PLEBA Girls Party - Hockey's back, and so are Jemma, VP and Ruff!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Diane L said:
Bye Bono Gal! :wave:

Hi DG & VP!! :wave:
I almost did something impulsive. I bid on a ticket to another MSG show (Tuesday, 10/11) on eBay. I was leading for a while, but I was outbid by the time it ended. I don't know if I'm sad or glad...a little bit of both, actually! But pleading poverty and turning around and trying to buy another ticket...what IS it about this band???? They are like crack on two legs (eight legs)???

I think almost every U2 fan here has a story similar to yours. :lol:

Hi Cindy! :hug:
CeeCee said:

I'm a baby fan, I don't have a story like that yet. I'm looking forward to the day when I do though!

DG! My Sims roomie! :hug:

BTW, when you read back, you'll notice that you and Larry(not sure which era) are getting along quite well. :sexywink:
Diane L said:
CeeCee, that's cute! :laugh:

Just make sure you have the money in the bank for the ticket. Revolving credit is evil--EVIL!!!

*sucks thumb and gazes adoringly at the Boys* Thank you! I'm 8 months old!

I will! I'm really fortunete, SG has said she'll give me her spare ticket for Detroit. I just gotta get my ducks in a row and buy plane tickets and hotel room.
Diane L said:
CeeCee, that's great that you'll be going to a show. And SG. that's so nice of you!!!

Just wait...JUST'll get hooked by the human crack that is U2 too!!! Too many shows is never enough!

Oh I'm already hooked! I can't go to sleep without having B crooning in my ear, and yesterday ont he drive home I managed to pick up the opening of a song and correctly name it as With Or WIthout You before Edge's guitar ever came in. I was so proud of myself. I've come so far. In Feb I couldn't tell :bono: from :adam:!
I figure I was fortunate enough to be included in the TO gathering, the least I could do was Share my detroit seats. Besides, I wanted to see the show with a fan and not just some person who would go with me :D
Sad_Girl said:
I figure I was fortunate enough to be included in the TO gathering, the least I could do was Share my detroit seats. Besides, I wanted to see the show with a fan and not just some person who would go with me :D

That's the situation I'm in. :sigh:
I'm pushing it going to Chicago

and.......just got grief from my brother that is going to St Louis show with me. Told him I might hook up with some pleba friends.
he said, "I'll be a TGI Fridays if you want me before the show"
greeneyedgirl said:
I'm pushing it going to Chicago

and.......just got grief from my brother that is going to St Louis show with me. Told him I might hook up with some pleba friends.
he said, "I'll be a TGI Fridays if you want me before the show"

And did you tell him you'd see him at the show? :lol:
VintagePunk said:

And did you tell him you'd see him at the show? :lol:

he can sit there and be quiet and like it.

last U2 tour, he saw them in Chicago and St Louis and didn't even tell me till it was too late for me to go. Little :mad: , but I love him most out of all my brothers :wink:
Well, since its my b-day and all, he was going to get off work and be with me for most of the day.
He could always stand outside and wait for a chance to meet the boys with me :drool: and we could send Mr GG to TGI Fridays instead.......
Sad_Girl said:
I figure I was fortunate enough to be included in the TO gathering, the least I could do was Share my detroit seats. Besides, I wanted to see the show with a fan and not just some person who would go with me :D

And I am eternally grateful for your generosity! Plus, I can turn to you and ask you what song he's singing when I don't know it or turn to you in excitement and say 'I remeber this song! I used to hear it on the radio!'. Plus I'm hoping we can have dinner or lunch or something and you can fill my head with all sorts of U2 knowledge!
Hi Fly! :hug:

CeeCee said:

And I am eternally grateful for your generosity! Plus, I can turn to you and ask you what song he's singing when I don't know it or turn to you in excitement and say 'I remeber this song! I used to hear it on the radio!'. Plus I'm hoping we can have dinner or lunch or something and you can fill my head with all sorts of U2 knowledge!

:up: :yes:
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