PLEBAn Misc U2 News and Articles #1

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Bono sans the hordes

By Barry Egan

Sunday May 24 2009

IT'S a lonely old town, all right. Bono was in Town Bar & Grill last weekend. But instead of his usual coterie of artistic types -- Gavin Friday, Guggi et al -- the U2 singer had only one companion, Simon Carmody, formerly of the Golden Horde (and more recently of The Simon Carmody Community, I jest).

Poor Bono. They came into Ronan Ryan's hip Kildare Street restaurant at around 9pm on the Friday night and left a little after 11pm. At a nearby table, also dining a deux, was Eamon Dunphy and his partner, Jane Grogan.

How do I know? Because I was at an adjoining table on your behalf, dear reader. Across the road from Town Bar & Grill in Residence on Friday night, Helen Cody had her hen party.

You know that ad poster about the woman whose husband saw the pictures of her hen party after the wedding and was less than impressed?

Hey, that will never be Helen Cody.

- Barry Egan
Bono sans the hordes - News & Gossip, Entertainment -
Here's some POSITIVE U2 news:


U2 backs campaign to raise awareness of MS

Rock group U2 will this week support the first global awareness campaign to spotlight multiple sclerosis.

World MS Day, to be launched on Wednesday, will involve more than 160 events in 51 countries.

U2's contribution is their hit song Beautiful Day, which is providing the campaign soundtrack.

The aim is to highlight the plight of people with the disease, raise donations for patient charities and research funding, forge links between MS organisations, and urge action from politicians.

MS is an auto-immune disease in which nerves are attacked by the body's own defences.

The incurable illness affects around 85,000 people in the UK. It can cause symptoms ranging from mild tingling sensations and loss of balance to full blown paralysis. Up to 60% of sufferers will face long term disability.

Among the planned activities for the campaign is an attempt on Mount Everest by two American women with MS, Lori Schneider and Wendy Booker.

In Ireland, eight people will climb six mountains in 72 hours, while Roll for MS cycling and motorcycling events are being held in Belgium, Canada, France and Luxembourg.

Concerts will take place in Greece and Cyprus, and human chains formed in the Indian cities of Mumbai and Delhi.

The MS Society charity will also open its first office in Palestine.

The US National MS Society is rallying more than 850,000 individuals to press politicians to support affordable health care for sufferers.

U2's Beautiful Day will be featured on a global campaign film highlighting different aspects of MS.

One of the sports celebrities backing the campaign is Argentinian and Barcelona FC football star Lionel Messi.

Peer Baneke, chief executive of the Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF) which is organising World MS Day, said: "No matter where they live, people with MS, their families, friends and the wider community, need to come together to help fight this disease and allow people in any country to discuss their MS openly."

Last month, Harry Potter author JK Rowling quit as patron of the MS Society Scotland, claiming the charity is being riven by an internal row. The multi-millionaire, who has supported the charity for nearly a decade, said conflict between the Scottish charity and management in London had resulted in a raft of other resignations.

The Herald - Latest Scottish News, Business, Politics, Sport from Glasgow, Edinburgh - all Scotland

Way to go, U2! :applaud:
**Here is another article about the event like the one Jamila posted

U2 support World MS Day campaign

May 25 2009

Rock giants U2 will this week support the first global awareness campaign to spotlight multiple sclerosis.

World MS Day, to be launched on Wednesday, will involve more than 160 events in 51 countries.

U2’s contribution is their hit song Beautiful Day, which is providing the campaign soundtrack.

The aim is to highlight the plight of people with the disease, raise donations for patient charities and research funding, forge links between MS organisations, and urge action from politicians.

MS is an auto-immune disease in which nerves are attacked by the body’s own defences. Northern Ireland has the second highest rate of MS in the world, only slightly behind Scotland, with 4,000 sufferers.

U2 support World MS Day campaign - Health, News -
Bono attacks pious MPs who don’t pay their taxes

Global campaigner Bono has slammed British M.P.s for avoiding paying tax on their expenses. ‘It’s the piousness I can’t stand,’ said the U2 star yesterday, posing for pictures outside the Houses of Parliament. ‘What’s really nauseating is they act like they’re saving the world, when all they’re doing is saving their receipts.’
Bono was particularly angry that while ordinary people have no loop holes to avoid income tax, MPs are able to avoid capital gains, and income tax, through their expense fiddles.
‘What a bunch of hypocrites.’ said the jet-setting green campaigner. ‘It makes me glad my business is registered in Holland.’

NewsBiscuit � News In Brief � Bono attacks pious MPs who don’t pay their taxes

:gah: Where are the pictures????? I can't find any!!!!:gah:
Clinton can't forgive Kennedy for backing Obama, Bono faults him on AIDS
'Clinton in the Obama Era' is profiled in upcoming New York Times magazine interview

May 27 2009

Bill Clinton has not forgiven Ted Kennedy or Caroline Kennedy for their support of Barack Obama during their heated primary fight for the Democratic nomination last year.
The New York Times magazine will report on Sunday that Clinton felt he “did so much” for the Kennedys over the years and that they had become almost family. He felt deeply betrayed when they endorsed Obama instead of his wife.
Indeed, as has previously reported when word of the impending Kennedy announcement was circulating, Clinton tried to have several leading Irish Americans call Kennedy to try and get him to change his mind.
As Clinton sees it, according to the article by Peter Baker, “he did so much for the Kennedys over the years that he felt they became almost family.”
In the article, Bono also criticizes the former President for not doing enough about AIDS overseas when he was in office.
“He did a lot on domestic AIDS, but I think he does beat himself up on not dealing with global AIDS quickly enough,” Bono told the Times. However, since leaving office, Bono says Clinton “not only got up to speed but got into the fast lane in fighting this epidemic.”
Clinton agrees with Bono. On AIDS he said, “I felt that neither I nor anyone else in the world did enough. We tripled overseas AIDS funding when I was President, and we were contributing about 25 percent of the funding in the world, but it was a pitiful amount.”
The article also makes clear that the Obama/Clinton relationship is guarded. The two have only spoken once since Obama became President and there is little love lost despite the fact that Hillary is Secretary of State. However, Clinton is praised by Obama insiders for staying out of the way of the new President and not trying to upstage him.
People who worked in both administrations compare Obama favorably to Clinton in terms of his working habits. They “marvel” at Obama’s discipline, and remember with a shudder Clinton’s “purple rages” when he castigated staff members behind closed doors.
Clinton also reveals that he does not have the same amount of the legendary stamina he used have since his heart surgery six years ago. However, he says his slower pace has made him more mellow and more laid-back about his life and career. He and his wife spend every weekend they can together, but mostly live separate lives, often globetrotting to different countries at the same time.

Clinton can't forgive Kennedy for backing Obama, Bono faults him on AIDS | Irish News | IrishCentral
Bono attacks pious MPs who don’t pay their taxes

Global campaigner Bono has slammed British M.P.s for avoiding paying tax on their expenses. ‘It’s the piousness I can’t stand,’ said the U2 star yesterday, posing for pictures outside the Houses of Parliament. ‘What’s really nauseating is they act like they’re saving the world, when all they’re doing is saving their receipts.’
Bono was particularly angry that while ordinary people have no loop holes to avoid income tax, MPs are able to avoid capital gains, and income tax, through their expense fiddles.
‘What a bunch of hypocrites.’ said the jet-setting green campaigner. ‘It makes me glad my business is registered in Holland.’

NewsBiscuit � News In Brief � Bono attacks pious MPs who don’t pay their taxes

"jet-setting green campaigner". Haha.

It kinda sounds like Bono's arguments against the MPs are near identical to the hater arguments against Bono. Also, is that article even real?


U2 is rumored to perform "Magnificent" this Friday on The Late Late Show in Dublin. It'll be the final show hosted by Pat Kenny. The Irish Independent says U2 was originally scheduled to appear on the show a few weeks ago, but agreed to perform instead on Kenny's last night as host
I hope it is too. That would be something nice to see when I get home from work tomorrow
pg 75


Thanks lauramullen for all the lovely pics from this mag! :love: I've just ordered my copy of it!! :hyper: It cost me 11,90 euros but that's about the price a magazine like this would cost if it where ever available here in Finland. :shrug:
Can anyone tell how long I might have to wait for it come, I soooo hate waiting!!! :gah: (Ooooh new smilies!) :loveshower:
Thanks lauramullen for all the lovely pics from this mag! :love: I've just ordered my copy of it!! :hyper: It cost me 11,90 euros but that's about the price a magazine like this would cost if it where ever available here in Finland. :shrug:
Can anyone tell how long I might have to wait for it come, I soooo hate waiting!!! :gah: (Ooooh new smilies!) :loveshower:

I got mine last week. I also bought a copy here in Vienna and it cost 14 euro :huh:. So it's cheaper to order it in the UK, it's half the price.
Hey, thanks girls for your replies! :wave: Wow, 14 euros!! :ohmy: Yeah, international magazines are also expensive here in Finland, the few that are on available, like Rolling Stone, Q, Vogue, Vanity Fair etc., that is! :wink:

U2 joined Senegalese artist Baaba Maal on stage tonight as part of London's celebrations for Island 50.

Baaba and Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) were sharing the bill at Shepherd's Bush Empire. The band joined Baaba Maal for a version of U2's 0ne to the surprise of the sold out crowd.

Introducing U2 Baaba said, "I have a friend a brother who really takes care of everything. We share the respect of Nelson Mandela's vision. We need people to understand. We didn't make it yet but we are on the way. As we continue fighting poverty especially on the continent of Africa".

As Bono. The Edge, Larry and Adam joined onstage.

The room was a glow with phones in the air as the crowd took pictures of this crazy moment. And then they started with a rousing chorus of One Love by Bob Marley.

Baaba Maal left the stage before U2 continued with a semi acoustic version of Vertigo. Chris Blackwell is in the room looking happy with the preceedings and gets a shout out from Bono.

Chris once said to me "all of this can be yours, all of this can be yours... Just give me what I want and no one gets hurt."

They throw in a few lyrics of peace train for good measure... And then its half time

Bono later appeared on stage to introduce and welcome Yusuf Islam

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