Pleba Party: One Track Minds

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Mucca said:


I love my ipod! I don't know what I'd do without it. :heart: Although I wished I'd waited a little later so that I could get the second generation U2 ipod, but who knew they would have another. :tongue:

I was spending my $ on tuition and didn't have broadband when the first U2 iPod came out. Now that the new handy-dandy color U2 iPod's here and I have DSL for downloading iTunes, I need to spend my money on bills and the shows. :sad:

It's always something, as Gilda Radner said.
CeeCee said:
Bye Russ, bye Bri.

*sigsh* I don't have an iPod. Not sure I want one, cuase I really don't like the iPod software, the way it's set up.

I didn't like it at first either but you live with it. :shrug:

The thing I don't like most is that you have to use their battery and not just the regular ones. So if the battery screws up it's like $60 right there :madspit:
I feel slightly accomplished today. I didn't go outside to do job hunting but I did put in 3 applications at Though at this rate i'm starting to wonder if I'm gettign any work at all.
jobob said:

I was spending my $ on tuition and didn't have broadband when the first U2 iPod came out. Now that the new handy-dandy color U2 iPod's here and I have DSL for downloading iTunes, I need to spend my money on bills and the shows. :sad:

It's always something, as Gilda Radner said.


I made an agreement with my parents that I would pay for half of it if they got it for me as a birthday gift. I basically used all my birthday money on it but it was well worth it. :drool:
CeeCee said:
I feel slightly accomplished today. I didn't go outside to do job hunting but I did put in 3 applications at Though at this rate i'm starting to wonder if I'm gettign any work at all.

I like that URL. :wink: I'm going to have to check it out, if only to see what jobs they have to snag.

GodIhatethethoughtofhavingtojobhunt ...
CeeCee said:
I feel slightly accomplished today. I didn't go outside to do job hunting but I did put in 3 applications at Though at this rate i'm starting to wonder if I'm gettign any work at all.

You're doing a far better in job hunting that I am...or was. I was planning to get a job this summer or at least for august before I left for school but all I ever did was pick up two applications, I didn't even hand them in. I kept putting it off and by then I only had 3 weeks left if I was to work.

But anyways keep trying. You never know when your lucky day will come! :hug:
Mucca said:


I made an agreement with my parents that I would pay for half of it if they got it for me as a birthday gift. I basically used all my birthday money on it but it was well worth it. :drool:

I didn't get anything for my birthday. But that's ok. I'd ask for a co inw ith a PS2, but I mgiht have to beg money for plane ticket if I can't get a damned job.

BTW SG. What time do I have to be there in order to stalk the Boys at sound check?
CeeCee said:

I didn't get anything for my birthday. But that's ok. I'd ask for a co inw ith a PS2, but I mgiht have to beg money for plane ticket if I can't get a damned job.

BTW SG. What time do I have to be there in order to stalk the Boys at sound check?

I would say 3:00-4:00pm. That seems to be the time they usually arrive at the venue.
Mucca said:

You're doing a far better in job hunting that I am...or was. I was planning to get a job this summer or at least for august before I left for school but all I ever did was pick up two applications, I didn't even hand them in. I kept putting it off and by then I only had 3 weeks left if I was to work.

But anyways keep trying. You never know when your lucky day will come! :hug:

You have a valid excuse. You're going to school. I, however am not and have no excuse alas. *sighs*
CeeCee said:

You have a valid excuse. You're going to school. I, however am not and have no excuse alas. *sighs*

My dad didn't think it was so I had him nagging at me about it for at least a month. :madspit:
Mucca said:


I made an agreement with my parents that I would pay for half of it if they got it for me as a birthday gift. I basically used all my birthday money on it but it was well worth it. :drool:

Well, my stepmother's not that generous.

I've been waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for some money from an inheritance to finally get here. I need it so I can pay my bills, have money for vacations, and buy that iPod I've wanted. <checks mailbox again ... nope, I'm still broke>
CeeCee said:

Well, there's always next year. :lol: When you get moved in you need to give the address...


Oh I finished d/l the second San Diego concert. The filmers focused ALOT on Edge. I can burn you a copy and mail it to you when I get there and anyone else who wants it. :)
Sad_Girl said:
:yes: I plan on being at the Palace by 2 pm or so Cindy

Ok. So I don't have to be up and in line at the airport before the arse crack of dawn then, to catch a 6 am flight to get in around 9am. I wonder if that'll save money. What time were you going ot leave to go back home? Stragiht after checkout? What time is check ina nd check out? damn.

BTW: Nice Adam HD.... course he's got alot to keep in there. :whistle:
CeeCee said:

Ok. So I don't have to be up and in line at the airport before the arse crack of dawn then, to catch a 6 am flight to get in around 9am. I wonder if that'll save money. What time were you going ot leave to go back home? Stragiht after checkout? What time is check ina nd check out? damn.


I don't know yet :lol: nearly two months yet :wink:
Mmm.. Edgie tush. What's he dooing looking in the window for? I love the rips on the arse there.

SG - ok well, I'll plan for take off and arrival to be there by 1 if at all possible. see if it's cheapter than getting there after 9 or 10.
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