Drea said:
I am merely a figment of your imagination
...a figment that will be occupying a seat in the Scotiabank Paramount theatre on Fri night to see U2 3D
my imagination's "on the road" again!
have grrrrreaaaaat time!
i'm nor sure i can take the 3D stuff- i qon't usually do well with it..... I asked someone explained to me what Beouwolf looked like when they took their 3D glasses off- so i'd get some idea for this.
My brain might try to compensate, and give me nasty eyestrain which can get me into nasty queasyness (not all eyestrain but certain kinds seem m more so).
i might go with jcos and others 2/24 on long Island . Diane L was also thinking of going.
I've been so
stressed out with my roomie situation, and some other things that have partially been exascerbated by her somewhat intermitten but continuing nastiness over the past yr are now giving me trouble, to becuase that energy drain from that slowed me down on some other things.
I got sick really late this past Sun (been feeling better each 24 hr cycle, not yet at, say, 90% better -- about ?80 - 85% ). I almost never get sick like that. Both phyiscal & physcological factors.
only remembered it was opening when i got to Interland- which hasn't been that often thesepast several weeks.
I'm hoping tho i might catch this weekend w someone(s) fron PLEBA ...
I could really use the DIVERSION, and the whooping it up esp with another U2/PLEBA would be GOOD Medicine
so wish me luck.