PLEBA Misc News and Articles #5

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Would be better if you could translate it to english! Not everyone can read it like this.
I used google translate :huh:
Its kind of a weird article in the last part, 8 men security for who?
It sounds like the band is already there and have arranged some touristy activities with their families. The article is assuming that the band wants to incorporate the Chilean miners somehow into the show. It talks about the claw and how big the crew is; it says Bono needs four dressing rooms. And I think it's saying that each band member has a bodyguard and there are a total of eight Chilean security guards; I'm guessing they have just hired some local security to help out while they're there besides the regular guys.
:lol: Bono needs four dressing rooms? Yea riiight.

Cute they're bringing their families over to see a bit of the country. To be honest I hope they don't incorporate the miners in this. Those guys have gone waaay overboard with their new fame and all that crap. Sure they were in a horrible situation, but that's no reason to become a celebrity with the attitude.
I think its okay to mention them on the screens or something, like they did in for the miners back in the NZ/AUS tour.

Are they that pompous about it ? I never noticed :reject:
Only thing is that this topic isn't really "current" any more.
Needless to say that I have no right on speaking about this,
it was great to see how the miners where saved, and Chile should be proud on itself.
So should the miners who where in there.
Okay, having only taken French, I read some of that as-

12 golf coaches
4 tanks of oxygen - does Bono still require an oxygen mask?
15 interpreters
24 stocked refrigerators
75 Blackberrys

I know I may be way off but it's funny to think U2 needs 12 golf coaches. :lol:
Its oxygen bottles , and I think they use them for blowing up balloons or something.
I can't see Bono using up 4 whole tanks in a few gigs. On the other hand ,
they might be for Edge when he goes to his visit family in outer space.
your right about the refrigerators :giggle:
I think they mean golf cars ;)
Can't believe that in a few days I'm gonna see it!!! :hyper::hyper::hyper:

They are working at the stadium in Argentina too!!!! Can't wait... I'm having a massive stroke of emotions!!!!

Don't think Bono is in Chile yet, Steve Lillywhite tweeted this morning that today was his last day in the studio with Bono (I'm guessing for Spiderman but who knows...)
From NY Daily News

The article above mentioned Bono, Larry and Adam were due to arrive with families today or tomorrow. Sounded like together.
I have noticed that he's wearing 'normal' sunglasses when he's out walking with the family. Not the kind that scream 'ZOMG that's Bono!" He needs to lose the olive cap. Also a give away. If he wore a Yankees cap, he'd really blend in. It'd break my heart being from Boston - but a Red Sox cap would get him all the wrong attention in NY. :lol:
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