Pleban Girls Party - SG's Out Of Control and we love it!!!

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Have you heard from Sarah today, VP? How's she doing in Europe? (I didn't read the start of the thread, so forgive me if you or she posted there earlier)
Night Jez :hug:

SG, got it and replied. :)

Jo, this is our convo from earlier today. :)

VintagePunk said:
Sarah didn't really have a lot to say, I think there was so much to remember, she was overwhelmed. Here are a few things:

-she took her shoes off and walked in the Mediterranean Sea :drool:

-she thinks she wants to go into Classical Studies now, because in her words, "there's no way that someone should get as excited about seeing bridges and aqueducts as I did."

-They spent time in Cannes

-More about the drinking thing. Apparently, her chaperones are very easy-going and lenient. But there's about 15 other kids from Vancouver that are tagging along with her group on the tour. She said that the chaperones from that group told her teacher that if she didn't get her group under control, she'd report the behaviour to the school board. Sarah says that they're not even that bad, just a little noisy at times. And Sarah's the type that if she thought they were out of control, she'd be one of the first to say so.

-When they get to Italy, they're going to a disco

-she asked what I would think if she got drunk on her birthday. I told her that I don't believe she will, but if she does, take it easy cause she's never drank before, and she'll be really sick. :sick:

-she had crepes earlier, but is quite disappointed that she can't find any restaurants that have brie.
Sad_Girl said:
Oh! :reject: I read it as 8 and 3/4 Ooops :lol: so you had to be induced; to kick her out :lmao:

She had to be forcibly taken. :lmao:

I had to be at the hospital at some crazy early hour. 6 am, I think. In the weeks before, they'd already tried that gel on the cervix thing to induce, a couple of times. The doc said he was going to start me on an IV induction that morning, and if that didn't work, he'd break my water around noon. If that didn't work, then it would be a c-section.

She hung on till the very end. She didn't come out without a fight. :lol:
:lol: :lmao: I can see it.

:sarah: :grumpy: Leave me alone, I'm fine right where I am! I'll decide IF and When I'll venture out into the cold cruel world thank you very much! :grumpy: :wink:
VintagePunk said:

She had to be forcibly taken. :lmao:

I had to be at the hospital at some crazy early hour. 6 am, I think. In the weeks before, they'd already tried that gel on the cervix thing to induce, a couple of times. The doc said he was going to start me on an IV induction that morning, and if that didn't work, he'd break my water around noon. If that didn't work, then it would be a c-section.

Oh, what fun. :yuck:

But, hey, you got Sarah out of it, right? :wink:

Edit: Realizes that her last sentence could be a bad pun ... :uhoh:
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Sad_Girl said:
:lol: :lmao: I can see it.

:sarah: :grumpy: Leave me alone, I'm fine right where I am! I'll decide IF and When I'll venture out into the cold cruel world thank you very much! :grumpy: :wink:

Exactly. And she hasn't changed a great deal, since. :lmao:

People say that you forget the horror of childbirth, and then go on to have more kids. I never did. That day was SO weird. Scary, to say the least (had a strange incident in the OR), and soooo amazing at the same time.

The entire pregnancy was problematic, actually. Certainly not an easy one. Worth it for her, though, but not something I'd care to repeat. I don't think I could get so lucky as to have another one like her, anyway. The bar was too high. It would have been inevitable that a second child would have been a disappointment. Sarah actually reminds me of that fact, from time to time. :lol:
VintagePunk said:

Exactly. And she hasn't changed a great deal, since. :lmao:

People say that you forget the horror of childbirth, and then go on to have more kids. I never did. That day was SO weird. Scary, to say the least (had a strange incident in the OR), and soooo amazing at the same time.

The entire pregnancy was problematic, actually. Certainly not an easy one. Worth it for her, though, but not something I'd care to repeat. I don't think I could get so lucky as to have another one like her, anyway. The bar was too high. It would have been inevitable that a second child would have been a disappointment. Sarah actually reminds me of that fact, from time to time. :lol:

I think only children have a lot going for them :yes: especially in the world as it is today. Not that I'd trade my brothers and sister for anything, but there are definitely benefits to both growing up as and raising just one child.

And Sarah is pretty unique. I don't think you'd have another like her if you tried a dozen times :wink: :heart:
'lo everyone again :wave:

What do you mean addicted? Who? Me? :lmao:

I said I was just gonna walk my dog. My dad is getting ready to leave for work at the moment...
Sad_Girl said:

I think only children have a lot going for them :yes: especially in the world as it is today. Not that I'd trade my brothers and sister for anything, but there are definitely benefits to both growing up as and raising just one child.

And Sarah is pretty unique. I don't think you'd have another like her if you tried a dozen times :wink: :heart:

Exactly. :heart:

And you know, despite all his faults, that's one time that her dad was really there for me. Don't think I could have gotten through that day without him.
VintagePunk said:
Joe Jackson :heart:

Does anyone else like him? Jo? Diane? SG, you might be a bit too young to know much of his work?

Yes, I like Joe Jackson. I don't have any of his albums, but I've heard some of his stuff.
VintagePunk said:

Exactly. :heart:

And you know, despite all his faults, that's one time that her dad was really there for me. Don't think I could have gotten through that day without him.

Thats very cool to hear :heart:

I'm not too familiar with his work, VP. I grew up in Michaels first big solo era :reject: I used to have Michael Jackson stickers :lmao:
Sad_Girl said:

*snerk* Good thing I've been thinking about baby names again since I saw Sim!Adam's goals :lol:

James or Charles for a boy (since someone beat me to Brendan :p)
Angelica or Cordelia for a girl
Now I remember which Joe Jackson songs I used to hear a lot of: "Is She Really Going Out With Him" and

... oh, :censored: I can hear the melody of it in my head, but I can't think of its title! I hate when that happens! :angry:

Edit: I thought of the song title: "Stepping Out."

I feel better now. :wink:
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