already remixed half of the damn thing anyways between single versions and the Best Of's.
Pop needs to be reworked and rereleased no more then Achtung Baby does.

Both are great albums as is, and both improve when played live. I don't see that as a good reason to re-record AB, and I don't see it as a reason with Pop either.
Hallucination said:
When the rumors came out that Axl Rose wanted to rerecord and rerelease Appetite for Destruction with his new band I loved the idea. It's intrigueing to me.
Rumor has it, Bono's going to re-record Bomb with a band of punk rock musicians from the planet Venus.
It'd be nice if they went in and recorded an album that sounded similar to Pop, but that they felt was finished. And one without all the comic and irony. No moles digging in holes, no boomcha's or my mammy's, no hello-hellos. Coke isn't a mystery, Michael Jackson isn't history (since he's been in the headlines every week for the past 15 years).

Propaganda, issue 2;
"We don't want to be in fashion, because fashion is going out of fashion, you know?" -- Bono

"At the same time I'm sure there are some great pop songs, but I want more out of music than just that. I want music with that X Factor, music with heart and soul.... I don't want to sound pretentious, but to me the truth is like a two-edged sword, it cuts deep. I can tell when a singer is singing what's in his heart or if he isn't. There's a big difference...." -- Bono

(I'm wondering, if this is still true at all, why Native Son wasn't released instead of Vertigo, and why the irony is now prevalent over the passion for singing about what isn't popular)
Hallucination said:

But with the rumors couldn't this possibly be the next album? I agree Pop is great the way it is but it'd be interesting to hear the songs in their intended form. The band has always come across as though they feel POP was released as a glorified demo album. The problem with reworking the album now obviously is that it's not 1997 and current influences would bleed into it, possibly ruining it. I've always liked the idea of bands rerecording their old material. When the rumors came out that Axl Rose wanted to rerecord and rerelease Appetite for Destruction with his new band I loved the idea. It's intrigueing to me. Though if I were to choose between new material and a rerecorded old album I'd obviously go with new material everytime.

Pops gonna be the next U2 album. Jesus, I posted a thread a few days ago called "U2 go from bad to worse" and if Pops there next album then U2 are finished! By the way U2 have already re-recorded their old material, when was Miracle Drug (beautiful day) and COBL (streets have no name) ever regarded as new material!

Pop's great AS IS!

A message to the Numb, Staring At The Sun and Please destroyers! LEAVE THE FU~K ALONE, OK!:wink:
I have my theory on how they are going to work the pop songs into this tour. I think they will redo some of them and work them into the setlists each night. I could be wrong though.
the tourist said:

(I'm wondering, if this is still true at all, why Native Son wasn't released instead of Vertigo, and why the irony is now prevalent over the passion for singing about what isn't popular)

Because Native Son isn't a great song. It doesn't hold up over repeated listenings. Bono is absolutely correct about that. It sounds great ONCE. And then it sounds ordinary.
I've no problem with a topical, political song like Native Son.
I sorta wish U2 would write a few more. But Native Son just isn't that hot. Plus Leonard Peltier. Jeez. Talk about a subject that's been done to death by every poseur rock star in America.
Maybe U2 could write The Hurricane Pt 2 as a b-side to Native Son.
IF they were to go back in and change things around, I can think of three main ways they'd do it:

1). Re-release the whole album. (I just don't see it happening)
2). Change all or most of the songs & release them as B-sides
3). Re-release the whole album to members of U2.com, like they did with Melon. (Hmmmm....might make the $40 a year slightly more worth it....)

All in all, though, I don't see it happening at all. If they went back in to fix things, they'd stop looking forward--they'd become an old band polishing their catalogue instead of adding to it, which is not what they want to become!
aah, I like the idea of releasing it online exclusively...perhaps they'll remix and release it through iTunes just to piss off you $40 members...:up:
Utoo said:
IF they were to go back in and change things around, I can think of three main ways they'd do it:

1). Re-release the whole album. (I just don't see it happening)
2). Change all or most of the songs & release them as B-sides
3). Re-release the whole album to members of U2.com, like they did with Melon. (Hmmmm....might make the $40 a year slightly more worth it....)

All in all, though, I don't see it happening at all. If they went back in to fix things, they'd stop looking forward--they'd become an old band polishing their catalogue instead of adding to it, which is not what they want to become!

They stopped looking forward straight after Popmart. Panic set in and they started regurgitating music they had already made in the 80's. Their last two albums are nothing but retro releases harking back to their early days. They have already become an old band.:wink:
Anyways for those of you who seem to take offense to the fact that I even brought it up, chill out. I just think it would be cool to hear the album the way the band intended it to be. yes POP is a great album in it's own right but the band was never happy with the way it turned out. Maybe a better way to go about it would be to make it a double disc, disc 1 is the original, disc 2 is the way the band intended it. There are lots of positive ways it could work and suggesting it is not heresy.:wink: I agree with the tourist that it would be cool if they used POP as an influnce for the next album also. But then of course you'd get fans who would be pissed off about U2 regurgitating their past albums.
jonnytakeawalk said:
Honestly U2 should just forget about Pop. Sure, it stank to high hell but what's done is done! They've done enough brilliant albums to make up for an album like 'pop'

Whats your fav U2 album? Don't tell me....is it "The Bomb" or Joshua Tree? Pops a great album and you have crap musical taste!:wink:
rjhbonovox said:
By the way U2 have already re-recorded their old material, when was Miracle Drug (beautiful day) and COBL (streets have no name) ever regarded as new material!

i was wondering, based on the fact that you feel miracle drug sounds like beautiful day, if you were hearing impaired?
Headache in a Suitcase said:

i was wondering, based on the fact that you feel miracle drug sounds like beautiful day, if you were hearing impaired?

No, most likely not, and I understand what this person means. The songs are build up exactly the same way. I've thought about that, too. Miracle Drug is a way better track than Beautiful Day, though. BD has one of the most horrible, noisy, trashy endings any U2 song has ever had.
U2Man said:

No, most likely not, and I understand what this person means. The songs are build up exactly the same way. I've thought about that, too. Miracle Drug is a way better track than Beautiful Day, though. BD has one of the most horrible, noisy, trashy endings any U2 song has ever had.

I dunno, I love Beautiful Day's ending. In fact the only thing I don't like about the song is the vocal take, but that seems to be a theme on ATYCLB. I totally agree about the similarity to Miracle Drug...but at the end of the day I think it's just "U2 sounding like U2" rather than anything else.
rjhbonovox said:

They stopped looking forward straight after Popmart. Panic set in and they started regurgitating music they had already made in the 80's. Their last two albums are nothing but retro releases harking back to their early days. They have already become an old band.:wink:

rjhbonovox said:

Whats your fav U2 album? Don't tell me....is it "The Bomb" or Joshua Tree? Pops a great album and you have crap musical taste!:wink:

Nup, Achtung and Zooropa both draw as my fave album. Don't really rate 'bomb' that highly at all.

and I stand by what I say about 'pop.' Just let it take its rightful place as the worst album in the entire u2 catalogue and be done with it.
Personally, I would NOT mind if they went back to the studio and re-worked an entire "POP" album but with acoustics/intruments.

The original POP is GREAT as is, but they could experiment on those songs by doing an ALL ACOUSTIC version of it.
That ought to be pretty interesting.
Sort of what Alanis Morisssette just did with her old album "Jagged Little Pill", it seems she re-worked it all out into an acoustic version and is on sale now. Sounds pretty cool (yes, I am a fan of that demented woman! LOL)

So, why not U2 re-work their old stuff into a different style?
I can´t get enough of U2 music... even if I have most of their Bootleg albums I would STILL BUY their new record!

Bring it on fellas... the more U2 albums/music , the better my days will be truly worth livin´:wink:
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Max_theHitman said:
Personally, I would NOT mind if they went back to the studio and re-worked an entire "POP" album but with acoustics/intruments.

The original POP is GREAT as is, but they could experiment on those songs by doing an ALL ACOUSTIC version of it.
That ought to be pretty interesting.
Sort of what Alanis Morisssette just did with her old album "Jagged Little Pill", it seems she re-worked it all out into an acoustic version and is on sale now. Sounds pretty cool (yes, I am a fan of that demented woman! LOL)

So, why not U2 re-work their old stuff into a different style?
I can´t get enough of U2 music... even if I have most of their Bootleg albums I would STILL BUY their new record!

Bring it on fellas... the more U2 albums/music , the better my days will be truly worth livin´:wink:

Yeah and I think they should bring in Lilywhite and really fuc# it up. Maybe take out Mofo, stick in a cover of Aerosmiths "Don't wanna miss a thing" also in Lilywhites words "hey guys you ain't got a singalong chorus for Miami, what about a Bee Gees harmony in there, I can get this to number 1 don't you worry!" Yeah, that would do just nicely!:wink:
rjhbonovox said:

Yeah and I think they should bring in Lilywhite and really fuc# it up. Maybe take out Mofo, stick in a cover of Aerosmiths "Don't wanna miss a thing" also in Lilywhites words "hey guys you ain't got a singalong chorus for Miami, what about a Bee Gees harmony in there, I can get this to number 1 don't you worry!" Yeah, that would do just nicely!:wink:

ha..HA! brilliant response.
Headache in a Suitcase said:

i was wondering, based on the fact that you feel miracle drug sounds like beautiful day, if you were hearing impaired?

RJ doesn't know who Marvin Gaye or Smokey Robinson are.

His exposure to music is very, very limited.

Just look at his posts.
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