PLEBA girls Party: Making things swell in Toronto...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
higirls. i have soooooo much to do before leaving town tomorrow that i am thinking i must be totally insane for trying to go to these upcoming shows :crazy:

any news from Drea or VP?
I have to do a position paper for Theology on whether or not I think there were racial and class problems in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. He gave us an article to work with for it.
Clonecaptian:love: you feel like shit too!:happy::|

ugh, I have an incrediable head cold:| it actually got way worse withen the last 2 hrs:| ...then my newly aquired alleriges are acting up on top of that....I cannot smell..I cannot hear...I cannot taste, my eyes are watery, I am losing my voice too:happy:

whats wrong with you?:hug::(
Awww my clonecaptain is sick. :( :hug:

My porch door was jammed and it took my mother and I about 2 hours to get it unjammed. And as usual, she took out all her frustration on me. If I talked to her the way she talks to me at times she'd slap me across the face. :|
Dismantled said:
Clonecaptian:love: you feel like shit too!:happy::|

ugh, I have an incrediable head cold:| it actually got way worse withen the last 2 hrs:| ...then my newly aquired alleriges are acting up on top of that....I cannot smell..I cannot hear...I cannot taste, my eyes are watery, I am losing my voice too:happy:

whats wrong with you?:hug::(

I have the same exact thing as you:| It's the worst...especially not being able to breathe through my nose :(
sounds like everyone is having a rough day :hug: i HATE allergies. have had them for over a month and it's miserable.

Jemma, I'll see you after the show on Friday!
daygloeyes2 said:
Awww my clonecaptain is sick. :( :hug:

My porch door was jammed and it took my mother and I about 2 hours to get it unjammed. And as usual, she took out all her frustration on me. If I talked to her the way she talks to me at times she'd slap me across the face. :|

I hate that :hug: My dad is the same way
Farrakhan :mad: he makes me sick, really.

ok, have to work on class for just a bit but i'll be back and in the setlist party :wave:
daygloeyes2 said:
Awww my clonecaptain is sick. :( :hug:

My porch door was jammed and it took my mother and I about 2 hours to get it unjammed. And as usual, she took out all her frustration on me. If I talked to her the way she talks to me at times she'd slap me across the face. :|

awww:hug: it sucks, just remember it isn't you...sounds like your mom is going through alot.:hug: still sucks though:(

Sami:hug: this cold sucks don't it!?:mad: I hate it..I cannot breath through my nose either..but if I open my mouth to breath at night..I get a sore throat...thats it..I am NOT breathing:angry:

Dismantled said:

awww:hug: it sucks, just remember it isn't you...sounds like your mom is going through alot.:hug: still sucks though:(

Sami:hug: this cold sucks don't it!?:mad: I hate it..I cannot breath through my nose either..but if I open my mouth to breath at night..I get a sore throat...thats it..I am NOT breathing:angry:


exactly! and I have no choice but to breathe through my mouth while I'm sleeping (I guess it's a reflex) so I wake up every morning with a horrible dry/sore throat :| and to make it worse I was screaming my head off last night :lol:

DG- I know exactly how you feel, my dad has been like that forever. Most of the time I hate him (I know it sounds terrible but it's sadly true) but sometimes (rarely) I really like him...I think I always love him but only for the reason that I have to because he's my dad. I don't's screwed up :sigh:
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