Pleban Girls Party - Viva Le révolution!!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
:hug: :wave:

how is everyone tonight??? Computer problems must be iBook, which has my life on it, is down. I can't boot it up and I think it's going to cost a small fortune to fix. I probably lost "Mercy" and all my other iTunes music that I've collected over the past 3 years, all the photos I've collected over the years, and the machine I'm on right now is not powerful enough to play Second Life.

I think it's God's way of telling me I've been spending too much time on Second Life!!!

Anyway, I hope everyone is well. I'll be at the last Setlist Party a lot tonight, but I'll be here too.
Hey Diane! :hug: Sorry to hear about your laptop died two weeks ago, and I lost 20 gig of U2 stuff. :sad: Fortunately, they were able to grab my school files before it died completely, so I'm thankful for that.
VintagePunk said:
Russty, it's SO good to see you! :hyper: How have things been going? Is B settling into his job? How are the kids? Have you found a new place? I'm behind in the news. :reject:

Things have been going good. B likes his job. They have him working swingshift, which is different. But its working out good so far. The kids are good. They like living with Grandma and Grandpa. Hopefully we will get the keys to our new place next Friday. :hyper: Its a great mobile home on its on land in a nice neighborhood. Its the biggest house we've ever owned. :drool:

How has school been going? :hug:

Hi Diane! :hug: sorry about your ibook. :(
Thora!! Russty!! VP!! :hug: :wave: x 3

Thora, I'm such a geek, I took a nap so I could stay up alll night!!! :hyper: :hyper:

I'm glad they got your school files, VP. I've just realized that some of my old grad work might be gone. But because the iBook was never hooked up to a printer, I think I have it on this machine as well. I'm most upset, as I've said, about "Mercy" and not being able to go on Second Life, where I "own" property and houses and lots of virtual stuff, including several U2 T-shirts for my avatar!

Russty!! I'm glad your family is adjusting well to the move. :hug:
Russty, I've been so busy, and as the above post says, I lost my laptop, so things have been chaotic, to say the least. My mom just moved into a really great condo at the beginning of the month, and I spent a lot of time helping her pack/move/unpack. It was really hard because she's no longer next door to me, and that was my childhood home...but seeing her so happy in her new place is all worth it. :) We also had a health scare with her over the past few months, but results of tests we got back a few weeks ago say that it's good news...she'll still have to undego day surgery in the new year, but it's not life-threatening. :relief:

Glad to hear things are going so well for you, and that the girls are enjoying their grandparents! :) I know Sarah growing up so close to my mom and dad was awesome. :hug:
VP sorry about your laptop,that really sucks. :madspit: I'm glad your mom is doing well and got settled in the new place. I totally understand about having your childhood home sell. Its a hard thing to do. :hug:
I took a short nap too, Diane. :lol: Even though it won't be as late for me as it is for you, I really needed the burst of energy that the nap gave me. :D
Here's a funny picture for you all. Last night I went downtown with my best friend, and I drove past this place. I'd never seen it before, but it made me laugh so much. I took a picture with my phone, so the quality sucks, but at least you'll get an idea of what it's like.


It's called U2 grocery!! :lmao:
My mom and my brothers kids made cinnamon rolls and sugar cookies tonight; both with my mom's homemade buttercreme frosting/icing on top :drool: I can feel my waist and hips expanding just smelling them :drool:
ThoraSEB said:
Here's a funny picture for you all. Last night I went downtown with my best friend, and I drove past this place. I'd never seen it before, but it made me laugh so much. I took a picture with my phone, so the quality sucks, but at least you'll get an idea of what it's like.


It's called U2 grocery!! :lmao:

how funny! I want to go to U2 groacery and get some Irish Cream :shifty: :sexywink:
ThoraSEB said:
Here's a funny picture for you all. Last night I went downtown with my best friend, and I drove past this place. I'd never seen it before, but it made me laugh so much. I took a picture with my phone, so the quality sucks, but at least you'll get an idea of what it's like.


It's called U2 grocery!! :lmao:

:lol: !!!!

When I go to pick up Sarah at school, there are several dumpsters that sit en the edge of the parking lot. Each one has a code on it, and they all start with I sit there and chuckle to myself.
OH MY GOSH! I almost forgot to tell you guys!!

The other day B and I were out doing errands and we saw a sign that said "Bono for US Congress" :hyper: :dance: I'm all for that. :wink:

:giggle: SG I'll shop with ya. :combust:
I'm sure it was a sign for Mary Bono, who took over after he passed away. She lives about 45 minutes from here.
Russty Cat said:
I'm sure it was a sign for Mary Bono, who took over after he passed away. She lives about 45 minutes from here.

I thought it was something like that - still, it's a campaign strategy that just may work! :wink: :laugh:

and I always laugh when I think of Ali's answer, when she was asked what she called Bono. 'I just call him Sonny' :giggle:
Hey Britt :wave:

Drea - that does it, I'm hitchhiking my way to Hawaii :grumpy: Now my other man is there, too! :madwife:

or I'll stay here and keep staring at my beautiful new sig :love:
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