PGP -We're ready , ready for the puck

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

:shifty: Just. Because. I saved it as Bono smug, might've well named it Bono snug!

Isn't that a great photo!? :love:

Popmart Mexico is alllllllll about Pop Muzik/Mofo as the intro.

Sometimes that's all I watch of the DVD. :lol:

I love that intro!! And boxing Bono bonus for me. :drool:

Enjoy the dvd, MTE! :hyper:

Other than Rosebowl, which I watched a couple of times when I first got it, and Red Rocks, which is my porn, I haven't watched an official dvd in ages.

I watched Vertigo the other night, but I MUST get to this burning thing, you guys are making me want to see these bootleg dvds so bad! I just haven't had time to sit and really do it.

Which ones did she send you, Thora? I LOVE so many of the unofficial ones. The shows are often more fun and interesting, not quite so slick and polished.

See? Aaaaaahhh!!

Ah, Vegas is...a pirate's delight, ifyaknowwhatImean. :wink:

I have Edmonton, not sure if I've watched it yet.

Do you mean a Vegas bootleg VP? Which one? :ohmy:

Exxxcellent! :evil:

I have to share this hilarious tidbit with you all. I'm doing a run for breast cancer research in a few weeks, and on my iGoogle page, you can see my email inbox. Every time someone donates on my page, I get an email from them letting me know. The only thing is that iGoogle shortens everything up so you just see part of the name of the person emailing you (if it's really long). So all I end up seeing is "Canadian Breast - You've Received a Gift!" :lmao: It makes me laugh ridiculously loudly every time I get a new email from them. Gotta love my inappropriate sense of humour. :D

Ok I LOLed out loud! That is too funny!

At the top of my screen the tab bar also shortens everything too so my twitter window always says "Twitter Ho" at the top. :D

Ah-ha! I googled the phrase, and found my original post - I knew I posted about it when I saw it:

awwww sqweeeeeee!!!

VP Is Sarah feeling better?
Okay, no this is NOT the one I have and I would be very interested in hearing some or all of this :shifty:

It might be the one and you never noticed Edge talking? If you don't wear headphones or pay attention during the long pauses in music you might have missed it, but I'll PM you the link in case. :)

:shocked: You haven't seen Popmart Mexico yet????

And you're an EDGE girl????

:shifty: Oh my, you're gonna have quite some fun with that dvd then. Pornstache Popup Edge. :drool:

I know I've had fun with him! :shifty: :lol:

This may or may not be my Popup Edge ...

YouTube - Pop-Up Edge

Ok it is my Edge. :lol:
Do you mean a Vegas bootleg VP? Which one? :ohmy:

VP Is Sarah feeling better?

It's the Vegas Popmart dvd that's floating around out there, I've only seen the one. This particularly interesting :shifty: part is on You Tube, I've posted it before. The whole thing, really, but pay special attention for several seconds around 3:22, when he turns around, side angle, OMG.

YouTube - Until The End Of The World (Popmart Live From Las Vegas)

And can I state for the record that I've never really been a Bono ass aficianado, but good lord, the shape he's in and the pants he's wearing on this tour, but especially during this song/show, it gives me the vapours.
Oh and comet, Sarah's kept toast down this morning, but she's still really not feeling well.She's weak, sleeping a lot. I've been on the verge of going to get her about 86 times today, but she says she's not well enough to drive in the car for an hour. :( I really hate this. :( I'm leaning toward it being a stomach flu now. I'd drive up there just to take her stuff and check on her, but stomach flus hit me *very* hard. Bleh.

Anyway, thanks for asking. :hug:
Ahhh THAT show, well um yes, I have watched ... parts... of that one on you tube. :shifty:

I believe I even have a gif of 3:22 :lol:

and omg ... the vapours? :lmao:
Oh and comet, Sarah's kept toast down this morning, but she's still really not feeling well.She's weak, sleeping a lot. I've been on the verge of going to get her about 86 times today, but she says she's not well enough to drive in the car for an hour. :( I really hate this. :( I'm leaning toward it being a stomach flu now. I'd drive up there just to take her stuff and check on her, but stomach flus hit me *very* hard. Bleh.

Anyway, thanks for asking. :hug:

What a bummer. It's hard when kids are sick, even if they're old enough to "take care of themselves" it's hard not to want to help them. And poor girl, too sick to ride in the car. I remember being so sick once, I couldn't make it the 3 miles to the dr's office without stopping to :barf:
Oh and comet, Sarah's kept toast down this morning, but she's still really not feeling well.She's weak, sleeping a lot. I've been on the verge of going to get her about 86 times today, but she says she's not well enough to drive in the car for an hour. :( I really hate this. :( I'm leaning toward it being a stomach flu now. I'd drive up there just to take her stuff and check on her, but stomach flus hit me *very* hard. Bleh.

Anyway, thanks for asking. :hug:

Oh man, that sucks. :( Sending good healing wishes her way. :hug: Hopefully the rest will do her good.
Oh and comet, Sarah's kept toast down this morning, but she's still really not feeling well.She's weak, sleeping a lot. I've been on the verge of going to get her about 86 times today, but she says she's not well enough to drive in the car for an hour. :( I really hate this. :( I'm leaning toward it being a stomach flu now. I'd drive up there just to take her stuff and check on her, but stomach flus hit me *very* hard. Bleh.

Anyway, thanks for asking. :hug:

Well at least it sounds like she's a little better, and it's good she's sleeping. Aww poor thing :hug:
Thanks everyone. :hug: I'm a worrywart when it comes to loved ones' health, and especially her. She practically has to be dragged to see a doctor. At least she's been keeping in pretty constant touch when she's been awake. Haven't talked to her for 3 hrs now, she said she was going back to sleep, but I should be hearing from her soon.

I told her to ask one of her roommates to get her some Gatorade, but three of them she just met and she doesn't want to ask them, and the one she would reluctantly ask, he's got a cold, and can't go out. :rolleyes:
So I just ordered sushi for lunch from the place downstairs. It's a bit frustrating when the person who answers their phone doesn't speak English very well. I wanted something a bit different than what's on the menu, but since he could barely understand me, I just went with a regular order. I wish they'd have the people who speak fluent English answer the phone all the time, because I didn't want to confuse him any more than he already was. :huh: Oh well - what I'm having is delicious, so it will all be fine.
It might be the one and you never noticed Edge talking? If you don't wear headphones or pay attention during the long pauses in music you might have missed it, but I'll PM you the link in case. :)

I know I've had fun with him! :shifty: :lol:

This may or may not be my Popup Edge ...

YouTube - Pop-Up Edge

Ok it is my Edge. :lol:

Hee! Awesome. I can only imagine what kind of shenanigans PopUp Edge and I will get into! :shifty:

It's the Vegas Popmart dvd that's floating around out there, I've only seen the one. This particularly interesting :shifty: part is on You Tube, I've posted it before. The whole thing, really, but pay special attention for several seconds around 3:22, when he turns around, side angle, OMG.

YouTube - Until The End Of The World (Popmart Live From Las Vegas)

And can I state for the record that I've never really been a Bono ass aficianado, but good lord, the shape he's in and the pants he's wearing on this tour, but especially during this song/show, it gives me the vapours.

We need an eyepatch smiley! And I know what you mean- when he took off his boxer cape towards the beginning of the DVD I watched today, I was like "Whoooooa." All kinds of love to current-day Bono, but dayyyum, PopBono!

She's probably my mom's best friend in the whole world and my mom has anxiety/panic/stress issues already so this is just making it worse for her too. Man, cancer is a bitch.

Sorry, feel free to resume your regularly scheduled perving / drooling.

MTE, that vid made me :D

So I just ordered sushi for lunch from the place downstairs. It's a bit frustrating when the person who answers their phone doesn't speak English very well. I wanted something a bit different than what's on the menu, but since he could barely understand me, I just went with a regular order. I wish they'd have the people who speak fluent English answer the phone all the time, because I didn't want to confuse him any more than he already was. :huh: Oh well - what I'm having is delicious, so it will all be fine.

I know what you mean. We've been ordering from the same chinese restaurant since I've been little and I still can barely understand the people on the phone :wink:

Hope you enjoy your lunch!
So I just ordered sushi for lunch from the place downstairs. It's a bit frustrating when the person who answers their phone doesn't speak English very well. I wanted something a bit different than what's on the menu, but since he could barely understand me, I just went with a regular order. I wish they'd have the people who speak fluent English answer the phone all the time, because I didn't want to confuse him any more than he already was. :huh: Oh well - what I'm having is delicious, so it will all be fine.

Isn't that...awful? I had the same thing happen this morning, had to call and get some very important information regarding my student loan, and the guy I spoke to had such a thick accent, I could only understand half of what he said. I even said to him "I'm sorry, I'm having difficulty understanding you" and he was better for a sentence or two, but then he went back to being hard to understand again. It feels so culturally insensitive to say "could I speak to an English person?" but I *really* need the correct info. I'll have to call back tomorrow and hope I get someone else. :sigh:

I'm just a ball of sunshine lately. :wink:
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