Pleban Girl Party: We have major love for our Bono!

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What happened to Larry's hand? :sad: I wanna kiss it make it all better!
Sad_Girl said:

The worst part of having a lot of information available easily is that there can be too much statistical information and not enough real world, personal, individual focus. Yes, there may be reason to worry. But it sounds like your sisters doctor is on top of it, and there's no point in worrying yourself sick over a 'possible'. There are tons of things that are entirely possible but which just don't turn out that way. :hug: Say a prayer (and I will, too) and just wait and see what it turns out to be. It might be nothing worth worrying over at all, in the end.

The part that really bothers me is this - over the past two or three winters, she's sick constantly! Colds, developing into bronchitis, developing into pneumonia...and she has a lot of trouble shaking them. I hate to be an alarmist, but it makes me think of an immune disorder. :sad:
Thank you Weldy :hug: you're very sweet. But Russty has actually made some money and had some professional recognition, so that makes her far superior, in my book :flirt:
Russty Cat said:

First of all, take some deep cleansing breaths. I know this all sounds scary, but its not as bad as it seems. You have come to the right place.

My mother has Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. The told her at first that she had fibromyalgia. So that is not an uncommon diagnoses. She worked for over 15 years with the lupus and arthritis. My mother was an RNP who worked at a very stressful office and also traveled the world with doctors without borders. This is not a death sentences for your sister. What it means is that she will have to change some things in her life and learn to do things in moderation. They will also be able to put her on meds to help with both and stuff for pain control. Diet is also a big factor. They can also give her some stretching exercises that will help with some of the joint pain. They have helped my mother alot.

Her family doc prescribed (I may not be getting the name exactly right) Celebrex, that drug that's come with warnings of heart attack and stroke, recently...her doc said it's an excellent drug, and not to listen to the media...the people who have had problems with it have been elderly and already had heart disease...whereas she's young, and relatively healthy, other than this.
U2MaNaIcWeIdO said:

No...I meant the transfer from paper to guitar.

But I do believe are a freaking genius!!!

Thanks Weldy. You may be on to something. It may be easier to just take the whole pattern and have it copied. Sadly is like 6 feet by 6 feet. hehe It probably would cost a ton and I'm a cheap arse. Specially since this one probably won't sell. I've been having such a hard time lately. I love everything I've done and once I put my heart and soul into it I just can't bear to part with it.

In totally honesty I haven't sold anything since December. :reject: I hate that I haven't made any money yet this year. I really need to get off my arse and do a website already.

VP Lupus is also an immune disease, so it could be causing her to get sicker easier as well. I get chest infections and sinus infections so easily. This is probably TMI, but I also get a yeast infection every single time they give me antibiotics. So warn your sister to watch for that as well.

Larrys brace looks like its what people with carpal tunnel syndrome wear, so I wouldn't be surprised if he has a bit of that considering the repetitive motion he has been doing for the last oh 20 years or so. I'd be happy to kiss him...I mean it better. :wink:
Sad_Girl said:
Thank you Weldy :hug: you're very sweet. But Russty has actually made some money and had some professional recognition, so that makes her far superior, in my book :flirt:

You are very welcome...and yes I do agree with you though.

I'm not talented and I'm not that I'm not a good smut writer or a creative artist.
Russty Cat said:

Thanks Weldy. You may be on to something. It may be easier to just take the whole pattern and have it copied. Sadly is like 6 feet by 6 feet. hehe It probably would cost a ton and I'm a cheap arse. Specially since this one probably won't sell. I've been having such a hard time lately. I love everything I've done and once I put my heart and soul into it I just can't bear to part with it.

Just downsize it to fit only part or the whole guitar.
VintagePunk said:

The part that really bothers me is this - over the past two or three winters, she's sick constantly! Colds, developing into bronchitis, developing into pneumonia...and she has a lot of trouble shaking them. I hate to be an alarmist, but it makes me think of an immune disorder. :sad:

It could be, but it sounds like by getting the care and correct diagnosis, she'll have a better chance at being healthier, in the long run. I know why you're nervous; my brothers CIDS is genetic, and we all worry constantly about my nephews. It's scary stuff. But it's better to know things have been checked out and looked into properly, so then they can be dealt with. :hug: I know why you're scared, and I wish I could just say 'oh, that's not it' and make it go away. But I do think there is a lot of hope in seeking treatment, and that with a loving sister like you, she'll be ok, either way.
VintagePunk said:

Her family doc prescribed (I may not be getting the name exactly right) Celebrex, that drug that's come with warnings of heart attack and stroke, recently...her doc said it's an excellent drug, and not to listen to the media...the people who have had problems with it have been elderly and already had heart disease...whereas she's young, and relatively healthy, other than this.

I've taken celebrex for my bursitis. :hug: it's not as dangerous as it sounds
Russty Cat said:

Well I don't do other peoples patterns anymore. I pretty much draw whatever I see in my head or what the general idea is and then make a pattern on blank newspaper from there.

So the other night I was praying for the London gigs, cuz I was really worried about their being problems and worried about how many people were going to be there. So when I was praying I got this image in my head of 2 huge angels hovering over the stadium. Just being there watching over the whole thing. I haven't been able to get it out of my head. So last night I drew a quick sketch.

So what the final thing became is 4 guitars laying down. 2 electric and 2 acuoustic with 2 angels flying over them. The problem is the angels have to look transparent. There is a technique that is called "ghosting" where instead of making the angels out of seperate fabric and laying them on top of the guitars. I have to actually merge them with the guitars in the fabric.

So if the guitar is red where the angel intersects you might use pink or a very pale red on the part of the angel that is covering. Its a long involved process, which I'm probably totally nuts for trying to do.

This sounds absolutely amazing! It's going to turn out great once you're done! :up:
Sad_Girl said:

It could be, but it sounds like by getting the care and correct diagnosis, she'll have a better chance at being healthier, in the long run. I know why you're nervous; my brothers CIDS is genetic, and we all worry constantly about my nephews. It's scary stuff. But it's better to know things have been checked out and looked into properly, so then they can be dealt with. :hug: I know why you're scared, and I wish I could just say 'oh, that's not it' and make it go away. But I do think there is a lot of hope in seeking treatment, and that with a loving sister like you, she'll be ok, either way.

Thanks. :hug: She went to my moms after her appointment today, and she could hardly move...she lives about a 15 minute drive away, in the country...I offered to drive her home, but she wouldn't hear of it...she's so friggin stubborn. :lol: My mom's like that, too. She did ask me to come out and visit, though...I think she's bored being off of work. And our big holiday that I keep going on about...she's coming, too. It's our annual, Sarah, my mom, and my sister. The whole female bonding thing. :heart:
Russty Cat said:

VP Lupus is also an immune disease, so it could be causing her to get sicker easier as well. I get chest infections and sinus infections so easily. This is probably TMI, but I also get a yeast infection every single time they give me antibiotics. So warn your sister to watch for that as well.

I will...thanks for the advice, and for listening to me vent. :hug: :heart:
Sad_Girl said:
Thank you Weldy :hug: you're very sweet. But Russty has actually made some money and had some professional recognition, so that makes her far superior, in my book :flirt:

Thanks SG. I don't often think of myself as a professional. But I feel like at least when I'm old and grey I'll be happy with what I've done with my life. I honestly don't know how I made it thru a ten year period where I didn't do any work. I actually burned my portfolio and destroyed all my equipment. It was a really sad time in my life. I don't think I'll ever go back to not doing what I love. Its a part of me.

I've actually been considering lately changing my name legally as well before I get a business license again. I really feel like I've finally made a good change and I like who I am. But part of that is Russty and it would just make me happy to actually be able to use it legally.

VP Celebrex is a good medicine for the right people. Her doctor sounds very wise. You can't always listen to all the hype cuz medicine works different for different bodies.

Weldy you do have amazing gifts and talents. Sometimes it just takes longer to find them. But I can tell you your compassion is definetly a gift. And your humor. You'd be amazed how many people in this world are bankrupt when it comes to compassion and a little humor in their soul.
Russty Cat said:

Weldy you do have amazing gifts and talents. Sometimes it just takes longer to find them. But I can tell you your compassion is definetly a gift. And your humor. You'd be amazed how many people in this world are bankrupt when it comes to compassion and a little humor in their soul.

:yes: I agree completely
U2MaNaIcWeIdO said: writer. You share that title with Bri (who is a talented artist too) and SG (who is also a talanted wallpaper creater) and DG.

:lol: Thanks, but I'm only a dabbler, compared to the talents that are around here. :heart:
Russty Cat said:
Weldy you do have amazing gifts and talents. Sometimes it just takes longer to find them. But I can tell you your compassion is definetly a gift. And your humor. You'd be amazed how many people in this world are bankrupt when it comes to compassion and a little humor in their soul.

With my's take a little longer than expected to realized this...I let my stubborness and rudeness get in the way.

I can understand where you are going with this...but I sometimes don't see the good side of me...I only see the awfulness.
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