Pleba Girls Party - getting ready for a BIG one

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Are you talking about Wayne Gretsky? (sp?) :reject:

My best friend's uncle is a fanatic Rangers fan, he worked for them and stuff. Always has amazing seats and he has all autographed jerseys and stuff :cool:

(I hope I have the right guy and team :lmao: )
sami0201 said:
Are you talking about Wayne Gretsky? (sp?) :reject:

My best friend's uncle is a fanatic Rangers fan, he worked for them and stuff. Always has amazing seats and he has all autographed jerseys and stuff :cool:

(I hope I have the right guy and team :lmao: )

Yeah, Wayne's from my hometown. He (and his dad, actually), are like heroes, here.
~BrightestStar~ said:


Watch the States get gold just to rub it in :madwife:

I have no beer :sad:

I think (??) they've been elliminated, already. Is it wrong that that makes me happy? :lol:

Awwww, I'd share my beer with you. :hug: Heineken :drool:

Sarah and I were saying a while ago, last winter Olympics (when Canada won gold!) Sarah was on a bus, on her way to Quebec for her grade 8 trip. 4 years later, and she's getting ready for Europe. :)

And btw, I did the same thing, during the gold medal game 4 yrs ago. Her dad came over (that was back when we used to be friends :| ) and I had my coat on at the end of the 1st period, drove like a madwoman to the LCBO. The parking lot was totally empty. I ran in, grabbed my beer, and by the time I got to the cash register, a mob of about 40 people came in all at once. They were doing the exact same thing I was. :lmao:

I got back home just seconds into the 2nd period. Living close to an LCBO store :drool:
Hmmm... Hockey, not exactly my thing. I guess it's too cold to play soccer in the winter, though... I'd love to see them try :lol:
sami0201 said:

That's really cool

The only famous person to come out of my town is Marilyn Manson :yikes: :lmao:

That's something to be proud of. :lmao:

I've met Wayne and his dad. His dad is SO nice. Still live in the same house Wayne and his family grew up in, despite Wayne being a gazillionaire and wanting to buy them mansions. :happy: Everyone around here knows them, knows where they live, but people tend to be very protective of them.

Hi Wild!! :hug: Is your arm feeling any better?
VintagePunk said:

I think (??) they've been elliminated, already. Is it wrong that that makes me happy? :lol


That has lightened my spirits immensely. :happy: no, it's not wrong at all. :shifty:


Awwww, I'd share my beer with you. :hug: Heineken :drool

Sarah and I were saying a while ago, last winter Olympics (when Canada won gold!) Sarah was on a bus, on her way to Quebec for her grade 8 trip. 4 years later, and she's getting ready for Europe. :)

And btw, I did the same thing, during the gold medal game 4 yrs ago. Her dad came over (that was back when we used to be friends :| ) and I had my coat on at the end of the 1st period, drove like a madwoman to the LCBO. The parking lot was totally empty. I ran in, grabbed my beer, and by the time I got to the cash register, a mob of about 40 people came in all at once. They were doing the exact same thing I was. :lmao:

I got back home just seconds into the 2nd period. Living close to an LCBO store :drool


Canadians like hockey?

VintagePunk said:

I've met Wayne and his dad. His dad is SO nice. Still live in the same house Wayne and his family grew up in, despite Wayne being a gazillionaire and wanting to buy them mansions. :happy: Everyone around here knows them, knows where they live, but people tend to be very protective of them.

I've only ever heard good things about them. Supposively sweet people. :up:
I still remember the reaction when his wife got sick, very sad. :(

Wild :hug:
Hey hun, how's the arm?
JezSnape said:
Hmmm... Hockey, not exactly my thing. I guess it's too cold to play soccer in the winter, though... I'd love to see them try :lol:

Yeah, I said a page or two back, I'm not a hockey fan except for the world cup thingy, and Olympic hockey. :)
You'd laugh if you could see me now

I'm sitting here typing with one hand with my left arm (the one that hurts on top of my head ) :lmao:

i got the strongest pian relief without presciption but it's no good

the only position that the pain declines is when my arm is held high :shrug:
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