PGP: Saluting Right Back at Bono

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Zu, I like that display! I've considered doing the album-covers-as-art thing in those square holders, but I'm lazy and know I'd probably end up buying, like, 3 and then never hanging them up. :lol:

I'm terrible with artwork and decor. Some of my posters are without frames, and it makes me feel like I live in a dorm room at 36. Ugh.
None of my posters have frames... *L* I dunno if there's much point framing things if I'm only going to have to move out of another rental house and pack them all up again.
Zu, I like that display! I've considered doing the album-covers-as-art thing in those square holders, but I'm lazy and know I'd probably end up buying, like, 3 and then never hanging them up. :lol:

I'm terrible with artwork and decor. Some of my posters are without frames, and it makes me feel like I live in a dorm room at 36. Ugh.

My friend bought me two album cover frames with two Larry album covers (Desire and ISHFWILF, I think). I actually wound up putting War and UABRS in them but still haven't hung them (I got them in May) :reject: Besides, Mr.Z says "How much U2 stuff can one house have?"

Our bedroom with 16' ceilings still has NO artwork on the walls.
Oh and I was looking for a pic of the posters we had framed & put up in our dining room but I can't find it. My sister in law gave me a HUGE poster of the JT album cover when I was out there last month :D

eta: found it:
new decor for new house - U2 Feedback

NICE! :up:

Zu, I like that display! I've considered doing the album-covers-as-art thing in those square holders, but I'm lazy and know I'd probably end up buying, like, 3 and then never hanging them up. :lol:

I'm terrible with artwork and decor. Some of my posters are without frames, and it makes me feel like I live in a dorm room at 36. Ugh.

I know what you mean :lol: I'm the same. I don't have the patience for framing and stuff usually so they are just tacked up, except for my JT litho in the livingroom I did get framed. All the rest are in the bedroom tho so nobody really sees them, but me :drool: (and hubby of course, but he doesn't count. :wink: )
My friend bought me two album cover frames with two Larry album covers (Desire and ISHFWILF, I think). I actually wound up putting War and UABRS in them but still haven't hung them (I got them in May) :reject: Besides, Mr.Z says "How much U2 stuff can one house have?"

Our bedroom with 16' ceilings still has NO artwork on the walls.

Tell Mr. Z that 1 house can have A LOT. :D
ha, ali...we do that in NYC all the time! I get heavy cardboard, bubble wrap, duct tape to safely tranport framed stuff.

Zu~the wall there is looking good!:applaud::applaud:

I want to hvae rock &roll wall consisiting of photos i've taken of The WHo, Partti Smith group, Bruce & E St and now U2 as well.

I plan to some kind of matting (not framing) and also get some of that display lighting - tiny light bulbs in clear or colored flexible tubing (or the lights are colored) in red for
R & R .
not enough $$ or room to "write out" Rock & Roll!

AND although i had to stop working on 2 posters I planned to do with some of my U2 photos, and adding drawing etc.... last Oct.
I plan for that to be a winter project as well. I'll put those up IF they work out!
Those are the two I have hanging up, although I think I have one or two others rolled up in the back of my closet. One is one of those giant JT album cover posters. I used to have LOADS of U2 posters, including a really hot AB-era Bono in leather, bending over and lighting a cigarette. UNF UNF UNF.

Wish I still had all of those. :(

UNF UNF UNF... that just made me think of doof-doof music you hear blasting out of someone's hotted-up car. *L*

I've got a bign B&W one of JT Bono crouching on some European stage somewhere... one from The Fly video, one with all the album covers up to ATYCLB, another JT or R&H era one but in colour, with the four of them loitering along a fence or something, and probably a bunch of others I can't remember.

:lol: I'm glad you "got" the joke.
Yeah really....the life of the party, them folks!

UNfortunately they affected certain areas of the USA, too. :(

i can be one of the most serious people on the planet! I've got my nind following issue in/of Politics, Enviromentalism, sexism, racism, trhe future of the USA ( and the world) etc etc....

BUT I ALSO sure know how to have a hell of a lot of fun!!!:hyper::yippie:

some one made up the line....( for a different Protestain emergent group) for The Purtians....approx...:

"A purtian is someone who get upset thinking that some one some where is having fun"

something like that but a bit wittier!

and, see, look UNF = FUN!!!!! :lmao:

ETA That was perfect timing on your post, cori!:applaud::applaud::wink:

I try to ignore politics as much as possible, which I know is not the most responsible attitude. But if I look at it too closely, it invariably pisses me off. Thank god the election campaign will at least be over after tomorrow, one way or another!

That sounds like a pretty accurate description of a puritan to me. :wink:
UNF UNF UNF... that just made me think of doof-doof music you hear blasting out of someone's hotted-up car. *L*


Well, sometimes Bono causes the same vibrations that the powerful bass does, so .... :whistle:

I love the *L* you do - I had a friend some years ago who haaaated doing "lol" so she decided she would just do *L*. :heart:
Ali you've been busy!! :ohmy: Sounds good though :up: (except for the scary stuff! Many years ago my NEIGHBORHOOD had one of San Diego's worse serial killers. He stayed totally within my neighborhhood. It was the scariest shit ever ever ever. He was finally caught only about a mile or 2 from my house.)

:yikes: That's way scarier! It was bad enough when I was staying with a friend in Chicago and heard these bangs in the distance, and thought someone's car was backfiring... no, they were gun shots. :reject:


I never did decide what to have for lunch, and now I'm starving, but I don't want to take the time to go outside (where it's cold and raining and gross) to get food.

Someone bring me pizza?
That sounds like a pretty accurate description of a puritan to me. :wink:

I remember a liberal talk show host that said "you may not be interested in politics, but some day politics is going to take an interest in YOU"

I grew up in a family that was interested in poltics , so I sort of absorbed it! :lol:SOmetimes I have to step away b/c yeah I canget very passionate and crcerned-scared/angry/frutrated..etc
But since descision can strongly or subtlely over time effect how we live...i want a hand in shaping the direction.

.I wish I could remember it exactly- i thot it was probably funnier!:D
UNF UNF UNF... that just made me think of doof-doof music you hear blasting out of someone's hotted-up car. *L*

I've got a bign B&W one of JT Bono crouching on some European stage somewhere... one from The Fly video, one with all the album covers up to ATYCLB, another JT or R&H era one but in colour, with the four of them loitering along a fence or something, and probably a bunch of others I can't remember.

I try to ignore politics as much as possible, which I know is not the most responsible attitude. But if I look at it too closely, it invariably pisses me off. Thank god the election campaign will at least be over after tomorrow, one way or another!

That sounds like a pretty accurate description of a puritan to me. :wink:

:yikes: That's way scarier! It was bad enough when I was staying with a friend in Chicago and heard these bangs in the distance, and thought someone's car was backfiring... no, they were gun shots. :reject:


I never did decide what to have for lunch, and now I'm starving, but I don't want to take the time to go outside (where it's cold and raining and gross) to get food.

Someone bring me pizza?




(Oops I forgot to write.) I couldn't remember who you would rather be fed pizza by so you got them all.

Great posters :) I have that b&w crouching Bono one too. :up: I think my favorite is my LoveTown, or my ginormous Bomb album cover. :hmm: I do love them all. I like the sound of that one you have of them by a fence.

Well, sometimes Bono causes the same vibrations that the powerful bass does, so .... :whistle:

I love the *L* you do - I had a friend some years ago who haaaated doing "lol" so she decided she would just do *L*. :heart:

Heheheh. The bass itself is generally enough for me... :drool:
(Although not that doof-doof stuff. REAL bass.)

Aw, ta. ;) It's a holdover from my very first days in chat rooms... It took a little while to pick up all the acronyms and emoticons and so on, and we didn't have handy smilies back in those days... and I got used to putting "*" around everything... *L* and *G* and *LOL*, etc... I hung onto the *L* cos it seems a bit less full-on than *LOL*/:lol:.
And I'm sure no-one needed to know the in-depth reasoning behind my emotive anachronism! :D
oops sentence just copped off :huh:
get such a smile talking to you in reat time , ali
when you are almost or directly on the other side of the globe.... I imagine there's a very long wire attached to the "tin can " each of use is using that goes straight through the planet!:lol:
:giggle: I think Fed Exing you a Pizza will take too long!

(Oops I forgot to write.) I couldn't remember who you would rather be fed pizza by so you got them all.

Great posters :) I have that b&w crouching Bono one too. :up: I think my favorite is my LoveTown, or my ginormous Bomb album cover. :hmm: I do love them all. I like the sound of that one you have of them by a fence.

:lol: Thanks ladies! For the thought and the pics... Right now I'd take a pizza from just about anyone... I was an Adam girl originally, though I am rather fascinated by Mr The Edge too.

He looks like he's going "Who ordered the Vegetarian? Come and get it!"

:larry: That's mine, ye eejit. :grumpy:
:edge: Oops. Maybe that nice lady will let you have some...

ETA: I was trying to remember more details about that colour poster... I think Edge has a kind of red shirt, and he's clean-shaven so I'm pretty sure it's not AB era. I think Bono's got some tie-dye thing and a vest, and this little cigarette in his mouth. Larry looks like he just slouched out of an audition to play James Dean.... Can't remember what Adam's doing. *L* There are some pretty strong shadows across their faces, or maybe that's just Edge's hat... I actually sketched them from the poster when I was in uni. :reject:
:giggle: I think the bodyguards behind Edge and Adam want their pizza too.

Ooh your poster has me intrigued now to find that pic!

Ok I'm off for a bit, need to go scan a picture for someone and watch some X-Files... my daughters and I are marathoning the series right now. (Big TV heads here, we're always marathoning through an entire series of something!) Nice talking to everyone. :wave:
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